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Cosmic Religion Revisited
Cosmic Religion Revisited
Cosmic Religion Revisited
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Cosmic Religion Revisited

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We embark on a profound journey through time, exploring the intersections of ancient encounters with extraterrestrial beings and the foundations of modern religious beliefs. As new archaeological discoveries challenge the narratives we've accepted for millennia, this book reveals how these ancient cosmic interactions might have shaped our spiritual landscape. With each page, readers are invited to question the established status quo and embrace a spiritual revolution, preparing for a transformative shift in our worldview as we approach a future where the past holds the key to our enlightenment.

Release dateNov 13, 2024
Cosmic Religion Revisited

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    Cosmic Religion Revisited - Raphael Basisa


    Since the dawn of time, the first human beings, as they became intelligent, began to wonder how the Universe which contains the world they lived in and the humongous Galaxy they observed nightly above them was the maker of it all. The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Constellations, the Planets that gravitate around, the Galaxies, and the broad bright, and timeless expanse of the Universe that they observed above their head every night were stunning and wonderous. As well, questions followed for our existential reason and our place in this Universe, our Galaxy, and this Planet of ours. I believe at some point they must have fathomed of a very powerful entity or entities that had to be the source of it all – By entity or entities, I mean not a person or living beings. But then further questions should have logically followed thereafter querying about the where? The when? and the how? Of that very first creative entity entities (itself) themselves came to be? This inquisition was a result of our nature - We are an intelligent species and for such a species and as a result there has always been a need, a tendency to explore, discover, and master its environment. It's a natural responsive reflex for intelligence-endowed beings to wonder about life's primordial questions and the things that they observe around within their environment. Our counterparts in the animal kingdom do not possess these tendencies and therefore do not develop sets of beliefs, nor worship, venerate, or pray to anyone.

    Furthermore, eventually, thereafter, the exact deduction that our own reasons and purposes of beings must be related to the existentialism of this (these) powerful entity (entities) - The actual discovery of its or their origin and (its) their inherent nature must hold secrets for the purpose and reason of our existence. That was the beginning of the search for the Creator Entity (entities) (God or the Gods) - That is perhaps one of the elements for the origin of human spiritualism (religiosity) - to build the understanding of the who (the what), the when, and the how and also our relationship with this entity (these entities). The idea of spirituality was possibly derived following the assessment of the intensity of this Creator Entity or this Creative Force(s) or (Energy(ies)) behind the sophisticated gigantic Cosmos they were witnessing above.

    Because, as they visualized it, to be responsible for its creation one had to be beyond ordinary, above and beyond the normal natural principles (supernaturalism, mysticism).

    Then, at times, other subjects came along to attempt to provide answers to the questions of this mega-cosmic puzzle in a variety of ways. This Cosmic Puzzle came to us without a set of instructions on how it was put together. Therefore, man began to attempt to discover the means to master and understand it. Some of the most prominent means were under the subjects amongst which were Science, Culture, Tradition, and Religion. There was also History – The recordation of past events from the beginning of time: These historical events weren’t standing separate/isolated on their own until the recent modernization of study subjects, before then, most of the historical recounts, if not all of them could be found captured and/or encrypted within fossils and archaeological residues (e.g.: Dinosaur bones, sea shell, fossilized plants or animals), ancient artifacts and inscriptions (e.g.: Petroglyphs), expressive writings (e.g.:Sumerians’ Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs), religious texts, traditional folklore tales, and cultural myths.

