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Ep. 30 – Sympathetic Joy Pt. 1

Ep. 30 – Sympathetic Joy Pt. 1

FromMetta Hour with Sharon Salzberg

Ep. 30 – Sympathetic Joy Pt. 1

FromMetta Hour with Sharon Salzberg

31 minutes
Nov 30, 2015
Podcast episode


Sharon explains the specific form of joy that comes from taking genuine delight in the happiness of others. Engaging in this practice challenges our deepest assumptions of who we are and what it means to be truly content. Releasing ourselves from the perceived sense of battle or competition with others can bring profound liberation to the mind and heart. In allowing and encouraging the happiness of others we naturally and dramatically increase the likelihood of experiencing authentic joy in our own lives.
Nov 30, 2015
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Sharon Salzberg Metta Hour features Buddhist philosophy in a practical, common sense vernacular. Sharon’s natural wisdom, sense of humor and the ease with which she translates these teachings forge an intimate connection with the listener. From everyday experiences to pithy revelations, each podcast is a journey on the path of self-discovery.