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Talks! Episode 41 - StormWatchers

Talks! Episode 41 - StormWatchers

FromGabba Gabba Huh?

Talks! Episode 41 - StormWatchers

FromGabba Gabba Huh?

112 minutes
May 11, 2021
Podcast episode


This week, I talk to Celeste King, Matt Owens, and Thomas Stanfel of the band, StormWatchers! In addition to their personal journeys, we talk about "making it to the other side", starting to book shows, getting into the studio, backhanded compliments, corpse paint, Grateful Dead cover bands, "Heavy Rock",  and we end it by talking about some of our favorite bands from the area over the years, before Thomas remembers one more band he played in with one of my previous guests. for GGHT41: StormWatchers - OblivionArms of Venus - Natural ChildgogoPilot - ArkadelphiaThe Red and the Black - ElmwoodStormWatchers - Storm WatcherStormWatchers - Birds of FireStormWatchers - The CallThis episode is brought to you by Hobo Wolfman Records. Find out how you can help HWM open up their new brick and mortar store and get something cool in return: Gabba Huh? Records & Vintage Goods: inside Vintage Village at Eastridge Mall (246 N New Hope Rd Gastonia, NC ), three stores down from Dillard's (south entrance)Support the show
May 11, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Welcome to the Gabba Gabba Huh? Podcast, featuring the best of The Carolinas' punk, alternative, hard rock, and heavy metal from the past 40 years. While the main podcast (Gabba Gabba Huh? Talks) will be more converstional and interview style, while "Gabba Gabba Huh? Radio" will focus on the music, with some background information on the songs and bands featured. Most songs will be digitized from original vinyl, cassette, or CD sources, thus the quality will vary, but will be rather true to the original form. Hosted by Mike Phillips from Van Huskins