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My Man Wants To Share His Goodies

My Man Wants To Share His Goodies

FromStrawberry Letter

My Man Wants To Share His Goodies

FromStrawberry Letter

13 minutes
Dec 28, 2020
Podcast episode


Dear Steve and Shirley, I'm a 27 year old female and my man is slightly younger than I am. He's an underwear model for several online magazines and that’s why I fell for him… he has a really great body. His modeling has been an issue in our relationship because of all of the raunchy comments he gets on social media. He loves the attention. He says it’s all just for fun and he never responds to the women and men that hit on him. The attention has really gone to his head and he told me that while he was on a modeling gig last week, a producer approached him with an offer to get into the porn industry...............

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Dec 28, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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