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Episode 75 - Conditional form ba (how to say if, when)

Episode 75 - Conditional form ba (how to say if, when)

FromLearn Japanese with Masa sensei!

Episode 75 - Conditional form ba (how to say if, when)

FromLearn Japanese with Masa sensei!

8 minutes
Feb 12, 2022
Podcast episode


- Check my video for more details! -
The ba form attached to the end of an adjective creates an “If…then…” sentence. Sentences that use the ba form are less colloquial than the other conditional form tara (which we won’t cover in this lesson). The main clause (i.e. the first half of a sentence) can be a desire, hope, command, suggestion, or statement of one’s will.

In order to conjugate an i-adjective into the ba form, you simply replace the final hiragana character い with ければ (kereba). 
* いい (ii, good) has to be changed back into its dictionary form 良い (yoi) before it can be conjugated into the ba form.

高い  ➝ 高ければ takai  ➝ takakereba expensive  ➝ Iif it’s expensive
寒い  ➝ 寒ければ samui  ➝ samukereba cold  ➝ If it’s cold
面白い  ➝ 面白ければ omoshiroi  ➝ omoshirokereba interesting  ➝ If it’s interesting
美味しい  ➝ 美味しければ oishii  ➝ oishikereba delicious  ➝ If it’s delicious
いい  ➝ 良い  ➝ 良ければ ii  ➝ yoi  ➝ yokereba good  ➝ If it’s good

Tokei wa takakereba, kaimasen.
If the watch is expensive, I won’t buy it.

Yooroppa wa samukereba, ikimasen.
If Europe is cold, I won’t go.

Eiga wa omoshirokereba, mimashou!
If the movie is interesting, let’s see it!

In order to conjugate na–adjectives into the ba form, you simply leave out the な and add ならば (naraba) instead. The “ba” at the end of “naraba” is optional. 

便利  ➝ 便利なら(ば) benri  ➝ benrinara(ba) convenient  ➝ If it’s convenient
必要  ➝ 必要なら(ば) hitsuyou  ➝ hitsuyounara(ba) necessary  ➝ If it’s necessary
だめ  ➝ だめなら(ば) dame  ➝ damenara(ba) unacceptable  ➝ If it’s unacceptable
有名  ➝ 有名なら(ば) yuumei  ➝ yuumeinara(ba) famous  ➝ If it’s famous
安全  ➝ 安全なら(ば) anzen  ➝ anzennara(ba) safe  ➝ If it’s safe

Ano raamen wa yuumeinaraba, tabetai desu!
If that ramen is famous, I want to try it!

Kono kuni  wa anzennaraba, koko ni sumitai desu.
If this country is safe, I want to live here.

Toukyou no hou ga benrinaraba, soko de aimashou ka?
If Tokyo is more convenient for you, shall we meet there?
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Feb 12, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

This is the Japanese Grammar Complete Beginner Course that will teach you Japanese Grammar from the scratch. If you would liket to be abe to construct your own sentence by yourself, use Japanese for daily conversation, be independent and able to communicate with the Japanese people, this is the best course for you! I will also be talking about the topics that my Patreon supporters requested, as well as some topics about Japanese culture. Check out my Youtube Channel! Wanna support me?