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The Jesus Prayer + Eastern Christian Mysticism

The Jesus Prayer + Eastern Christian Mysticism

FromSt. Anthony's Tongue

The Jesus Prayer + Eastern Christian Mysticism

FromSt. Anthony's Tongue

44 minutes
Aug 23, 2023
Podcast episode


The Jesus Prayer is one of the most beloved prayers and spiritual practices of the east, but it's also catching on in the west. How does this compare to western mystical contemplation? And how can we incorporate it into our own spirituality?
Tune in to find out!
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Aug 23, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A podcast covering folk catholicism, mysticism saint folklore. We share stories involving saints, folklore, and more - and then uncover the ways certain saints, tools, and prayers are used in magical and mystical practices. From protection and manifestation, to dispelling Satan and evil - this podcast has you covered.