Passage to Spiritual Power
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Its Many Gifts Are Yours Should You Choose – Joy, Peace, Love
Is Theology about to become a branch of science? Is there life after death? Have we evolved to our fullest and highest potential? Are we immortal? Are there ultimate and profound meanings to our lives?
Drawing from the discoveries of science, spiritual literature and teachings across many disciplines, these fundamental questions and many more are answered as Passage to Spiritual Power clearly illuminates our pathway ahead.
Adonia E. Wylie
Adonia Wylie is a successful businesswoman, author, spiritual counsellor, Reiki master, and clairvoyant. Throughout her career, she has navigated the complexities of spiritual growth, discovering the transformative power of a committed relationship with the Divine. Through her own experiences, she learned that true spiritual transformation occurs when one listens, loves, and aligns with the omniscient intelligence of creation, especially in times of challenge. Adonia's experiences and wisdom have shaped her work, and she now shares her insights in her book Passage to Spiritual Power. She aims to guide others on their own journey toward spiritual love, healing, and empowerment, helping them to unlock the magic that unfolds when they commit to listening, loving, and embracing their connection to the Divine.
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Passage to Spiritual Power - Adonia E. Wylie
By love they know me in Truth,
Who I am, and what I am,
And when he knows me in truth
He enters into my Being.
Bhagavad Gita 18–55
How do we arrive at the point whereby words such as these hold for us real meaning? How do we come to not only understand, but also to see and to experience the vision and oneness of all? How do we begin to have faith in the Truth, and how do we learn not only to rest in the One but above all to love with a oneness of love the source of all?
Right now, all the above is difficult, if not impossible, as we have lost our way. We have become separated and disconnected from the real and the whole and have become fascinated and therefore focused upon the glamour of the illusory, the unreal. We have lost contact with the core of our being, our Soul, and therefore we have lost contact with the Divine Spiritual Reality, because it is only through our attention, interaction and recognition of our Divine Soul that we may approach and realise the Divine Ineffable Reality.
How did we lose our way? How did we first take such a wrong turning and arrive where we are today, immersed in separation with all its consequent confusion, ills and mental ill health? Many people including Pope John Paul II date this wrong turn to the philosophies of Isaac Newton and René Descartes some three hundred years ago with their fixed material worldview. As Pope John Paul II wrote in his book Memory and Identity, Descartes’ famous statement
Cogito ergo sum (
I think therefore I am) radically changed philosophical thought: not only did it change the direction of philosophy, but also it abandoned what philosophy had been up to that point in time. Man was now the sum total of everything, and God was reduced to an element within human consciousness; God was no longer the ultimate explanation of the human. The God of revelation had ceased to exist as the God of the philosophers. All that remained was the idea of God, a topic for free exploration by human thought
Descartes established the idea that nothing could be believed to be true unless one could prove it. As our understanding of the vast system in which we live is so pitifully small, therefore so also is our ability to prove reality. Thus what we believe to be true is such a dim and often incorrect minute fragment of the whole that we live for the most part in deluded darkness. We have lost our way. This is in part because, incredible as it may seem, we are in the 21st century living our lives based upon the 17th century understanding of Isaac Newton. In a Newtonian world, all was fixed, a mechanical, material universe of separation, a universe where time was an absolute and space was structured according to the known/agreed laws of motion. From Newton onwards our understanding of the universe changed, and a great divide appeared between the realms of the spirit/immaterial and that of the material/physical. Church and state/science moved ever more apart ‒ until now. Now there is recognition that we have taken a wrong turn. If we wish to move forward, the right path must again be found.
The path back to the Real, back to our Soul, back to the source ‒ the Divine, is the path of Love, Peace, Joy and Spiritual Power.
The real meaning of Power is anything that flows from the Divine Creative source of all. The I Am
, the God
of the above passages is the ultimate Power of all. Divine spiritual power is an all-encompassing, complete in itself, vital, potent and above all healing Power of infinite creative source and love. Divine Spiritual Power brings authority over all things temporal as it is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite and undying. Should we choose to seek, understand, and gain Divine Spiritual Power, we are choosing to seek knowledge of and loving unity with not only the I Am
‒ God
, but ourselves.
