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JP Mission to Underground Spaceport in US Southeast

JP Mission to Underground Spaceport in US Southeast

FromEXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla

JP Mission to Underground Spaceport in US Southeast

FromEXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla

44 minutes
May 4, 2023
Podcast episode


JP currently serves with the US Army and reveals his latest covert mission on behalf of US Space Command was to a large underground spaceport where he witnessed hundreds of ships and visitors from different extraterrestrial civilizations. The spaceport is located in mountainous terrain in the general area of Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, and it uses a unique kind of laser stealth technology to hide the arrival and exit of spacecraft 24 hours a day.

JP says his eight-man team was tasked with receiving an advanced healing technology that was needed on an extraterrestrial base on one of the moons of a gas giant. He asserts that barter is central to how US Space Command works with extraterrestrial civilizations.

JP shared critical information about the functions and purpose of probes/orbs being released by space arks and extraterrestrial motherships currently moving towards the Earth. Millions of people will increasingly witness these probes. JP believes there is a countdown to a major disclosure event involving orbs/probes. However, they will be disclosed in a confusing way to the general public by the Deep State-controlled media.

The Deep State will also use its military/corporate assets to attack some of the ark/mothership probes. Such attacks will provoke the orbs' self-defense mechanisms leading to a contrived conflict designed to confuse the general public even further about the probes/orbs' true purpose. To learn more about Orbs, Space Arks, and Motherships, and why the Deep State fears them, Dr. Michael Salla recommends his upcoming May 13 webinar, which will be available at: .

For more interviews and updates from JP, visit:


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May 4, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A leading researcher, keynote speaker & best selling author in the fields of exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment. Stay informed. Visit us at and Subscribe. Support this podcast: