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Boom Darkwing #17 Dangerous Currency Part 2

Boom Darkwing #17 Dangerous Currency Part 2

FromThe St. Canard Files: A Darkwing Duck Podcast

Boom Darkwing #17 Dangerous Currency Part 2

FromThe St. Canard Files: A Darkwing Duck Podcast

20 minutes
May 23, 2022
Podcast episode


Blathering Blatherskite, St Canardians! Mike, Tiffany and Stan are here to talk about part 2 of "Dangerous Currency" (Boom Darkwing Duck #17). Today, the adults confront mutated versions of more classic villains while the kids (and Launchpad) battle the most dangerous criminal ever - a living, sentient lamp post! Also, the triumphant return of GIZMODUCK, plus other surprises. Is this one better than the last issue or are we waist deep in ink? All this and another groovy episode mini review! So join us, or Darkwing will get totally out of character again! And we don't want that.
DW #DarkwingDuck #Ducktales #DisneyAfternoon
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May 23, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

An analysis of every Darkwing Duck episode and discussion of all things related to the masked mallard! Reviews, news, interviews and more!