    It was a good omen that the Sumerian Civilization of Mesopotamia, came to strike and was amongst the first mankind civilizations and that it was a civilization that possessed its own means of writing and recording historical events: Cuneiform – That fact is undeniable because given that it wasn’t a writing civilization, much of the effects of unveiling and verifying the prevalent religious dogmas that were already set in stone over the last 2,000 years by the Christian Church and the International might of the Roman Empire in its early days would have been impossible. Fortunately, much can’t be argued with written words. Just like the Hieroglyphs of the Egyptian civilization of the valley of the River Nile, it has had the respect of the pull and the push throughout the intellectual works in our world history. The similar respect that had been carried by the Dead Sea Scrolls in comparison. From around 325 A.D. when Rome admitted Christianity as its State Religion until around 1500 A.D. when Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Nicholas Kepler, and the Renaissance that followed afterward and other revolutionary measures enterprises against the status quo and began to challenge the Church’s authority, the authority that stemmed scientific progress and controlled the whole humanity’s mental state for the last 1,200 years. The readers of this book will surely find out that I put so much emphasis on this issue of the Power to be of an Era to silence certain aspects of certain information because the information is deemed by them to be destructive for whatever their agendas are – That is because, for the next two Chapter of this book, I have iterated these facts at least more than once. In the same way, what had occurred for the 1,500 years after the Council Nacea which took place in 325 A.D., books were blacklisted, and bearing them were severely punished under Roman Law during the time of our world’s history Rome was the dominant superpower. Those events plus much more eventually continued for the next thousand and a half years to around the 1500s A.D. Overall, that is to say, that Truth as we know it is something very relative. Relative means that it depends on various factors, many elements that may be known or unknown to the general public. What is viewed as True may not be true at all – It is just what the powers-to-be of the Era have decided to be generally accepted as True.

    Science has cumulatively built knowledge through empiricism and experimentation adjusting, improving, and modifying it over the years with step by step with new developments.

    Science and Philosophy to a certain degree are alone in their category, the experimental category, the methodical. But the three others (Culture, Tradition, and Religion) as well could be put altogether within a single category, a category of mythologies – And then much later history as an Art, a subject of learning. They all have somehow abruptly brought stationary mythical knowledge that they do not want to be altered by anything else in time and space by using them as sacred knowledge. My opinion on both sides of the equation (the scientific and the mythological) is that neither one nor both are wrong nor right; they simply telling different/separate versions of the same epic

    Each one of them can complement the other in many ways.

    So, right here, please let me take the liberty of one example. The myth of a worldwide cataclysmic flood for instance. Practically all religious texts in the world, all cultures, and traditions around the planet have such myths of certain Flood events that had taken place during certain epochs of the past. Some Theologians in certain religions have taken it and put a spin on the matter and turned it into a saga of obedience or disobedience against the demands (the sins against..., the Laws...) of the Divinity (the Christian biblical version). The Sumerian culture presented their versions on their Cuneiform tablets that the Gods ignited for the sake of controlling the human population that was increasing incontrovertible at breakneck speed and wanted to tame it down. For thousands of years, the scientific community only took these tales as mythological, but now they’re coming up with solid evidence that these events had actually taken place and that they were caused by cataclysmic unavoidable acts of god such as Volcanic Eruptions, abrupt melting of polar ice by something like Asteroid strikes... Archaeological digs in the pre-diluvial city of Nineveh in the country of Iraq back in the 1800s is an example because the muddy layer found deep down yielded to the scientists that they actually were a cataclysmic flooding event that destroyed a civilization in the orders of 13,000 to 15,000 years ago. I used these examples to explain that although the tales of Religions, Cultures, and Traditions at times may seem mythical, they may not simply be that – They have often been the resound of word-of-mouth historical events stories passed down from generation to generation before they were written down in religious texts, traditional folklores, and cultural tales.

    Death, Destruction, Decay, and the End of it all (the End of the World) were also a few of the other things that our Ancestors’ intelligence helped them wonder about as well. These three things were the things that instilled fear in them. They thus logically would have wondered how to mitigate them – The need to do that over time got ingrained in their psychic and as well as within the DNA they passed down as parents onto their own children, then their grandchildren, and all the following generations thereafter. Matthew Alper in his book The God Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God put forth that it’s at the core of the root causes of human spiritual need and religious experience.

    The entire human existence must have come across them in a vehicular sense, temporary and transitionary. We come here through birth from somewhere that is unknown, then we spend some years here on this planet, and furthermore, we die and leave the place to go to another unknown locus. This lack of permanence must have been a cause for major distress and duress upon their spirits given that they are frightful events to observe in themselves. As the old proverb goes; Necessity is the mother of inventions - It consequently became the reasons for to be much of the explanations for the many things in our world.

