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Who He Is
Who He Is
Who He Is
Ebook30 pages20 minutes

Who He Is

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About this ebook

"Who He Is" is an intimate exploration of the many names of God, revealing His character, power and promises in ways that draw us closer to Him. This book takes you on a spiritual journey, unpacking the significance of each name and how it connects to God's presence in our everyday lives. Whether you're seeking peace, provision or a deeper relationship with Christ, "Who He Is" will inspire you to discover God's heart and His purpose for your life.
Release dateDec 31, 2024
Who He Is

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    Who He Is - Shelby Taj


    Hi guys! I'm Shelby Taj and I'm using my eagerness to get closer to God by creating a community of people who are just as eager. I've always been taught to be a forever student; which is also a biblical law, Proverbs 1:5 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. meaning that even those who are wise should continue learning and seeking guidance.

    I'm at a point in my life where I just want more, and l've noticed on this spiritual journey I can't get more until I've been stripped of my desires and only seek God's will for me. On my journey of getting to know God more and more, l've discovered a lot of things about myself; I noticed that I had a lot of worldly ways about myself and was doing life completely wrong. I came to this realization when reading Proverbs and being taught that it is biblical wisdom literature. I attend a church where the pastor teaches us the differences between living the culture way, church way and the Kingdom way. The culture way is the earthly/society way of being, the church way is the one foot in and one foot out way of being, and the Kingdom way is the biblical/Godly way of living. There definitely was a point in my life where I was living the culture way. I was doing everything against the will of God and living for only me and my own desires. I started feeling purposeless and started my journey on seeking God. I attended church faithfully,

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