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Sustainable Chemistry in Action
Sustainable Chemistry in Action
Sustainable Chemistry in Action
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Sustainable Chemistry in Action

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Discover the path to a healthier life through the principles of sustainable chemistry. Our book, Sustainable Chemistry in Action, delves into the mysteries of chemicals and their impact on human health and the environment. We expose the harmful effects of industrial chemicals and highlight the importance of adopting greener practices.
Environmentalists have long raised alarms about these invisible killers, prompting governments and chemists to seek greener solutions. This book explores the development of environmentally friendly products, such as toiletries and detergents, replacing harmful substances with safer alternatives.
We discuss the pervasive issue of plastic pollution and its devastating effects on ecosystems. Awareness and education are crucial in promoting sustainable practices, and this book aims to enlighten readers on the importance of green chemistry. Chemists are leading the way by utilizing renewable resources, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable world.

Release dateJan 3, 2025
Sustainable Chemistry in Action

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    Book preview

    Sustainable Chemistry in Action - Gautami Devar

    Sustainable Chemistry in Action

    Sustainable Chemistry in Action

    Gautami Devar

    Sustainable Chemistry in Action

    Gautami Devar

    ISBN - 9789361523175

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    I am trying to reach out and talk to you readers, through this book. As I look back, on the mind breaking journey, all the thoughts come rushing back to me. Researching and writing this book, Green Chemistry has been a time-consuming and challenging affair, but if I confess, it was thoroughly exciting.

    Writing a non- fiction genre in itself is a difficult task. But this book got me thinking about how we take the environment and all the material and natural things in the world as granted. Never giving a thought, that it may get depleted, and we may end up with hazardous results. We get so worked up in our fast-paced lives, that we may be standing at the brink of an environmental crisis does not occur to us. Neither the pollution, we create by our callous ways to the atmosphere, enveloping us.

    So here the concept of green chemistry takes shape which tries to tackle this problem at the grass-root level itself. This is the fundamental principle of this theory, that is, replacing the non- renewable depleting resources with natural and renewable resources. To find alternative solutions to problems of using chemicals in manufacturing and industries which are hazardous to human health in the long haul.

    The ultimate endeavor of mankind, since time immemorable, has been to explore the safest and best possible ways, for the best evolution of the human race. To process clean drinking water, to inhale clean air which is not poisonous and to find a cure for diseases by inventing medicines, beneficial to the human race. But in the process, the issues erupting from these innovations, which was creating a lot of harm in other ways, was overlooked.

    So, in this book, all these burning topics are discussed, and solutions discovered have been written in a simple language for the students of chemistry or even a layman to understand. This is a humble and very insignificant contribution from my side to the world in which we live and breathe.

    It is said, ‘‘Awareness creates responsibility.’’ So, from this experience of mine, if I can change the mindset of even a few people regarding the polluting of the environment by poisonous chemicals, and be responsible citizens of the world, my work would be half done. So, I present this book before you, for the safety of the future generations to come.

