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Ruby Phoenix Ep. 6: Melees & Monster

Ruby Phoenix Ep. 6: Melees & Monster

FromDice Will Roll

Ruby Phoenix Ep. 6: Melees & Monster

FromDice Will Roll

116 minutes
Jul 18, 2022
Podcast episode


The Rival Theme Reveals Themselves! Enter the Lightkeepers..?!POW! PUNCH! WHAM! Our heroes are well on their way to collecting 10 Silver Feathers! Danger Island is no easy challenge, but the Radiant Winds have found themselves taking on every foe they can find on this jungle island. From terrifying mummies to dangerous wildlife, the party is overcoming the odds... but what happens when they meet a team unlike any other? Hold onto your butts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!READY? FIGHT!SKIRMISH with the gothic horror masters of the land of Ustalav! CHASE a big bird through the jungle! ENCOUNTER old friends in less than ideal circumstances!All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Queerest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the Hard Questions like... how many times can Derry get away with using the same thunder sound effect?CONTENT WARNINGS: Major Themes of Bullying, references to cannibalism, disrespect towards human remains, images of Sangku with a moustache, themes of defeat and sadness --- Music by stupidig ( 20% off + Free Shipping @Manscaped with the code DICEWILLROLL at! #adSound by Syrinscape: Because Your Games Deserve Epic SoundMusic by YouFulcaAdditional Music by McRo MusicEven More Additional Music by EmdascheTheme Song by Sim @TheSimulacraeArt by RanaOhara Get extra loot on our Patreon! Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
Jul 18, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Welcome to Dice Will Roll, the gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions, like... Is it cannibalism to eat a polymorphed chicken? Or is it morally okay to kiss a Goblin? What's the worst thing that could happen if we split the party? We're a group of four friends who team up every week to play Pathfinder and be hopelessly queer the whole way through! From getting 4 Nat 1's in a row, to standing up to the darkest forces of the multiverse- Dice Will Roll is here to Keep it Rollin'! Email: Get extra loot on our Patreon! Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.