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10 Reasons the United States Will Fall
10 Reasons the United States Will Fall
10 Reasons the United States Will Fall
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10 Reasons the United States Will Fall

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Have you noticed that American life is not as good as it used to be? Does it seem like the American dream is dying? Don't worry, you are not crazy. Politicians and media figures may try to tell you that everything is just fine, but the truth is that America is in serious trouble. The United States is facing declines in nearly all aspects of its society. These declines are institutional, economic, moral, familial, and cultural. This book explores the various reasons for the American decline that will ultimately lead to the fall of the United States.

One of these reasons include the failing of critical institutions including the media, government, education, and the American family. The failures of these institutions have led to massive economic problems that will devastate most Americans, as well as most countries around the world. If you think the economy and inflation has been bad over the last couple of years, you haven't seen anything yet.

Another reason is the rise of moral relativism. A cancer that has destroyed objective morality in the United States. As discussed in the book, moral relativism excuses actions ranging from thievery to genocide. By the logic of moral relativists, these actions are only excusable if they are committed against certain groups.

Release dateOct 22, 2024

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    10 Reasons the United States Will Fall - Michael Mebruer

    10 Reasons Why the United States Will Fail - cover

    10 Reasons The United States Will Fall

    Copyright © 2024 by Michael Mebruer

    (Defiance Press & Publishing, LLC)

    Printed in the United States of America

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. The author has made every effort to ensure that the accuracy of the information in this book was correct at the time of the publication. Neither the author nor the publisher nor any other person(s) associated with this book may be held liable for any damages that may result from any of the ideas made by the author in this book.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-963102-52-9 (Paperback)

    ISBN-13: 978-1-963102-51-2 (eBook)

    ISBN-13: 978-1-963102-53-6 (Hardcover)

    Published by Defiance Press & Publishing, LLC

    Bulk orders of this book may be obtained by contacting Defiance Press & Publishing, LLC.

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    Defiance Press & Publishing, LLC


    Table of Contents

    Foreword by Aaron Clarey


    Reason 1

    Objective Reality Is Being Ignored

    Reason 2

    Institutions Are Failing

    Reason 3

    Modern Parents Suck

    Reason 4

    Authoritarianism Has Arrived

    Reason 5

    Young People Are Lied to About the Opposite Sex

    Reason 6

    Societal Standards Have Fallen

    Reason 7

    Men Are Checking Out

    Reason 8

    There’s No Personal Accountability

    Reason 9

    People Act Terribly Because They Know They Can Get Away With It

    Reason 10

    People Are Narcissistic

    Final Thoughts

    Works Cited

    ​ Foreword by Aaron Clarey

    When you consider a topic like the inevitable demise of the United States, there’s not a lot positive to say about it: The world’s greatest country ever…that resulted in the most freedom ever…that single-handedly created more economic wealth and advancement than all empires and countries before it combined…is about to go away due to rank human laziness, stupidity, and envy. There is not much of a silver lining to point to.

    But while Michael Mebruer’s intention was to highlight the causes of the United States’ inexorable decline in an effort to help people prepare for it, he has inadvertently painted more hope than he realized in this book. And this unexpected hope comes from the fact this book is written by a 20 something, not a sixty-year-old curmudgeon.

    When my generation was in their 20s, they were thoroughly confident and smug; they knew everything. Their social science degrees convinced them they had all the solutions to all of society’s problems. The media convinced them they would all be wildly happy, wildly in love, and wildly successful as they had finally unshackled themselves from the idiotic chains of tradition. The ultimate value one could have was blind devotion to parasitic leftist politics. And the most important thing about you was the genetic traits you were born with, not what you thought, did, accomplished, or achieved. We were on the precipice of achieving a utopia. And if any republican, libertarian, or free market naysayer said otherwise, they were to be immediately ostracized, called a racist or a sexist, and completely dismissed for daring to question the collective wisdom of this brilliant generation of 20 somethings.

    Nearly thirty years later let me tell you about these once-brilliant 20 somethings. Most of them are overweight, ugly, and otherwise physically unattractive. They are divorced, often twice, even thrice, and have a bank account and estranged, tortured children to show for it. Many of them are on antidepressants or some other mind-altering drug. And none of them are on track to have an adequately funded retirement (many still shamefully having student loans for their know-it-all, sanctimonious degrees).

    The few who are successful are largely so by feigning wealth through borrowing money to buy things they can’t afford. They are slaves to their auto loans, student loans, third home equity loans, and credit cards, requiring they work as they abandon their children to daycare and public schools. And though our barren women have not an ounce of beauty or youth left in them, they still vainly try to cheat menopause through IVF, hormone treatment, or just dumb, blind hope. And what unfortunate children are born to these miserable people are diagnosed with a panoply of mental disorders—none of which are real—but conveniently mask the shitty parenting that is the cause.

