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76 - Sundance Film Festival in the Time of Covid

76 - Sundance Film Festival in the Time of Covid

FromDolby Creator Talks

76 - Sundance Film Festival in the Time of Covid

FromDolby Creator Talks

57 minutes
Feb 2, 2021
Podcast episode


Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Sundance Film Festival is entirely virtual. But what exactly does a virtual film festival look like? Glenn sits down with Keri Putnam, CEO of the Sundance Institute, Tabitha Jackson, the brand new director of the Sundance Film Festival, and Michelle Satter, director of the Sundance Labs, to answer all these questions and more. It’s a fascinating conversation about not just the challenges of hosting the Sundance Film Festival in 2021, but also the new opportunities this situation may have uncovered. Indeed, this year could become the road map for the future of The Institute, The Labs, and The Sundance Film Festival itself.“It was such a privilege to be trusted with this incredible thing that is the festival. And so I approached it like holding this precious metal. And I must not break it. I'm going to carry it with two hands. I must not break it. [Then] the pandemic hit. And it was clear that, oh, I've got to break it. I've got to break it into pieces so that we can rebuild something to meet the moment.”- Tabitha Jackson, Sundance Film Festival directorBuy tickets to the 2021 Sundance Film Festival.Please subscribe to Sound + Image Lab: The Dolby Institute Podcast wherever you get your podcasts.You can also check out the video for this episode.Learn more about the Dolby Institute and check out Connect with Dolby on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Movie buff? Follow Dolby Cinema on Instagram.
Feb 2, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Sound and image are incredibly powerful tools for storytelling. Join Dolby Institute director Glenn Kiser in conversation with the artists who are using image and sound technologies creatively in some of your favorite films, TV shows, video games, and songs.