In finding our way back to the right path, it is necessary to consider more realms than merely the manifested one, that which we can touch and see: we must also look at the un-manifested realms. We would be doomed to failure should we seek only in the manifested realm, as the source of all comes from the higher planes of consciousness. The manifested portion/realm represents such a minuscule proportion of the whole that we cannot arrive at the truth, or indeed any sort of clear and whole picture at all, if we wholly reside in and examine only that realm. The Divine
, the One
, is primarily found and understood outside of this space-time continuum. On the other hand, perhaps it is more accurate to say; the Divine appears more obscure, harder to find in the material realms, as we, when dwelling in this realm, are so easily confused by the distracting material aspects. Therefore, it is to other realms we need to travel if we are to find our way back to the right path.
I need also to mention here the use I have made of particular words. Language is always rather inadequate when talking about or describing aspects outside the realms of the five senses, so please bear with me. When I use the word God
(simply means all that is good), and he
in that context, I am not implying any gender nor am I putting forward any particular religious thought by using the word God. It is just a convenient word to indicate the Supreme Consciousness, the Unified Field, the Unified Field of Love, the Divine Creative Field, the Creator, Allah, Yahweh or what you will. I have also used extensively the word soul
: again, it is convenient because most people have an understanding of what is meant by this word but spirit, divine essence, integral undying energetic core and so on could also be used.
This book s a simple guide back to the right path, back to ourselves and a fully conscious empowering relationship with the Divine Creator. It is the path back to healing not only ourselves but also all on the planet at this time. I may sometimes appear to stray into the regions of what many may label as weird, or New Age stuff, and some may not want to be caught reading such material. To those readers I say: before we go too far along the path of closed minds, suspend disbelief for the moment and remember that There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
(Shakespeare, Hamlet)
Chapter 1
The Scientific Frontier
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust
Before embarking on a conscious journey to full loving spiritual unity, there are some fundamental things we must first understand. This epic journey, which started from the moment of our non-physical creation, has been evolving through time and space for aeons unbeknown to us, as for the most part we are still relatively unconscious. To evolve successfully, to become fully conscious, aligned and spiritual light beings of high spin and infinite Love, Peace and Joy, there are certain things we must first do. In order to start we will need a basic understanding of the fundamental underlying systems and laws of the environment in which we reside. Currently we have two major views of the multiverse available to us. One is the left-brain scientific point of view, which itself can be broken down into two primary aspects, classical science and quantum physics. The other is the more right-brain view held by the many and varied religions.
The world as viewed today by current scientific thought is vastly different from the one seen in previously held world-views. Classical science began by examining the phenomenal world of that which is evidenced by the senses. This world was a three-dimensional one with only height, length and breadth. As science evolved, so did our understanding of the world around us and it became clear that further dimensions were required if we were to more fully understand it. With time and then space-time being added to our dimensions, a greater, more holistic picture began to emerge. Newton and Einstein, the fathers of our modern scientific thought, proposed many theories that are now being displaced by the more recent theories of quantum physics. These are like the many branches of a tree: they cover many different areas and are sometimes in conflict one with one other as new frontiers are being crossed all the time. One could say the entire field is in a continual state of groundbreaking discovery, with new theories often being discarded in full or in part with unprecedented rapidity. However, it is important to understand we do not have all the answers yet, although large pieces of the picture are starting to appear. Within all these new cutting-edge discoveries there are emerging some constants linking all. It is in the detail that dispute is arising ‒ the detail is often overthrown by later discoveries, but the underlying ground is remaining. These fundamental constants are giving us a vastly different view of the multiverse than hitherto imagined.
When we examine some of the fundamental precepts of quantum physics, it becomes clear that the path the scientists have taken is bringing them to the place the mystics of various religions have occupied for thousands of years. Is theology about to become a branch of physics, or is physics about to become a branch of theology? It does not matter. What matters and is exciting is that they are no longer in opposition but appear to agree. With this agreement we are getting a more accurate vision of ourselves and of our place in the multiverse.