    And what of my generation’s utopia?

    Well, they got what they asked for. All the free money they clamored for has resulted in hyperinflation. Their children will never be able to afford homes or a life. The bill for their arrogance has been tallied in the national debt, which at best will be repaid by their children or through even more inflation which will make retirement impossible. And in their blind, complete and whole dick-sucking of a socialist economic system, they’ve made it so we as a nation are incapable of producing what we need to survive (though if you need a sermon on the evils of racism from someone with their Masters in Diversity and Inclusion, we have those people in spades). But perhaps the worst thing they did to America is they turned men and women against each other, depriving their own (and future) generations of the one thing that would make life worth living – love (though there are plenty of lippy, fat chicks and soy boy democrat men if you’re willing).

    These people were not only wrong about pretty much everything, but they wasted their lives believing in their own bullshit. And to be perfectly honest, most of them might as well end their lives because not only have they been veritably worthless people up until now, it is doubtful what remains of their futures will be anything but pain.

    But Mike’s generation is different. And this is evidenced in his book.

    Not that all modern day 20 somethings are as savvy and aware as Mike, but they are infinitely more aware of today’s problems than my generation of know-it-all peers who were binging on Friends in the 90s. Young people today are aware of inflation. Young people today are aware of the stupidity and inefficiency of college. Young people are distrustful of the adults who run the country. And young men and women of today are acutely aware of the raging war of the sexes going on today. And whereas Mike’s book would have fallen on deaf ears if it were written thirty years ago, today young people might actually heed it as they have infinitely more street smarts than their boomer and Gen X peers ever did.

    This book no doubt paints a dire and grim picture of the future of the United States, but it does point it out to an audience who may do something about it. And while for seasoned, curmudgeonly old timers such as myself, this writing has always been on the wall; young people of today may actually do something about it and make it so they don’t piss away their lives like my generation did.

    -Aaron Clarey

    ​ Introduction

    America is a great and wonderful place, founded on the ideals of freedom and personal liberty. It is one of the greatest and most powerful societies in human history. I am not an idealistic sixteen-year-old who believes that America is flawless in its existence. But I would argue that the evils that America engaged in were not unique to America. And most of what makes America good is unique to America.

    An example of an evil is that America allowed the institution of slavery to exist. That is something that will always be a stain on our legacy. And rightfully so. Slavery is an institution that denies the very humanity of its victims because it allows one human to own another, reducing the victim to nothing more than property. Unfortunately, slavery has existed in nearly all societies throughout human history.

    What makes America unique is the price she paid to get rid of slavery. America fought a bloody civil war that cost the lives of over 600,000 Americans.⁴⁰ It was done so that we could live up to the original promise in the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness⁴¹.

    I don’t think there has been a greater force for global freedom. Wherever the United States goes, freedom follows. For starters, the United States protected South Korea and Western Europe from communist influence. That is why these areas remained free throughout the twentieth century. When America leaves, freedom goes with it. Look at the fall of South Vietnam in the 1970s, or the way Afghanistan was left to the Taliban in 2021.

    It’s more than America spreading global freedom that makes it a truly wonderful country. I would argue that America is more than a nation. It is an idea, an amazing one that spans all cultures, races, and languages. American freedom acts as a beacon for people across the world. I went to primary school with people from Mexico, Guatemala, and Germany. I studied economics with a Kuwaiti. And I have worked with people from the Philippines, India, and Rwanda. These people came to America and made it their home. And since none of them ever asked me to play soccer, I think they assimilated pretty well.

    My family wasn’t among the first to settle America. Like so many others, my ancestors left their homelands in search of a better life. My family tree shows that my ancestors were originally from Germany and Poland. It wasn’t until the 1800s that the first recorded Mebruer was documented in St. Louis.

    Migration is the most powerful measurement of a good society: People are leaving everything that they have and know to start somewhere else. This is why I have never taken seriously the idea that, America is an oppressive place. It wouldn’t make sense for people to leave everything that is familiar only to willingly walk into their own oppression.

    There is a reason why Cubans would attempt to float to America on makeshift rafts. By contrast, I don’t think Bernie Sanders was ever that desperate to get to Cuba. The American flag has become a symbol of freedom. That’s why Hong Kong protesters flew American flags in the face of Chinese Communist oppression.

