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206 - Dragon Warrior

206 - Dragon Warrior


206 - Dragon Warrior


91 minutes
Jan 28, 2022
Podcast episode


Once upon a time, the Balls of Light illuminated the kingdom of Alefgard, keeping its winters short and sustaining its peace. However, a man who could tame dragons and hence known as a Dragonlord, became corrupted by his magical studies. He attacked the Tantegel Castle and stole the Balls of Light, causing monsters to roam the land. A valiant hero named Erdrick, who had obtained the Balls of Light for the kingdom in the first place, attempted to defeat the Dragonlord and disappeared without trace. Many years later, during the reign of King Lorik XVI, the Dragonlord abducted Princess Gwaelin, carrying her to Castle Charlock. One day, a knight appears in front of the king, claiming to the be the descendant of Erdrick. He is entrusted with the mission to vanquish the Dragonlord, as the prophet Mahetta has predicted. 

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Dragon Warrior Longplay
Dragon Warrior on MSX
Dragon Warrior on Gameboy Color
Dragon Warrior on SNES
Akira Toriyama
Alternate Endings of Dragon Warrior
Dragon Quest Builders


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Jan 28, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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