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S10E01: What's Your Story? with Cathy Loerzel

S10E01: What's Your Story? with Cathy Loerzel

FromMakers & Mystics

S10E01: What's Your Story? with Cathy Loerzel

FromMakers & Mystics

38 minutes
Sep 20, 2022
Podcast episode


Cathy Loerzel is the Co-Founder of The Allender Center at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and co-author of Redeeming Heartache: How Past Suffering Reveals Your True Calling with Dan Allender. She has spent the last 15 years developing a popular new coaching and therapeutic approach called Story Work that moves people through their past stories of heartache to heal and discover healthier ways of being in the world. In this season opening episode, Stephen talks with Cathy about what it means to listen to your story and how artists and creatives can move toward a much healthier mode of living and creating in the world. Music in this episode: GlasseaSponsor: Brightbell Creative: Meaningful Marketing for The Creative Artist. Join The Creative Collective:
Sep 20, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Makers & Mystics is the podcast for the art-driven, spiritually adventurous seekers of truth and lovers of life.