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction to Green Chemistry 1

    1.1. Introduction 1

    1.2. More about Green Chemistry 2

    1.3. The Twelve Principles 2

    1.3.1 Atom Economy 3

    1.3.2 Synthesis 3

    1.3.3 Molecular Design 4

    1.3.4 Solvents 4

    1.3.5 Energy 4

    1.3.6 Renewable Materials 4

    1.3.7 Derivatives 5

    1.3.8 Catalysis 5

    1.3.9 Biodegradation 5

    1.3.10 Analysis 6

    1.3.11 Accident Prevention 6

    1.4. Future Challenges Related to Green Chemistry 7

    1.4.1 Twelve Principles as a Cohesive System 7

    1.4.2 Multi-functional Catalysts 7

    1.4.3 To master the Weak Forces for Synthesis and Properties 7

    1.4.4 Integrative Systems Thinking 8

    2. Doing without Phosgene, Hydrogen Cyanide,

    and Formaldehyde 9

    2.1. Phosgene 9

    2.1.1 Uses of Phosgene 10

    2.1.2 Traditional Method of Production of Isocyanates 10

    2.1.3 Doing without Phosgene 12

    2.2. Hydrogen Cyanide 13

    2.2.1 Uses of Hydrogen Cyanide 14

    2.2.2 Doing without Hydrogen Cyanide 15

    2.3. Formaldehyde 16

    2.3.1 Doing without Formaldehyde 16

    3. Everything about Chlorine Controversy 18

    3.1. Water - The Building Block of Life. 19

    3.1.1 How Water gets Recycled in Nature? 19

    3.1.2 Need for Water 20

    3.1.3 Misuse of Freshwater 21

    3.1.4 Pollution in Water 22

    3.1.5 Effects of Water Pollution 27

    3.1.6 Remedy for Water Pollution 28

    3.2. Introduction to Chlorine 28

    3.2.1 Why chlorine is chosen over other Elements? 30

    3.2.2 Structure and Properties of Chlorine 31

    3.2.3 Production of Chlorine and Chlorine Compounds 31

    3.2.4 Procedures for the Formation of Chlorine Compounds 35

    3.2.5 Applications of Chlorine 37

    3.2.6 Uses of Chlorine and their Effects 40

    3.3. Chlorine Controversy 43

    4. Everything about Toxic Heavy-metal Ions 45

    4.1. Introduction 45

    4.2. Eradicating Heavy Metal Ions From Wastewater 47

    4.3. Heavy metal ions are Additional Worry of Gas

    Sweetening Element 49

    4.4. Methodology 50

    4.5. Use of Non-materials for the Elimination of Heavy

    Metal From Wastewater 51

    4.6. Electrospun Benefits 51

    4.7. Iron-based Nanohybrids for Water Intractable

    Pollutant Dealing 52

    4.8. Increasing Risk to Human Life 53

    4.9. How it gets into our body? 53

    4.9.1 Herbicides and Pesticides 53

    4.9.2 Public Water 54

    4.9.3 Air Pollution & Vehicle Exhaust 54

    4.9.4 Personal Care Products 55

    4.9.5 Dental Fillings 55

    4.9.6 Some Pharmaceutical Drugs 55

    4.9.7 Furniture 55

    4.9.8 House and Car Keys 56

    4.9.9 E-Cigarettes 56

    4.10. Take Immediate Step to keep a Healthy Living 56

    4.10.1 Methods 58

    4.11. Results of Lead Arsenic and Mercury 58

    4.11.1 Arsenic 58

    4.11.2 Lead 59

    4.11.3 Mercury 59

    5. A Brief About Solid Catalysts & Reagents for

    Ease of Workup 60

    5.1. What is Green Chemistry? 60

    5.2. Solid Catalysts and Reagents 61

    5.3. Different types of Solid Catalyst and Reagents 65

    5.3.1 Metal Catalysts 66

    5.3.2 Metal Oxide Catalysts 67

    5.3.3 Metal Complexes 67

    5.3.4 Biocatalysts 68

    5.4. Reagents in Green Chemistry for ease of workup 74

    5.5. Grignard Reactions 76

    5.5.1 Selection of Substrates and Solvents for the

    Grignard Reaction 77

    5.5.2 Results and Discussions 78

    5.5.3 Aryl Grignard reactions for Benzyl Alcohol 79

    5.5.4 Aryl Grignard reactions for Benzyl Tramadol 79

    5.5.5 Heteroaromatic Grignard Reactions 79

    5.6. Summary 80

    6. A Brief about Solid Acids and Bases 81

    6.1. Brief Introduction to Acids and Bases 82

    6.1.1 Indication of Acid or Base 83

    6.1.2 Explanation of Acids and Bases 84

    6.2. Strength of Acids and Bases 87

    6.2.1 Equilibrium Constant for Measuring the Strength 88

    6.3. Brief about Acidity 90

    6.4. Structures and Properties of Acids and Bases 91

    6.4.1 Structure of Acids and Bases 91

    6.4.2 Properties of Acids 91

    6.4.3 Properties of Bases 93

    6.5. Brief Introduction to Catalysis 94

    6.5.1 Types of Catalysts 95

    6.5.2 Positive and Negative Catalysts and Auto-catalysts 96

    6.5.3 Working Principle of Catalysts 96

    6.6. Solid acids and Solid bases 98

    6.7. Uses of solid acid catalysts and solid base catalyst 99

    7. Detailed Overview of Chemical Separations 101

    7.1. Introduction 101

    7.2. What is Chemical Separation? 102

    7.3. What is a Chemical way of Separation? 103

    7.4. Separation Process 103

