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Single Model
Single Model
Single Model
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Single Model

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La presente proposta cerca di uniformare il percorso natatorio dalle basi della scuola nuoto all'agonismo fino alle performance di alto livello.

Abbiamo provato a tracciare un percorso unico evidenziando le diverse metodologie didattiche per l'apprendimento tecnico sportivo del nuoto fino alla definizione delle doti fondamentali di un atleta di livello. Le basi teoriche su cui si regge tutta la proposta sono di tipo ecologico evolutivo.. Gli strumenti sono quelli legati alle Neuroscienze, Pedagogia, Biomeccanica e Biologia sportiva.

L'ambizione è quella di contribuire alla crescita ecologica della comunità coinvolta intesa come relazione fondante tra leggi della natura e interazione sociale.
Release dateNov 4, 2024
Single Model

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    Single Model - Sergio Nobilio


    The aim of this project is to structure a unique educational proposal for activities that revolve around water.

    The project is called the Single Model. Its structure stems from the need to rationalize the educational and training proposal reserved for young users practicing water sports. The founding feature of this proposal is the ambitious one to contribute significantly to the physical, ethical and social transformation of the individual.

    The tools used will be those related to Neuroscience, Pedagogy, Biomechanics, Sports Biology. The strategies used will be linked to the total relationship between the different forms of expression of the individual. The aim will be to develop the most basic forms of the individual up to the construction of sports performance of the highest level. The ambition is to contribute to the ecological growth of the community involved understood as a founding relationship between the laws of nature and social interaction.


    Swimming is simply meditation in motion. (Greg Louganis)


    In countries where sports training is not entrusted to school and university organization (age groups, high schools and colleges), associations are used for the teaching and training of the practice of swimming. In many cases, thanks to the management of public facilities or owned facilities, this objective must mediate between competitive selection and budgetary needs.

    The most organized sports clubs that manage swimming facilities are structured, even in competitive activities, following a business perspective.

    The Federations have also adapted the way they organize training. In Italy, from the end of the century to the present day, the Federation has organized structured teaching aimed at training pool staff capable of respecting both sporting and corporate budget needs. In the regions where the practice of swimming is more developed, the administrations that own the facilities have always helped the management financially as long as the latter maintained a high competitive level. This condition has forced the managers to invest in the teaching of the swimming school in order to have a continuous turnover. The organization of teaching is entrusted to the head of the swimming school and is developed with a mixture formed by what has been learned in the training courses, experience in the field, personal convictions and business needs. A training path is not always shared. Adjustments and corrections are often resorted to.

    It is common practice for children with advanced learning abilities, if the conditions are met, to be directed to pre-competitive learning. In general, learning tends to a cognitive process in which the environment is a function of the task to be carried out, of which a consciously advanced control is required. The approach that we propose in this work is evolutionist, linked to obtaining the spontaneous gesture as the maximum form of adaptation to the environment. The technical tool used is Embedded cognition. Embodied cognition considers the role of the body in the genesis of cognitive processes to be important, starting from its morphological and dynamic characteristics. It puts the body at the center, developing a virtuous process between perception and action. It goes beyond the representational strategy of gesture as an abstract and symbolic form. The descriptive part has as definiens an action and definiendum as an objective. The consideration of touch in the dual somesthetic and haptic meaning involves the whole body and the ability to manipulate in the cognitive act. It is not the goal that justifies the action and the motor scheme a means of it, but it is the description of the possible world that justifies the action, of which the motor pattern is a state of necessity. It is spontaneous evolution as a pre-symbolic form of our brain. It invests the most primitive areas as a boost to survival considered a biological imperative. A highly holistic approach where the individual and the environment cooperate at all mental and physical levels. The golden rule we apply is that the action is unique but the goal is different depending on the state of the skills incorporated by the student. The tools used will be those related to Neuroscience, Pedagogy, Biomechanics, Sports Biology. The ambition is to contribute to the ecological growth of the community involved understood as a founding relationship between the laws of nature and social interaction. The conquest of the environment is a fundamental step that is often underestimated. Unlike other animal species and plants which, thanks to a different and evolved sensory organization, have adapted over time to their environment which is considered a natural habitat, man has always sought domination or at least control of the environment. Evolution teaches us that domination does not always succeed. This generates feelings of anxiety or fear in the communities involved that grow exponentially with anthropogenic man. If we start from the assumption that there is no rigorous definition of buoyancy, the founding capacity of learning in water, we must embrace the thesis that activities that govern the physical laws of fluids such as balance, stability, alignment and advancement must be organized around this ability. The strategies for which these skills are developed cannot be disregarded, from an ecological didactic point of view, from the acknowledgment that the conquest of horizontality leads to the reconsideration of reference systems and variation of the use and priority of kinesthetic analyzers.

    In the phase of the conquest of the styles of advancement, the educational path in the water involves children who have finally conquered gravitational dexterity and have a despotic and possessive relationship with the objects they manipulate and make them regress in uncontrolled horizontality.

    It starts with what the upright posture and the plantar relationship know how to control the most. The transition from an approximate verticality to an approximate horizontality will be fundamental, up to the development of combined actions.

    Fundamental is the path previously addressed on the reference systems, on the planes and axes that represent the orientation of the child on land and in the water. Understand the different long and short axes of advancement and their postures.

    In all this motor revolution, which will be widely developed in the dedicated section, the torso is responsible for the overturning of the planes, therefore it must guarantee the function of stabilizer.

    Once you have the combined feed shapes on the axes, you can name the styles.

    Once elaborate forms of combined limb actions, good breathing timing potential and consolidation of horizontal posture have been achieved, specialization can be achieved. For a rigorous approach, an insider must know that even in swimming there are measurable and non-measurable quantities. The measurable ones are then divided into linear ones concerning progress and circulars relating to the technical gesture.

    In the literature, the idea has been advanced that the speed of travel, in addition

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