    Contrary to what some people on the far right believe, American ideals can be found among peoples across the world. You do not need to be born in America to truly embody the American spirit. In fact, I would argue that some first-generation immigrants are more American than some people who were born here.

    A good example is a friend of mine, a first-generation Indian immigrant. His parents sent him to the United States for college. He studied and worked hard. He eventually became an oncologist and a damn good one at that. He showed deep compassion for his patients and was well loved in the community where he worked. I would say that he embodied the American spirit. By that, I mean he worked hard, made his own way, and didn’t demand that the rest of society pay his way. He certainly embodied Americanness more than the entitled West Coast communist wannabes like Hasan Piker, the type of people who will rant about the excesses of capitalism and call themselves socialists. And yet live in a $2.75 million mansion in Los Angeles.⁴²

    That brings me to the topic of this book. America is falling, and I believe that we are past the point of no return. I don’t believe that there is any one reason for America’s decline. There are many cultural and political reasons for it.

    American ideals are being abandoned. Values such as individual rights and limited government are being tossed aside for attempts at a utopia that cannot exist. The rise in socialism in the United States is the greatest example of this. According to Pew Research,⁴³ in 2022, 36% of U.S. adults had a somewhat positive view of socialism (30%) or a very positive view of socialism (6%). While it is a decline from a 2019 poll that showed 42% of Americans viewed socialism favorably, parts of the survey are alarming. Forty-four percent of young adults aged 18–29 had a favorable view of socialism. People age 65 and older viewed capitalism more favorably than socialism (73% had a positive view of capitalism and 28% had a positive view of socialism). And 57% of Democrats surveyed had a favorable view of socialism. Most major American political parties have a positive view of socialism.

    America has always been a nation that idealizes the rights of the individual. Most of the U.S. Constitution is designed to protect the rights of individuals by limiting governments at the state, local, and federal levels.

    This is antithetical to socialism. A socialist society, one that only cares about the collective, does not have any concern for the rights of the individual. It’s not like the Khmer Rouge had respect for the rights of Cambodian civilians in the 1970s. After all, they only killed a million Cambodians. And if you ever want to see what individual rights mean in a collective-based society, read The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He tells stories about how Soviet civilians were arrested for ridiculous reasons.

    One of the wilder stories was about how most members of a Soviet family were arrested. A husband and wife were arrested for a minor charge. They probably received a ten-year sentence in a work camp because of the crime. However, their infant child was left behind. A neighbor noticed that the infant was alone and took the child to the police station. She inquired about what to do with the child and wondered who would take care of the baby since the parents had been arrested. For her compassion, she was arrested. And proclaiming your innocence wouldn’t do any good, the state would torture a confession out of you.If you must provide a good or service against your will, you will provide that good for the betterment of the collective. If you are successful, your gains will be seized and redistributed for the betterment of the collective. This even happens in capitalist societies, it’s called progressive tax systems. Even in the United States, politicians like Elizabeth Warren have talked about instating wealth taxes.

    If you speak your mind, and it is offensive to others, you will be censored for the betterment of the collective. In 2023, a woman was arrested for silently praying in a restricted zone. If you heard about this, you would probably think that this happened in China or North Korea. Wrong. It happened in the UK.⁴⁴

    So, what does the fall of America look like? Well, there are a lot of possibilities. I don’t think that America is going to sink into the ocean, despite what Al Gore believes.

    I don’t believe that the United States would ever fall to a foreign invader. Our geographic location and the size of our country would make it very difficult to land an invasion force, let alone actually seize United States territory by force. It could mean that the American hegemony could end. The American hegemony is our status as the dominant power among our allies. As the American hegemony fades, our status as the global superpower will collapse. While this may sound good for some people, they don’t know what will replace the American hegemony. Also, the American people have been accustomed to being the economic superpower. What if the Chinese were able to replace the United States as the global superpower? You would see a world order that is not concerned with freedom and would use any means to consolidate power. Consolidating power is one reason why China seeks to absorb Taiwan. It produces over 60% of the world’s semiconductors and over 90% of the most advanced ones.⁴⁵

    The most likely scenario is that the United States will ultimately succumb to socialism. It may seem strange to think this. After all, America triumphed over socialism in the 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed. The argument between socialism and capitalism was supposedly settled. But socialism is like cancer, and cancer can always come back around. And the Pew Research poll I mentioned earlier, showed that socialism is popular among American youth. I thought socialism was interesting at one point. I was sixteen. It wasn’t that I was stupid. I just didn’t know anything.

    I like what conservative author and political commentator Andrew Klavan once said about the fall of America. Klavan is a down-to-earth guy, who can add humor and sarcasm to his

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