Over seventy years ago, the birth of quantum physics brought into question the Newtonian mechanistic principles. The idea of a fixed, solid world of separate parts independent from mind and spirit was shown to be untenable. Yet in so many ways in so many areas of our lives, we still think and live as though the Newtonian principles are fact. We are slow to change and this slowness is causing us many fundamental problems. Some of the trouble we are in today started with Descartes. Before his statement Cogito ergo sum
‒ I think therefore I am
all philosophical thought and theology were linked and the Divine was the ground and source of our being. Suddenly the Divine was displaced by the I
which now enjoyed priority, with the result that science became the realm only of pure thought (left-brain logical, separated, rigid, analytical stuff). Our world was split asunder into the two domains of matter and everything else, which included all the things we do not understand. I
and matter
ruled the day.
Einstein slightly changed the fixed world of Newton, starting in 1905 when he coined the phrase space-time continuum
, saying they were not two separate things but one: time may speed up or slow down, while space may expand or shrink. In other words, this was the overturning of the fixed rigidity of Newton’s theories. Einstein said, Nature shows us only the tail of the lion, but I do not doubt that the lion belongs to it even though he cannot at once reveal himself because of his enormous size.
The tail is what we see in nature and the four fundamental forces of gravity, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces describe this. The lion, it is hoped, is the ultimate theory that will unify them all in one simple elegant equation. Einstein knew he was seeing and understanding only a small part of the lion. However, even though he spent the last thirty years of his life in a fruitless quest for the fabled Unified Field Theory, he gave us this very accurate image of where the scientists were at that time.
The main problem was that the first force, gravity/time, had been described and understood by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. The other three had been described and supposedly understood by quantum theory, but the two could not be united. The scientists were looking for an overall theory that would explain everything but, until recently, they were unable to bring together all they thought they knew into a simple elegant whole. Glimpses of greater parts of the lion enabled them to make educated guesses (left-brain) as to the whole lion, often combined with an educated guess is an intuitive leap (right-brain). With these two at play, the Divine Reality began to reveal itself.
I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.
Albert Einstein
It appears that Einstein was using both hemispheres of his brain in his search for truth. Indeed, to gain greater understanding we must employ the whole being rather than the favoured bits, i.e. our left-brain or merely aspects of the whole. If Einstein functioned in this manner, it is probably a good approach for us all to employ. If we attempt to approach the mysteries of the whole solely via the left-brain, we are guaranteed to fail as it is impossible to arrive at the gnosis (knowledge of spiritual mysteries) solely through this aspect of the brain. The path of the mystics coupled with our left-brain will ensure success. The problem for us in our modern, scientific, separated and materialist world is that we find the ways of the mystics unacceptable. Our energetic, dominant left-brain cannot always validate the mystics’ intuitive leaps, so it interferes and deletes all unacceptable information as nonsense, and we thus continue in our limiting ignorance.
All of science agrees on one basic tenet: the only stuff appearing to exist in the entire multiverse is energy. There is nothing else but energy, absolutely nothing else! (they have recently discovered Dark Matter and Black Holes, but these are only different aspects of energy). One cannot create energy and one cannot destroy energy. All that one can do is to change its form. Theories regarding the particular forms energy takes have changed with time and further research. It was once thought that energy could be in particle form and then become a wave, then a particle again, but this view has changed. Electrons were once thought of as particles spinning around an atom much like a miniature solar system, but now it is believed the electron is smeared throughout the whole of space as a quantum wave, which only collapses as a particle into our physical space-time when a conscious observer observes it. It seems for a particle to appear in our space-time dimension a necessary part of the process is the involvement of a conscious observer. In other words, consciousness ‒ human beings are participating in the creation of our own physical reality. Without the conscious observer, the particle remains as part of the quantum soup outside our space-time dimension. It was also found that when a wave collapses it is not possible to predict where the particle will end up: it may materialise hundreds or thousands of miles away, but when it does arrive, it arrives at that place in zero time. In other words, it bypasses both space and time.
Einstein and many other scientists, together with every major spiritual tradition on Earth, believe that the multiverse is composed of a single contiguous unified field of energy, sometimes referred to as Ether, Zero Point, Background Energy or Implicate Order (implicate
means enfolded i.e. invisible, as opposed to the manifested world, which is explicate
, unfolded i.e. visible). When the quantum wave in the implicate realm collapses, it unfolds into the explicate realms and becomes part of the physical realm we are so familiar with. While we inhabit the explicate or unfolded realm of this particular space-time dimension, our day-to-day conscious mind is completely unaware of the implicate realms and all within them. However, some think that our conscious mind has two levels and that we are possessed of a higher mind that is aware of and may inhabit all realms outside of this particular space-time dimension.