    Fear of death and dying must have been at the center of the cult of the afterlife. Similarly, to the epic of worldwide flooding, for example, the afterlife has taken its many own independent versions along with various mythological spins over different religious Theology, many Traditions, or various cultures around the globe. Thus, today, concepts such as Reincarnation, Heaven and Hell, Journey to the Land of the ancestors, return to the Celestial Abode of the Gods, Oblivion... are some amongst the many we found around the world. Archaeologists since the 1800s have found Graves of the first humans, the hominids for that sake – Scientifically, the Neanderthal man was the closest one to modern man: The Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The Neanderthal man was the first one that began to show signs of spirituality, and religiosity – The Neanderthal were burying their deceased family members. In those Neanderthal Graves artifacts apparently, to serve the dead during the Afterlife were the elements that were telling their life’s stories of the Neanderthal man and most importantly, the deceased were found buried in alignment with certain Celestial bodies; an indication of the importance and the veneration put toward those Astral bodies: Celestial Bodies Worship? – Scientists do consider this criterium as the early religious indicator: The Religious Index. Archaeologists also have unearthed structures that were considered as religious temples. One of them; is Gobekli Tepe in southern Turkey – The oldest Temple dated around 15,000 years old. Gobekli Tepe was also observed as aligned along Celestial Bodies. The alignment: A reinforcement of the notion of Celestial Bodies Worship by early human beings.

    In the recent past, as I am writing this book, on my local public TV, I watch one of Rick Steve's Europe show; the episode titled Prehistoric Europe. One can easily deduct that our early ancestors during Prehistoric times in Europe, just like everywhere around the globe, their veneration were directed to the Celestial Bodies of the Cosmos given that practically all their mega monuments like the stone circles they built had some Celestial functionalities, and related also to the natural cycles here on Earth like the seasonality, agriculture, their lifestyles.

    Stone Henge for example, as many are now interpreting it was a Sun Clock, a Sun Computer. Thus, until recent times, there isn't any presence of today's venerated supernatural spiritual God at all. Our best estimate, this God is a result of the interactions between the Anunnaki and the human civilization’s descendants from Mesopotamia – The Fertile Crescent Valley area.

    It had been said and transmitted throughout the age of generations after generations by those cultures and traditions that didn't have written means of communication and it has been written many times at a variety of places and manners by those civilizations who were capable of communicating with writing symbols that us human beings living in this planet at this moment in time, these very early days of human historical evolution, aren't the first ones and too perhaps may not be the last in the veneration of Celestial Bodies.

    One of them; the Popol Vuh claims that we are the fourth bunch presently living on the surface of planet Earth. As was postulated earlier, mass extinctions of some human civilizations before our own had taken place. Those cataclysmic events had wiped out humanity at those development levels and forced the few that survived to go back if not at an age or perhaps at stages prior to the Stone Age. That is thus to say that all modernity and technological advancement were completely destroyed by the cataclysm. Only those who lived outside of those civilizations, those who were accustomed to living without the modern amenities of those civilizations had the capacity to survive: The nomadic tribes still living under the hunter, and fisherman, scavenging and gathering for instance. If such a cataclysm occurred today, the people like the Pygmies living in the equatorial forests of Africa or the Aboriginal people of Australia and the Natives of the Amazonia would likely survive than those of us living for example within Boston, Massachusetts, USA metropolitan area. Also, perhaps in addition, in the case of a cataclysmic flood, those living in high-altitude places may have as well the chance to survive - Although, any elements of modernity and technological advancement of our Era will no longer be available. They will be forced to retreat living in caves and resuming hunter-gatherer-fisherman lifestyles. After the cataclysm, those who survive will have two major concerns. To rebuild from scratch and to preserve the few amenities of the past modernity and advanced technology for future generations to help them rebuild faster than waiting for another 6,000 years to naturally, organically evolve (Natural Evolution) back into what once as it was. The preservation of past technological artifacts may help in the cutting down of time (Forced or Artificial Evolution) it may contribute to cutting down the evolution time from 6,000 years down to maybe 2,000 years.

