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36 Cortona and Fear of Flying

36 Cortona and Fear of Flying

FromTravel with Rick Steves

36 Cortona and Fear of Flying

FromTravel with Rick Steves

54 minutes
Jan 8, 2006
Podcast episode


Italy has become one of the hottest destinations for European travel -- and for good reason. Smart travelers know how to avoid crowds and, as a result, enjoy a genuine experience of Italy. Rick chats with a local from Cortona, the hilltown known to Americans as the setting for "Under the Tuscan Sun," and for those afraid to fly, Rick receives tips from Steve Hutchison, who leads a Fear of Flying workshop. For more information on Travel with Rick Steves - including episode descriptions, program archives and related details - visit
Jan 8, 2006
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A weekly one-hour conversation with guest experts and callers about travel, cultures, people, and the things we find around the world that give life its extra sparkle. Rick Steves is America's leading authority on travel to Europe and beyond. Host and writer of over a hundred public television travel shows and author of 30 best-selling guidebooks, Rick now brings his passion for exploring and understanding our world to public radio. Related travel information and message boards on