    7.5. Seven Chemical Separations to change the world 109

    7.5.1 Seven Separations 110

    7.5.2 Other Steps 115

    7.5.3 Method 116

    8. Brief about Working Without Organic Solvent 117

    8.1. Introduction 117

    8.2. What do you mean by Organic Solvent? 118

    8.3. Types of Organic Solvent 120

    8.4. All you need to know about organic Solvent 121

    8.4.1 Properties of Organic Solvent 121

    8.5. How can one prevent itself from the harmful

    effects of Organic Solvent? 122

    8.6. Possible Replacement of Organic Solvent 123

    8.6.1 Bio-renewable Solvents 124

    8.6.2 Greener Substitutes 124

    8.6.3 Greener Chromatography Solvents 124

    8.7. Bio-renewable Solvents as a replacement for

    Organic Solvent 125

    8.7.1 Various Benefits of using Renewable Solvents 125

    8.8. Working with Greener options and Bio-renewable Substance 127

    8.8.1 The Evident Benefit of using Greener Solvent

    are as follows 128

    8.9. Summary 129

    9. Detailed Overview of Biocatalysis & Biodiversity 130

    9.1. Introduction 130

    9.2. Advantages 131

    9.3. Limitations 131

    9.4. Biocatalysts 131

    9.5. Enzyme Kinetics 132

    9.5.1 Enzyme Reactions 132

    9.5.2 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity 133

    9.6. Technique of Biocatalysis 134

    9.6.1 Ethanol Production 134

    9.6.2 Enzyme Immobilization 134

    9.7. Immobilization Methods 135

    9.7.1 Adsorption 135

    9.7.2 Electrodeposition 136

    9.7.3 Covalent Bonding 136

    9.7.4 Entrapment 137

    9.7.5 Encapsulation 137

    9.7.6 Whole Cells 137

    9.8. Enzymes in Organic Solvents 137

    9.9. Chymotrypsin Catalysis 138

    9.9.1 Increase in Thermal Stability 138

    9.9.2 Catalytic Antibodies 138

    9.9.3 White Biotechnology 138

    9.10. Uses of enzymes in industries 139

    9.11. Biodiversity 140

    9.12. Distribution of Biodiversity 140

    9.12.1 Types of Biodiversity 140

    9.13. Biodiversity of India 141

    9.14. Importance of Biodiversity 141

    9.15. Uses of Biodiversity 142

    9.16. Threats to Biodiversity 142

    9.17. Conservation of Biodiversity 143

    9.17.1 Biospheres and Biodiversity Reserves 143

    9.17.2 Hotspots 144

    9.17.3 Desert National Park 144

    9.17.4 Wildlife Corridors 144

    9.17.5 International Efforts 144

    9.17.6 World Conservation Union, IUCN 145

    9.17.7 United Nations Environment Program, UNEP 145

    9.17.8 The Worldwide Fund for Nature, WWF 145

    9.17.9 Global Environment Facility 145

    9.17.10 United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization 145

    9.17.11 The World Resources Institute 145

    9.17.12 Global Biodiversity Assessment 146

    9.17.13 Man and Biosphere Program MAB 146

    9.18. Recent Development 146

    9.18.1 Global Biodiversity Challenge 146

    9.18.2 Global Biodiversity Outlook 146

    9.19. Summary 147

    10. Detailed Overview of Stereochemistry 148

    10.1. Introduction 148

    10.2. Various Definitions 149

    10.3. Uses of Stereochemistry 150

    10.4. History of Stereochemistry 151

    10.5. Significance of Stereochemistry 151

    10.5.1 Thalidomide Example 151

    10.6. Describing a molecules’ stereochemistry 152

    10.7. Types of Stereoisomerism 153

    10.8. Atropisomers 153

    10.8.1 Scope of Atropisomer 154

    10.9. Stereochemistry and its role in drug design 154

    10.10. Chirality and Antimicrobial agent 156

    10.11. Important terms 158

    11. Detailed Overview of Agrochemicals 160

    11.1. Introduction 160

    11.2. History of Agrochemicals 161

    11.3. Ecology 162

    11.4. Fertilizers 162

    11.4.1 Fertilizers History 162

    11.4.2 Mechanisms of Fertilizers 163

    11.4.3 Production 164

    11.5. Liming and Acidifying Agents 166

    11.6. Pesticides 167

    11.6.1 Type of Pesticides and their Target Pest Group. 168

    11.6.2 Uses of Pesticides 168

    11.6.3 Alternatives for Pesticides 169

    11.6.4 Classified by type of Pest 169

    11.7. Soil Conditioners 171

    11.7.1 Composition 171

    11.7.2 Purpose of the Soil Conditioners 171

    11.7.3 Application 172

    11.8. Agrochemicals used for the Animal Husbandry 172

    11.9. Advantages of using Agrochemicals 173

    11.10. Disadvantages of using Agrochemicals 173

    12. Useful Materials for a Sustainable Economy 175

    12.1. Introduction 175

    12.2. Economic Growth 177

    12.3. The beginning of a new era in the study of Economics 178

    12.4. The History of Green Chemistry 178

    12.5. Criteria for Green Chemicals 180

