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22: Hot Stuff

22: Hot Stuff

FromThe History of Chemistry

22: Hot Stuff

FromThe History of Chemistry

25 minutes
Aug 11, 2022
Podcast episode


We begin to examine 19th-century physical chemistry with thermodynamics. We hear of Rudolf Clausius and the two Laws of Thermodynamics, as well as entropy. There is Hess's Law, and Berthelot's calorimeter. We hear how Alexander Williamson started the field of chemical kinetics. Waage and Guldberg propose the Law of Mass Action, which tells us what concentrations of chemicals are at equilibrium.Support the show
Aug 11, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Chemistry is everywhere, and involves everything. But how did chemistry get to be what it is? I'm Steve Cohen, a chemist and writer, bringing you The History of Chemistry. This podcast explores the development of chemistry from prehistoric times to the present, including the people and societies who made chemistry what it is today. The History of Chemistry is for you, whether you hated chemistry in high school, or got a PhD in inorganic chemistry. We'll explore how chemistry affected art, music, language, politics and vice-versa. Whether it's ancient Greek philosophers, medieval alchemists, or modern laboratory apparatus, it's all here. Don't forget to support my series at !