David Bohm, one of the great physicists of the twentieth century, wrote that ultimately the entire universe with all its particles, including those constituting human beings, their laboratories, observing instruments etc., has to be understood as a single undivided whole, in which analysis into separately and independently existent parts, has no fundamental status
. In other words, it is pointless to examine the universe as though there was such a thing as separation ‒ it is a single, contiguous whole. Bohm went on to say that seemingly all separate objects, entities, structures and events in the visible world were only temporarily seemingly separate and that all were derived from a deeper order of unbroken wholeness
. He gave the example of a stream whose ever-changing patterns of ripples, splashes and waves have no independent existence: they only for the moment give the appearance of such and quickly vanish back into the stream which is the underlying contiguous whole. The transitory life of each wave implies only a relative independence or free will within the overall order and control of the stream. Bohm described the whole universe as a kind of giant flowing hologram. He held the view that each tiny part of the explicate order contained within it all the information of the implicate order (this is the basic theory behind holography). Therefore, the entire universe is held or contained within each single particle that makes up our being and everything else. We are in reality a universe of universes. There are worlds within worlds within worlds in which the total order is contained in each region of space and time.
Bohm saw reality as a sort of projection from the higher dimension, higher vibratory levels of reality with the apparent stability and solidity of objects and entities being generated by a ceaseless process of coming into being and then dissolving back into the implicate order, much as a wave arises and dissolves back into the stream. Higher orders organise the lower ones, which in turn affect the higher, so we have a seemingly intelligent organiser (as apparently haphazard movements of individual electrons manage to produce highly organised overall effects) and cause and effect at work ceaselessly. More importantly, it appears to be a process of continual refinement. Energy in its ceaseless cyclic activity follows a spiral pathway, resulting in an overall higher resonance and thus greater unfolding, so this is an evolutionary process. There is no such thing as separation; all idea of separation is an illusion. We live in and are part of a fluid and intelligently ordered energy field. This field is also a highly interactive field in which information is passed faster than the speed of light, because in a non-local world, where all is one
instantaneous communication is the norm. We can all choose to consciously interact with this field. We all have all the equipment needed to do this, Einstein’s theory of relativity where nothing can travel faster than the speed of light is overturned. This interactive process of infinite intelligent refinement is seemingly directed to a particular end. We are not alone, as there is no such thing as separation, and we are evolving toward an intelligently designed end-point. What is even more remarkable is that each one of us is unique, indeed it is being proposed that every single thing in creation is unique, so we have individuation within oneness. Think about that for a moment.
Another great scientist of the twentieth century, Max Planck, said, There is no matter as such!
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
With this new vision of the multiverse scientists are now beginning to understand that the Darwinian view ‒ Survival of the Fittest
, is quite incorrect. The more they look, the more it becomes apparent that co-operation, not competition is the key. In other words, for us to survive we must learn how to co-operate in relationship with all that is, and communication is of course an essential aspect of that.
To encapsulate, if we go to the level below atoms to the sub-atomic to elementary particles, we find some very strange properties indeed:
Everything is connected to everything else.
A particle appears to be possessed of intelligence and memory, and this intelligence is shared through this universal interconnectedness.
Particles that are far apart (i.e. non-local) are able to communicate with each other in an instantaneous manner that is not yet fully understood.
Particles can be in more than one place at a time. This ability appears to be a fundamental property of the fabric of the universe.
An observer in the act of observation changes the activity of the particle/wave ‒ the particle does not exist in the physical world until the observer observes it and the act of observation freezes and changes its motion. By merely trying to measure a part of a particular experiment, the experiment will not repeat itself but will change with this action on the part of the experimenter: focusing on what is happening changes the outcome. With the most fleeting thought passing through the mind of the experimenter, the outcome of the experiment is altered.
We appear to be co-creators, as our participation is essential to some of the processes.
Underlying all, we find a highly intelligent pattern or information that is the basic fabric of consciousness.
