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8 minutes
Feb 25, 2023
Podcast episode


Today's reading is Numbers 5-6. 
Join us as we discuss how sinning against another person is also (and more importantly) sinning against God.  Also today is the Aaronic (priestly) blessing.  Did anything from today's reading affect your faith?
We are reading through the Bible every day in chronological order.  Please subscribe for daily updates and leave us a review if you find the podcast helpful to your spiritual walk. We hope this is useful as a companion to your daily quiet and reading. For the entire chronological reading plan we are following, or if you have any questions, comments or prayer request(s), email David Doty at  Thanks and God bless! #dailybiblereading
Feb 25, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Welcome to Bible In Order (BIO), where we are reading the Word of God on a daily basis. Don't worry, we aren't reading each day on the air, we are providing a reading plan as well as a brief observation or devotion based on that day's content. We will also release more in depth conversations on specific passages of scripture as the Father leads. Have a specific passage you'd like to learn more about? Send us an email at and we will see what we can do! Thanks for being here, and please leave us a 5 star review if you feel it's deserved!