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The Premonitions Bureau Pt. 1

The Premonitions Bureau Pt. 1

FromUnexplained Mysteries

The Premonitions Bureau Pt. 1

FromUnexplained Mysteries

42 minutes
Feb 7, 2023
Podcast episode


In 1967, psychiatrist John Barker embarked on an experiment to see if tragedies could be avoided and lives could be saved through the premonitions of ordinary people. Then two of his subjects predicted separate disasters. Some speculate it was a coincidence. But the accuracy of these predictions was downright frightening.
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Feb 7, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

“We don’t know.” answers too many questions. But in this podcast, we don’t take “we don’t know” for an answer. Every Thursday, Unexplained Mysteries investigates the greatest mysteries of history and life on earth, because the answer “we don’t know” is always the scariest. Unexplained Mysteries is part of the Parcast Network and is a Cutler Media production.