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Conquistadors: Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Pt. 1

Conquistadors: Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Pt. 1


Conquistadors: Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Pt. 1


40 minutes
Oct 4, 2022
Podcast episode


In 1535, the second son of a wealthy Spanish family sailed to Mexico and married into a wealthy estate. But he wanted more. He wanted fame. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado raises himself out of obscurity to become one of the most powerful men in the region. Then sets out in pursuit of the rumored Seven Cities of Gold.
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Oct 4, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

They are natural-born-leaders with a never-ending thirst for power. Through force and deceit, they rise through the ranks towards radicalism—eliminating anyone who stands in their way. Every Tuesday, delve into the minds, and motives, behind some of the world’s most infamous leaders in Parcast’s original series, DICTATORS. Each dictator is analyzed in 2-part episodes...with the first giving insight into their rise to power, and the second chronicling the impact of their downfall.