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The Power of the Collective Pause

The Power of the Collective Pause

FromGratitude Blooming Podcast

The Power of the Collective Pause

FromGratitude Blooming Podcast

27 minutes
Aug 4, 2023
Podcast episode


How can a simple pause unlock the magic of co-creation and our collective superpowers? Join us as we explore the intentions behind Arlene's latest pop-up art exhibit, "The Forgiveness Reflection Booth", and how pausing to connect with found objects in nature can bring comfort, kindness, joy and wonder to our everyday lives. We also focus on the theme of self-care as a powerful reminder from nature of  how nurturing others and our planet can serve as an extension of caring for ourselves.  Enjoy this journey of discovery, healing, and growth.  Let's bloom together!  Meet us in Los Angeles for our live podcast event series with the Center for the Preservation of Democracy.  Or...  join us on a nature retreat this fall by emailing us at you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave us a 5-star rating and review. Your feedback is valuable to us and helps us grow. Share your thoughts and comments by emailing us at We love hearing from our listeners.And don't forget to check out our shop at to help us sustain this podcast or sponsor us here. Thank you for your continued support. We appreciate you!
Aug 4, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Inspired by nature, art and gratitude, the Gratitude Blooming co-hosts Belinda Liu and Omar Brownson bring a fresh perspective to wellness with diverse voices. For us, heartfulness is the new mindfulness. Gratitude Blooming was inspired by the artist Arlene Kim Suda and her 100 Days of Blooming Love art project. Each week, she shares inspiring stories and reflections. Hear from culture keepers, creators, healers, leaders and so many others who share their emergent practices to build a more beautiful world. Please rate, review and subscribe. New conversations each week. We want to hear what you're grateful for. Learn more at