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154 – Alex Woodroe & The Sweet Science of Folk Horror

154 – Alex Woodroe & The Sweet Science of Folk Horror

FromTalking Scared

154 – Alex Woodroe & The Sweet Science of Folk Horror

FromTalking Scared

73 minutes
Aug 1, 2023
Podcast episode


We’re off on a Goth pilgrimage this week folks, to the motherland, Transylvania, to talk folk-horror and more with Alex Woodroe.Alex is a Romanian writer of dark fictions, the Editor in Chief of Tenebrous Press, and the debut author of Whisperwood. The book brings the monsters of Romanian myth and legend to the fore in a battle of wills with an isolated village. There isn’t a vampire in sight. Bram Stoker didn’t know what he was talking about.Alex does! And we get into lots of things, from the difference between fantasy and folk-legend, political allegory and the recent history of dictatorship, to the very real undead myths in her own family tree.I learned a lot from this conversation.Enjoy!Whisperwood was published by Flame Tree Press on July 11th Support Talking Scared on PatreonCome talk books on Twitter @talkscaredpod, on Instagram, or email direct to Support the show
Aug 1, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Conversations with the biggest names in horror fiction. A podcast for horror readers who want to know where their favourite stories came from . . . and what frightens the people who wrote them.