    13. Brief about Chemistry of Long-wear 186

    13.1. Introduction 186

    13.2. Better Living through Green Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals 187

    13.2.1 The curse of Immortality 188

    13.2.2 Clean Water Systems – a Necessity 188

    13.2.3 Short Lived Molecules 188

    13.2.4 Designing of Biodegradable Pharmaceuticals 189

    13.3. Better living through food and drink through

    the Chemistry of long wear 189

    13.4. Chemistry of long wear and Packaging 190

    13.5. Long wear Chemistry and the safe use of Cosmetics 191

    13.6. Clothing and the Chemistry of long wear 191

    13.7. Synthetic Polymers – Uses and effects 191

    13.8. Diverse application of sulfur in the Chemistry of long wear 193

    13.9. The use of Polysulfides for Environmental Protection

    and Remediation 194

    13.10. Production of sulfur from citrus fruit 194

    13.11. Electrospinning 196

    13.12. Sustainable and long wear Energy Production and

    Storage through Polysulfide 197

    14. Brief About Chemistry of Recycling 198

    14.1. Recycling 199

    14.1.1 The History of Recycling 200

    14.1.2 Supply 201

    14.2. Recycling Consumer Waste 202

    14.2.1 Source Separation 203

    14.2.2 Buyback Centres 204

    14.2.3 Drop-off Centres 204

    14.2.4 Distributed Recycling 205

    14.2.5 Sorting 205

    14.3. Recycling Industrial Wastes 207

    14.4. E-Waste Recycling 208

    14.5. Plastic Recycling 209

    14.6. Chemical Wastes 211

    14.7. Waste Management 213

    15. Detailed Overview of Energy and the Environment 216

    15.1. Energy 216

    15.1.1 Introduction 216

    15.2. Radiant energy from the Sun 217

    15.2.1 Electromagnetic Radiation 218

    15.2.2 Direct and Indirect Solar Energy 219

    15.3. Green Engineering and Energy Conversion Efficiency 221

    15.4. Renewable Energy Sources 223

    15.4.1 Solar Energy 223

    15.4.2 Wind Energy 224

    15.4.3 Biomass Energy 224

    15.4.4 Geothermal Energy 225

    15.4.5 Nuclear Energy 225

    15.5. The Environment and Environmental Spheres 225

    15.6. Environmental Chemistry 228

    15.7. Environmental Pollution 228

    16. Everything about the Population and Environment 229

    16.1. Population 229

    16.1.1 Introduction 230

    16.1.2 Past Population 230

    16.1.3 Population Growth 231

    16.1.4 Population Control 233

    16.2. Environment 234

    16.2.1 Introduction 234

    16.2.2 Population Growth and its Impact on the Environment 235

    16.2.3 Negative Impacts 236

    16.3. Environmental threats and Opportunities 236

    16.4. Environmental Challenges 237

    16.5. Pressure on the lands 237

    16.6. Land and Soil Degradation 238

    16.7. Forest Resources 239

    16.8. Habitat Destruction and the loss of Biodiversity 240

    16.9. Changing the Consuming Patterns 241

    16.10. Air pollution, Global Warming, and Climate Change 242

    17. Detailed Overview of Environmental Economics 244

    17.1. Introduction 244

    17.2. Sustainability 245

    17.3. Restoration of Natural Capital 246

    17.4. Roots in Pollution Prevention 246

    17.5. Design for the Environment 248

    17.6. Successful Projects of Environmental, Economical Design 251

    17.7. Techniques used by the States for an Advanced Design

    for the environment 252

    17.8. Application and establishment of the environmental,

    economic program 253

    17.9. Economic Incentives for Green Chemistry and Deisgn

    for Environment 254

    17.9.1 Set up a fund for Research and Development. 254

    17.9.2 Provides Tax Incentives 255

    17.9.3 Provides Investment Tax Credits, Loan

    Guarantees, Low-interest loans, or subsidies

    for Manufacturing Equipment or Products

    Based on Green Chemistry 255

    17.9.4 Provide Incentives Tied to Economic

    Development Projects 255

    17.10. Recognition Programs 256

    17.10.1 Implementation of The Environmental

    Economics Program and Design For the Environmental Awards Program 256

    17.10.2 Recognition of Top Poster Displays

    at Conferences 256

    17.11. Regulations and Policy Tools 256

    17.11.1 Requires Environmentally Responsible

    State Purchasing 256

    17.11.2 Application of Fee or Tax to Substances of

    High Concern 256

    17.11.3 Negotiation of Supplemental Environmental

    Projects Focused on GC and DfE in

    Enforcement Settlements 257

    17.11.4 Preparation of GC Action Plans for Chemicals

    of High Concerns 257

    17.11.5 Requires Safer Alternative Planning 257

