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How to Get the Most from Your Back Pain Consultation

How to Get the Most from Your Back Pain Consultation

FromThe Back Pain Podcast

How to Get the Most from Your Back Pain Consultation

FromThe Back Pain Podcast

13 minutes
Feb 19, 2021
Podcast episode


In this episode, Rob discusses and provides great advice on what you need to do to get the best from your consultation.
You need to look for a clinician or therapist who has a skill set that includes an active approach to care, someone who will tell you what you can do to get better and foster self-management, not resilience.
Rob shares key information that anyone attending a consultation can implement to make the experience productive and informative.
If you have back pain and are unsure about who you should see and what you should expect and ask in the consultation then this is the episode for you.

People who do manual therapy should be making it clear it is a symptomatic relief approach
Seek someone who doesn’t undertake imaging as standard for lower back pain. Only a small percentage of people will require imaging and the disadvantages of imaging far outweigh the advantages.
Look for someone who encourages self-management not resilience on them
The working diagnosis is formed from the information the patient shares about pain and how they are managing.
Your family medical history may be explored.
You need to be able to explain what the pain is stopping you from doing along with what you want to be able to do.
Before undertaking any treatment, you should be asking ’what are the benefits?
What are the risks? What are the alternatives? and what will happen if I do nothing?
Also, ask about the time frame and the expectations what do they think the outcomes will be for you.
Be clear about the plan of action, the prognosis, any lifestyle changes you may need to make and the exercises you will need to undertake.

‘Make sure they understand what you want to be able to get back to doing’
‘Any therapist should be fostering self-management’
‘Make sure they understand what you want to be able to get back to doing’
The Back Pain Podcast
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Dave Elliot
Dave is the owner of Advanced Chiropractic, a chain of Chiropractic and massage therapy clinics in Essex, UK. Dave still sees patients during the week but has been working hard to talk to as many experts in the field of back pain as possible to help distil all the information and bring it to you in this awesome podcast. You can find Dave on any of the Advanced Chiropractic social media platforms, or you can contact him at if you have any questions for him.
Rob Beaven
Rob owns and runs a multidisciplinary clinic, The Dyer St Clinic in Cirencester Gloucestershire. His team of Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Doctors and podiatrists all collaborate on thousands of back pain patients every year. Alongside Dave, he has worked hard to bring to the table experts across all industries to give you the low down on back pain, with steps you can implement today to start feeling better.
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Feb 19, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Welcome to the Back Pain Podcast with Rob and Dave! We are researching the facts about back pain and bringing them to you in easy to understand format. We are two Chiropractors who spend every day looking after people with back pain. It has become our mission to talk to the best in the business to get the facts that you need to hear. We interview everyone from surgeons, GPs, Physios, Chiropractors, consultants and more so that we can get you the answers to your questions, as well as actionable tips you can take away from each episode to start feeling better/regain your health/get back to life...