Underlying all, we find a highly intelligent pattern or information that is the basic fabric of the multiverse.
All of this led Einstein to say once, I am not sure the moon is still there when I turn my head.
In other words, maybe our physical world exists only when we look at it, or interact with it. The computer program in our being translates the quantum energy field into pictures ‒ you could say virtual reality
for us ‒ and when we are not looking, or if the program is changed, it is just a field of conscious intelligence again.
Ether or background energy was discussed and written about back in the nineteenth century and it was known about in quantum science for quite some time, but for some reason it was largely ignored. Now it is back in focus. This field of energy has some amazing properties: it measures at zero degrees Kelvin, the absolute lowest possible known temperature, equal to minus 273 degrees Celsius. According to Newtonian principles, at this temperature all molecular and atomic life would cease, but instead what was found was a seething mass of energy. This energy field is extremely dense and some scientists are starting to look to it as an infinite ever-renewable source of energy. It has been calculated that a cup of zero-point energy is enough to bring all the oceans of the world to boiling point. There is a continuous flow of energy from this background field into our physical, manifested world and back again into the background field. Particles and photons appear to jump into existence only to disappear again; some appear so unstable they are labelled virtual particles. Together with all this particle activity, it appears we also have wave activity. Within this field sometimes there are waves, at other times particles; so in quantum physics we ended up with something called wave-particle duality. Once again, all that has changed and it is becoming universally accepted that there are only waves in this sea of ether or background energy, with matter being the focal point of a vibration in the field. Now we are getting into really exciting stuff. The key words here are focal point of a vibration
which could be focused attention, focused energy ‒ sound, words, numbers, music ‒ creating matter out of the waves of the sea of background energy.
In the 1980s, something quite dramatic happened in the world of the physicists. Some of them realised that the subatomic particles such as electrons may not be particles at all, but tiny vibrating strings. Suddenly we had something called Superstring Theory, a radical departure based on the idea of tiny strings vibrating in ten-dimensional space-time. It is proposed that subatomic particles are nothing more than different resonances of the vibrating superstrings in the same way that different musical notes emanate from the different modes of vibration of a violin string. The forces between the charged particles for example, are the harmonies of the strings ‒ so the universe is a symphony of vibrating strings. Physicists found that in order to see the whole picture clearly and to make all their complex calculations work out correctly they had to move onto higher ground into hyperspace
. Leaping to higher dimensions can also help to clarify the laws of nature: in 1915 Einstein changed completely our notion of gravity by leaping to the extra dimension of time; in 1919 Theodor Kaluza added a fifth dimension and in so doing made all the equations to do with space-time and electromagnetism work.
When the strings move in ten-dimensional space-time they warp the space-time surrounding them in precisely the way predicted by general relativity. By moving to the eleventh dimension, string theory simply and elegantly unified the quantum theory of particles and general relativity. Better still, gravity is not an inconvenient add-on, as String Theory requires gravity. Therefore, the universe is starting to look as though it is not only a purposeful, coherent, intelligent web or membrane, it is also a symphony. Sound and its vibrations are a key here. When physicists examined the eleventh dimension, they found some very strange properties indeed. Space-time starts to behave in quite different ways from what was first thought possible, and current theories postulate that everything is actually happening simultaneously past, present and future all at once ‒ or, if you like, there is no past, present or future, just the one present unified, connected, musical field encompassing all. What is certain is that the linear view we have of the multiverse is certainly incorrect. Are we multi-dimensional beings who dwell in multiple realms, interconnected to all that is? In the words of physicist Michio Kaku who named this theory M Theory – for Membrane, Multiverse or Magic, For the first time we can see the outline of the lion and it is magnificent. One day we will hear it roar.
This idea of multiple realms and time being an illusion because all events are happening simultaneously is gaining ground. In our personal virtual reality that we create moment by moment, out there
is an illusion. Time does not exist as it is we who are doing the moving through the eternal reality of consciousness. It has been postulated that we may exist in more than one virtual reality at a time, with our higher consciousness arranging and directing the lower one. It appears that events are laid out in a pre-arranged pattern that we have not yet reached, but when we do we may change slightly: in one reality we may take a particular job, in another we may not. In this way, we may experience all possibilities simultaneously. It sounds like a great and interesting game, does it not? This idea explains precognition, remote viewing, life after death and a host of other things that have been puzzling scientists and searchers after truth for a long time.