    17.11.6 To Restrict Chemicals and Products of Concern 257

    17.11.7 Preparation of list of Chemicals of Concern 257

    17.12. The Roles played by Educational Institutions 258

    17.12.1 Create a Green Chemistry Educational Network 258

    17.12.2 Also, offers GC and DfE college Courses 258

    17.12.3 Provides GC and DfE Scholarships and

    Internships and Graduate Student Support 259

    17.12.4 Promotes and Encourages K 12 Education Programs 259

    17.12.5 Establishing Consortia of State Research

    Universities to Support Environmental Economics 259

    17.12.6 Convenes Innovation Focused Industry Dialogues 259

    17.12.7 Hosting a Symposium for the Industry 260

    17.13. Information Toolbox for Environmental Economics 260

    17.14. Environmental Economics and its Design for the Future 261

    17.15. Green Screen 262

    17.16. Pet Profiler 262

    17.17. Chemical Toxicity Data 262

    17.18. Exposure Assessment Tools 263

    18. Brief about Greening 264

    18.1. Going green 264

    18.2. What is Greening? 265

    18.2.1 Facade Greening Through Several

    Supporting Hiking Plants on Climbing Aids 265

    18.3. Benefits of Greening 266

    18.3.1 Ecological Benefits 266

    18.3.2 Low-cost and Financial Benefits 267

    18.3.3 Wellness Benefits 268

    18.4. Greening Business 268

    18.5. Benefits of going Green Business 271

    18.5.1 Authorized and Governing Compliance 271

    18.5.2 Ability Saves Finances 271

    18.5.3 Green Business Understanding 271

    18.5.4 Influence on Representative Confidence 272

    18.6. Green as a Must-have 272

    18.7. Nine conduct to go Green and Protect Green 272

    18.7.1 Save Energy to Save Money 273

    18.7.2 Save Water to Save Money 273

    18.7.3 Eat Smartly 274

    18.7.4 Leave the Bottled Water 274

    18.7.5 Think before you Purchase 275

    18.7.6 Borrow Despite Purchasing 275

    18.7.7 Purchase Smartly 275

    18.7.8 Stay Electronics out of the Garbage 275

    18.7.9 Create Cleaning Supplies of yours 276

    18.8. Greening in India 276

    19. References 278

    20. Abbreviations 306

    Index 310


    1. Introduction to Green Chemistry

    1.1. Introduction

    Green chemistry is a relatively new rising field that strives to work hard at the molecular level to achieve sustainability. The term green chemistry is often defined as designing of chemical products and their procedures to reduce or destroy the use of hazardous substances. The concept, as well as the definition of green chemistry, were first formulated at the beginning of the 90s, nearly twenty years ago. Since then, this field has received widespread interest due to its ability of chemical innovations to meet all the environmental and economic goals all around the world. This field of interest Green Chemistry has a framework consisting of twelve principles, which are believed to be systematically surveyed in critical reviews. Further, the chapter covers all the basic concepts of design and other scientific philosophy on Green Chemistry. Some future trends which will be seen in Green Chemistry are also discussed with their challenges involved for using the main principles

    1.2. More about Green Chemistry

    The green Chemistry field was internationally adopted in the 90s that resulted in the creation of new 100s of new programs which also involves governmental initiatives on Green Chemistry which lead it to be one of the most initial leading programs all around the world. The most important fact about the study of Green Chemistry is that it involves all the basic concepts of designing. Design is a statement for human intention, and any accident cannot design it. The designing in Green Chemistry includes planning, novelty, and systematic conception. The twelve principles discussed by the study of Green Chemistry are the basic rules for the design they are known as Design Rules. These design rules helped the study of a chemist to achieve the intentional goal of sustainability. Green Chemistry study is characterized by careful planning of chemical synthesis and molecular design which reduce adverse consequences. The approach of green chemistry strives to achieve level sustainability at every molecular level. Because of this goal, the study is not applied to all industry sectors around the world. The industrial sectors from aerospace, automobile, cosmetic, electronics, energy, household products, pharmaceutical, to agriculture, many more examples of successful applications of the study, and its economically competitive technologies