    Our Forefathers, our Ancestors had faced those cataclysmic events and possibly they had had some kind of forewarning, or maybe not, the few that survived naturally and practically would have done something to help mankind with Forced Evolution to artificially help us recover faster. The many artificial things we observe on our landscape today, if anything at all, are possibly the elements of the messages they intended for us to heed and understand - To help mankind transition easily to regain control over the planet. Unfortunately, today's humanity is egoistic and arrogant. We have consistently condescended to them to completely miss and misunderstand their warnings.

    In various places around the world, there has long been a discovery of certain imagery, depictions, artifacts, remnants traces of figurines that anyone even novices can only interpret as nothing that is currently seen around here today nor in our nearest past. Certainly, if those things that are portrayed within those imagery manuscripts are here now, they must have been there at once, at a certain point. But then, who are they? Where did they come from? Where did they go? Will they ever come back again? How did they get here or how did they leave?

    Things such as these are just what I, at times, referred to as Earth Changing Paradigms. They do cause us to reflect on the things that we have been taught or to question ourselves over what we think our history actually is. Most importantly also eventually re-pose demands upon the fundamental principles (place, purpose, and reason) of our own existence on this planet, Galaxy, and the Universe.

    A Paradigm is an archetype, a generalized status of things as they were known for a very long time. But one thing about Paradigms, they always turn into new ones: New Paradigms. That occurs when the old Archetypes are questioned in the face of a new aggression: New information, a new data clearly confront us to rethink many of our old assumptions of our immediate environment.

    That is where we all are today. In recent years, there has been a consistent and ongoing observation of the UFOs. So many amongst us have directly witnessed them.

    Equivalently, all religious texts of all religions have traces of them. All cultures and traditions around the globe have some way or another recital of their presence in their mythologies. For that, it is a good point in time that we assess the relationships that these phenomena may have had in the past our Ancestors had left us their depictions on cave wall paintings, in the stone chiseling, in their arts, their religious mythologies, traditional tales, mixed in their cultural events.

    That is the principal reason why we posit within the pages of this book that the current concept of the spiritual God, the Divinity venerated today by the lion's share of the worldwide population is new and a recent one. Early human religiosity did not include that spiritual God and neither displayed any behavior relative to his existence. In the cave vaults artistry that our deep Antiquity and Prehistoric Ancestors left behind for us, we don’t observe the imagery of this spiritual God similar to those of the Renaissance artists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries painted on the vaults of the old Catholic Cathedrals of Europe. Scientists and Archeologists figured the early signs of human religiosity as they observed the first evidence of the first humanoid beings beginning to bury their deceased relatives – They obviously intended to venerate their loved ones as important entities unlike our counterparts of the animal kingdom which lack intelligence and sense of spirituality: Spirituality (Religiosity) was a residue of the intelligence? The most ancient burials were found positioned in a fetal state and aligned along a celestial azimuth with certain skyward Astres. Often, within the land mass of the northern hemisphere, the celestial body used for that purpose was the North Star or the brightest Star of the Sirius Constellation – The brightest star they observed in the night sky year - in and year - out above their heads. Did our Ancestors fathom that earthly life came from there? Or did they object that this was the heavenly watchful eye at the center of their protection? Furthermore, suspected that that was the abode, the land of the human afterlife.

    For that, we were given enough good reason to investigate at what point that transformation had taken place, that ancient paradigm had shifted to give place into our current one. In the same way, this transformation was to occur, it will be the same way as the one to come will result in appearance. Paradigms always change.