Chaos Theory has some interesting aspects that help us to understand the whole. Chaos in Greek mythology is the cosmic force, the formless void or great deep of primordial matter out of which all is created ‒ the raw material, if you like, out of which all is fashioned. Chaos Theory is so-called because the systems that it describes seemed to be disordered. The analogy used was that the flapping of a single butterfly’s wing today produces a tiny change in the atmosphere; over time, what the atmosphere does, diverges from what it would have done if the butterfly had not flapped its wings; and because of this, a tornado that would have devastated a part of the world maybe now does not, or maybe one that was not going to happen now does. This phenomenon is known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions
, and means that just a small change in the initial conditions can drastically change the long-term behaviour of a system. This shows us the interdependence and interconnectedness of all things. Consequently, the name of this theory is somewhat of a misnomer as Chaos Theory shows us the underlying interconnectedness of all things. It is really about finding the underlying order in apparently random data. The process can best be described as a system that is continually making order out of apparent chaos. Driven by the outward thrust of the formless void in its need to organise and attracted by the perfect symmetry of the Divine Implicate Order, we could say Chaos Theory is a view of evolution in action. With this view, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that all order will eventually decay into disorder, is overthrown. The driving thrust of the universe is to move from chaos to order, into ever-increasing realms of refinement. This is now believed to be the all-pervading action. It is now proposed by a number of scientists that individual but not separated systems, linked and interacting through the background field, are evolving according to an underlying plan/law or pattern. Therefore, individuation within oneness.
Another field of study that is revealing new and exciting knowledge is that of so-called life after death phenomena. Scientists have discovered that at the ceasing of metabolic action (death) the information or pattern of the consciousness (religions would call it the soul) leaks out into the universe at large ‒ but rather than dissipating, it hangs together. This phenomenon is called quantum entanglement or quantum coherence. It is by this mechanism, scientists are beginning to believe, that we continue to exist, or consciousness and memory remains intact and functioning, outside the physical body after death.
Many studies are being carried out with schizophrenics, epileptics and people who have experienced a near-death experience (NDE). It is postulated that immediately before physical death, the brain triggers the release of a cocktail of chemicals. This creates an electrical storm throughout the energy field of the being, which has the effect of catapulting in a spiral motion, the integral underlying and intrinsic field or soul, out of this time-space continuum and into another. Exiting rapidly in a spiral motion would create the effect so many people report from NDEs of moving through a tunnel with light at the end. It is in this way, scientists theorise, that we survive bodily death.
Another theory which is harder to comprehend involves the idea of multiple realities. Scientists postulate that our inherent programming creates a virtual reality of our surroundings and everything in it, and that this reality is individual. In other words, each of us is living in our own individual virtual reality. This reality is linked, as all is linked within the system, so that at the point of so-called death we appear to die to others linked to our virtual reality ‒ we drop out of their picture, so to speak ‒ but we remain in our own. We continue on, often unaware at first that anything has happened at all.
Within all these different theories an essential picture is beginning to emerge: it is becoming increasingly certain that memory/ consciousness and individual but not separated energy fields or souls continue on after physical death.
It was once thought the only places memory was stored in the body was in the brain and immune system. This was found not to be so. Each cell in our body stores memory and, what is more, each cell of our body is possessed of intelligence. We are each of us a field of intelligence and stored memories within the larger fields of intelligence and stored memories of the multiverse. Therefore, there is a great deal more going on in our bodies in an intelligent way than was first thought. Each cell is able to communicate instantaneously with another and non-locally, with information shared around faster than the speed of light. Memories from both this life and the lives of our ancestors are stored within our bodies and are accessible and affect our bodies and our lives each moment in ways that heretofore were unthinkable.
We are beginning to get a picture of a purposeful intelligent inter-connected field or web in which memory information and consciousness are held. I have thought for some time that the World Wide Web (WWW) is a reflection of the way things really are. If we use the WWW as an analogy, we will have no difficulty imagining the multiverse as an immense, electrical, purposeful and energetic