    1.3. The Twelve Principles

    The Twelve Principles explained by Green Chemistry studied were introduced in 1998 by the famous Paul Anastasia and John Warner. They are guiding lines and the framework for the designing of new chemical products and processes, future use in applying to all aspects of the process of life-cycle from the raw materials used to for efficiency and safety of the transformation, and the toxicity and biodegradability of products and reagents used in the study. The principles were summarized recently into more convenient and memorable acronyms by the brilliant scientist of the world, Productively. The following points are intended to provide general knowledge and preview about Green Chemistry principles.

    Prevention Waste

    Waste prevention is the first and foremost of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry. General said that it is better to prevent the generation or formation of waste rather than later on to clean it up. The production of any unwanted material or that does not have realized value or any loss of unutilized energy can be considered a waste material. Waste can be taken as in many forms and may also impact the environment differently or harmfully depending on its nature; its toxicity contains its quantity of formation or the way it is released in the environment. When large portions of the raw materials used in a process are lost because of the original design of the process itself, then it will inevitably generate waste which is by definition undesirable or unwanted.

    1.3.1 Atom Economy

    In 90s Barry Trost introduced the concept of synthetic efficiency: that is Atom Economy (AE) also known as Atom Efficiency. It mainly refers to the idea of maximizing the use of raw materials so that the last and the final product may contain the maximum number of atoms from the reactants. The ideal reaction of the making would be to incorporate all of the atoms present to the reactants. The AE is measured in the ratio of the molecular weight of the desired product over other molecular weights of all reactants used in the reaction process. It is considered as a theoretical value meant to assess how much efficient a reaction will be quick.

    1.3.2 Synthesis

    The synthetic toolbox of organic chemists has been enhanced and modified by a significant amount of innovative work invested in it. Many of the new and creative reactions that have been developed in the past years are added to the already existing green reactions that were found and discovered during the past century. Reactions based on cycloaddition, rearrangement, or other multi-component coupling reactions were previously known by the world and constitute one category of efficient reactions. Cascade or tandem reactions, C–H activation, metathesis, and enzymatic others reactions are rather new approaches of the researchers, and they illustrate persuasive examples of cleaner and more efficient synthetic tools available to organic chemists in the present.

    1.3.3 Molecular Design

    Significant focus was given on designing of chemicals for various other functions ranging from medicines to materials; also there has been a surprising lack of interest in taking into consideration many hazards in the design process of the chemicals. The Understanding of properties of a molecule that has an immense impact on the environment and the transformations of them which take place in the biosphere is quite essential to sustainability. Through a mastery of this understanding of the process, the study of chemistry will be able to genuinely design new molecules that are safer for humans and the environment.

    1.3.4 Solvents

    Solvents are the most active area of Green Chemistry research as they represent an essential challenge for Green Chemistry study because they are often accounted for by the vast majority of mass wasted in syntheses and their processes. Often, many conventional solvents are corrosive, flammable, and toxic. Their volatility and solubility can contribute to air, water, and land pollution in large amounts, have increased the risk of workers’ exposure, and also led to the risk of some serious accidents. Recovery and reuse of the chemicals are often associated with energy-intensive distillation or sometimes by cross-contamination.

    1.3.5 Energy

    Rising concerns of scientists over the depletion of petroleum feedstocks and the increase in energy consumption all around the world have pushed the development of more energy-efficient processes for the scientist and for their contribution in the search for renewable energies to depend on; non-depleting resources in a time frame may be considered relevant to human scale.

    1.3.6 Renewable Materials

    It has been estimated by the study that the vast majority of manufacturing products are derived from petroleum feedstock or natural gas. The depletion of these resources will be touch by many aspects of our consumer life and our economy. Turning towards the renewable feedstocks as both for material and fuel has now become more advised and urgent.

    1.3.7 Derivatives

    Covalent derivatization is an omnipresent technique in chemistry, whether it is employed for organic fusion or analytical chemistry. In the early 90s, an innovative concept surfaced called as non-covalent derivatization, derivatization that does want to not rely on covalent bonding but

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