    One aspect of my writings that the readers will surely come to recognize is that throughout the book, I often resorted to picking up the biblical textual scriptures’ passages from Jeff A. Brenner’s The Torah: A Mechanical Translation as far as the first five books of the Ancient Testaments are concerned. But when other biblical passages were needed, I selected them from the multiple versions of biblical texts available online on the Internet because their mechanical translations aren’t available anywhere. All of that is because, in the most practical way possible, I am adamant about avoiding bringing Theological adulterations of the biblical texts by using non-mechanical translations of the texts that I use. My opinion on the Theological adulterations of the biblical texts is that it represents a serious problem. This comes from my own personal experience and those of countless scholars and experts in the field. Many among them have even voiced the argument that the biblical narrative that we read every day in the available Bible tells different stories than what was intended by the writers of the original version. From that, I have always been steadfast in guarding that level of integrity.


    Since after World War ll around 1945, there had been an upsurge of UFO encounters. Various people from a variety of walks of life from perhaps all four corners of our planet have been direct eyewitnesses of the phenomenon. Despite the hypocrisy and secrecy of governments and a small elite on the subject, nothing could convince this growing number of Earth’s citizens that we are either being observed or monitored or being guarded or even herded at some fashion or another by highly advanced technological beings from advanced civilizations from other worlds or other realms.

    These events have brought up a new public awareness that, we, humans, contrary to our current religious beliefs and spiritual teaching, there are other intelligent beings that exist and the serious significance of that is that we do not yet know whether these visitors are coming down in peace or to mean our arm.

    My personal fear is that as this new awareness grows and further information about the nature of the past, present, and future status of these beings whether Extraterrestrials, Dimensional, or just simply the real nature of our current Deity or Deities may become cause to persuade otherwise, cause stir up, or to challenge for the existing organized religions which have told us of their doctrinal dogma for long enough. Many will begin to question or revolt - Religions are about fear, control, and dominance.

    Already, the archaeological finds of the last two centuries (e.g. Sumerians’ Tablets), the renewed interest in the folklore of many different cultures around the world, and the new analytical studies of existing religious documents have corroborated that these new beings are providing to today's humanity with the ammunition similar to those discovered by the Dead Sea Scrolls which brought about serious counterbalance to the prevailing teachings on the Bible scriptures that most of us have accustomed to reading and believing in. It presented another facade of things helping us to double-check our current understanding and overall belief systems.

    As we shall prove within this book, the initial old Religions were definitely Cosmic, but for one purpose or another that will be further discussed within the texts of this book, misrepresentation or outright adultery of the original text to transpire Theological Dogmas took prime from the actual intended by those who wanted that information preserved for posterity.

    Equally, the new upcoming Religion will be Cosmic as well - Believing in the planetary Gods (planetary Saviors?) - they are super-technological than our nowadays heavenly God (heavenly Savior) - the supernatural, the spiritual ones as we have been taught. We're now finding that supernatural and spiritual is simply dogma, nothing more...

    In the late 1500s, Giordano Bruno, an Italian Monk, was burned at the stake over that, ... Others, in the later centuries were excommunicated because of it too, and Furthermore, those whose intellectual works spoke along those same lines of thinking were rebuked by the powerful church.

    Today, the timing is ripe that those truths should be said once again, but this time loud and clear that the Deity or the Deities that we were always made to venerate aren’t exactly what they were portrayed to be. Furthermore, the creation saga of the Universe isn’t what the Religions of this world have long explained to us. Again, what was exposed to us as spirituality, and supernaturalism may simply spell differently in comparison to the dogmas we were led to believe.

    Wikipedia explains the meaning of Paradigm in science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field. The word paradigm is Greek in origin, meaning pattern, and is used to illustrate similar occurrences. When do Paradigms shift? Paradigms always shift and transform to give way to something new as the natural evolution of everything progresses. Old patterns fall to give rise to new ones. A good example of Paradigm's shift occurred during the era of Copernicus and Galileo when they convinced the human race that we do belong to a vast Cosmos whereas our home planet isn’t that significant piece of. Their Questioning of our entire past conception of ourselves and our environment had caused the beginning toward an entirely new direction.

    In light of these new discoveries that man is not alone in the Cosmos, humanity is therefore coming to the realization that much of what we have learned in our world's past and from then to now is not fixed with the truth. So much of the things we were taught based on the old paradigms should no longer be viewed as truth, but rather skewed.

