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25: You Are NOT Broken w/ Dan Buglio

25: You Are NOT Broken w/ Dan Buglio

FromOur Power Is Within: Heal Chronic Illness & Pain

25: You Are NOT Broken w/ Dan Buglio

FromOur Power Is Within: Heal Chronic Illness & Pain

85 minutes
Feb 16, 2021
Podcast episode


Today's guest is Dan Buglio, some may know him from Pain Free You. After 13 years of trial and error, figuring out what worked and didn't work, and trying all the things, Dan was finally able to overcome debilitating back pain. He now lives a healthy normal life doing all the things he enjoys, anytime he wants. Through Dan's experience, he has figured out a formula to help people overcome their chronic pain/illness/TMS in a really relaxed, low stress approach. Rather then following a very specific program, Dan teaches a set of principles that we can practice in our daily lives. As you will discover, Dan's approach is quite simple and also very relaxing. I even found our conversation felt really calming. Dan has been doing really wonderful short daily videos for almost 2 years now. See below for all the links he provides for some really cool resources, as well as to connect with Dan. Dan also offers coaching calls, and he has a private FB group that you can join.
Click any link to connect:  You Tube Videos  - FB Page - Private FB Group - Website - TMS pain test - MBS Self Assessment 
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Thanks for being on this journey with me :) 
Disclaimer: The Content provided on this podcast is for informational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Individual results may vary.


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Feb 16, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Hear inspiring testimonials by everyday people who have healed their bodies and minds of chronic pain, illness & dis-ease. Learn about different modalities for neuro-hacking, brain retraining, upgrading your mind & healing your body, so you can take your power back. Support this podcast: