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Ozzie Smith (HOF 2002)

Ozzie Smith (HOF 2002)

FromLost Ballparks

Ozzie Smith (HOF 2002)

FromLost Ballparks

33 minutes
Jan 4, 2023
Podcast episode


Ozzie Smith, "The Wizard of Oz" was a 15X All-Star, World Champion, 13X Gold Glover, NL Silver Slugger and a first ballot baseball Hall of Famer! And on the season 4 premiere of the LB podcast he is talking about growing up across from L.A.'s Wrigley Field, his first game at Dodger Stadium, first MLB hit at Candlestick Park and memories of Busch Stadium in St. Louis!Support the show
Jan 4, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (85)

"Lost Ballparks", with Mike Koser, is a podcast that takes you on a journey to the golden age of baseball's Lost Ballparks as told by the players, broadcasters and fans who provide first hand accounts of what it was like to sit in the seats on a summer afternoon at Ebbets Field, the Polo Grounds, Forbes Field, Yankee Stadium, Comiskey Park, Crosley Field and many more. New episodes every Wednesday.