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E76: Three Steps to Combat Imposter Syndrome

E76: Three Steps to Combat Imposter Syndrome

FromEmotional Optimism: Living in The Silver Lining Podcast

E76: Three Steps to Combat Imposter Syndrome

FromEmotional Optimism: Living in The Silver Lining Podcast

7 minutes
Apr 5, 2023
Podcast episode


It takes a village to run and grow a business. You have to become committed and consistent to show up in the right community and for the right community. And even when you’re struggling with imposter syndrome, you will still have to show up for you every day. 
Our imposter syndrome is a close cousin to our limiting beliefs. These are both false narratives. They're a negative talk track, which isn’t true, but we have to outsmart it. And the only way to outsmart it is to get rational.
Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

We’re all beginners and students of life.

The 3-column exercise to combat imposter syndrome

Episode Highlights:
[03:27] We’re All Beginners in Life
Many of us, if not all, are still beginners in different aspects of our lives.  We're all students. And we are all Teachers. Having this kind of mindset brings us together. 
[04:09] Exercise to Combat Imposter Syndrome
Column 1: What is that negative voice telling you and what is the imposter telling you? Maybe, it's telling you that you're not good enough or you're not smart enough. However, you cannot usually find the evidence to say, “Yes, I’m an imposter. You're right.”
Column 2: This next column is about where you write down how you know it’s true.  How do you know you’re not good enough? And you look around and you say, “Actually, I don't know that because I'm just as smart as everyone else.”
Column 3: Here, you say, “Look at the body of evidence. Look at the work I've done that tells me I’m actually good, I am smart, I am average height, and I am whatever it is."
Apr 5, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Emotional Optimism: Living in The Silver Lining Podcast - A collection of exploratory thoughts and conversations to help tap into emotional optimism and heart leadership. Think of this podcast as your personal prescription of leadership tips, empathetic food for thought and courageous and real conovs!