    We should therefore question everything that we were taught up to this point to ascertain which ones are linked to truth and as to which ones aren't in order to proceed to the next step of our human civilization evolution.

    However, the truth in itself is a tricky subject to know and achieve given the multitude of factions that are centered on denying its existence. Their defense is that the general knowledge of the truth may result in societal disintegration, public uprisings, riots against government authority, and many other things considered as vice. For that, truth as we understand it will forever remain a simple promise and not realistic.

    This Cosmic Religion comes from the worldview that girdles humankind and our environment differently than what we have traditionally been painted as along the same vein as that during the time of the great mind which started with thoughts such as those of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Einstein and many others. This part is the continuation of that worldview that is responsible for overturning our old way of thinking into newer ones.

    The following are the basis for the transformative elements of this Cosmic Religion that comes under the new paradigmatic matrix that it's reality-based, not a presumption, but on the assumption that:

    1) We're living within the Universe (Cosmos), the Galaxies, the Stars, and the Planets which are themselves sentient living intelligent entities endowed with consciousness. Our forefathers, our Ancestors from deep Antiquity or the late Prehistoric times were well aware of this fact. Thus, they venerated the Cosmos above, they directed their prayer toward the great space above their heads where they visually observed the Galaxies, the Stars, and the Planets. The focus above was not towards a supernatural and spiritual individual being who was supposed to be up there sitting upon some kind of throne awaiting to pass judgment upon those who had done wrong (the sinners) and reward those who do the right things by obeying his will (the believers). The many archaeological finds around the world speak well of that fact in the early days of humanity.

    2) Everything within the Cosmos obeys the Laws of Oneness - meaning that all that we see and experience in the Universe is consciously interconnected, interwoven, and makes up the one final great Cosmic entity.

    3) The DNA that is the basis of all lives in the Universe is also in itself a conscious sentient living entity and as well is reproduced and connected to the Universal Intelligent (the one final great Cosmic entity). And that DNA itself is a sentient product of the Universe, thus it's the origin of its inherent nature and the Cosmos-wide source of all living matters.

    4) Time moves in a cyclical fashion instead of a linear one as always previously thought of. Older and previous lost civilizations were aware of these facts and tried to relate them to us in various ways that were possible for their levels of evolution.

    5) That the actual Creator God or the Gods of the Universe isn’t or aren't (an) individual being(s) as we are taught by our worldly religions. Those certain individuals being entity Gods are those biblical individual Gods that we've been presented were actually biological entity species from outer space planets on visitation here on Earth. Various religious texts around the world give us tales of their existence and their cultures and conduct - they weren't what we would construe as traditional religious and they venerated anyone or worshipped any other entity or entities above themselves as Deities. For that, there is a good reason to question where our religiosity came from. Their high technology and advanced technical know-how helped them travel from their home planet to ours. Their high technology and advanced technical know-how were translated as supernaturalism and spirituality by Theologians.

    That the actual Creator God or Gods of the Universe isn't or aren't (an) individual being(s), but the creative energy embedded in the Universe, the creative force of the Cosmos.

    6) Because we human beings are interwoven with the Universe, thus God as well resides within us and therefore isn't an external force, outside energy not inside of ourselves. We're interwoven with the Universe as one entity via our DNA, our Pineal Gland, our consciousness, and our Brain. The source field energy is the thread, the driving force within.

    7) There is a hidden logic that we all have to follow, there's an unseen structure that guides each one of us toward a greater sense objective. All of these, only if collectively we are all geared to the achievement of the Golden Age that may occur within our lifetimes if only we would all work together to stop the wheel of Karma from continuing to churn again and again by avoiding the self-serving and engaging in the service to others, stop the narcissism, lack of courage, unwillingness to take responsibility, and immaturity. Greater satisfaction with one's life (Life's purpose), more love for oneself and others (Elixir of Life), and greater happiness and immortality. We shall then achieve higher levels of consciousness and spiritual evolution. The Pineal Gland, one of the bodily organs

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