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Using Trends To Enhance Your Positioning

Using Trends To Enhance Your Positioning

FromPositioning with April Dunford

Using Trends To Enhance Your Positioning

FromPositioning with April Dunford

22 minutes
Nov 2, 2023
Podcast episode


Every business wants to cash in on the latest trend, and for good reason. Trends can be powerful tools to enhance your positioning. However, it's crucial to recognize that not all trends are a universal fit for every company. Blindly adopting trends without thoughtful messaging can lead to disastrous outcomes for your business.
Today, I’m diving deep into the world of trends. You’ll learn the following:

The difference between markets and trends
How trends can be layered on top of your differentiated value
Why it’s a risky move to chase trends that aren't relevant to your business
Real-world examples of companies incorporating trends, both successfully and poorly
An overview of AI technology and how to address it in your business 

Thanks for listening! 

If You Want To Skip Ahead:
(00:27) Information about Sales Pitch and a reader’s review
(01:19) The difference between markets and trends
(04:34) How and when to layer trends on top of your differentiated value
(06:36) The three circle mental model of product, market, and trend 
(07:38) How Redgate Software took advantage of the DevOps trend
(09:50) Trends don’t always align with your product (and why you shouldn’t force them to)
(13:41) Long Island Blockchain: an example of a company latching onto an unrelated trend
(16:39) An overview of AI technology 
(18:28) The right way to address AI if it is relevant to your business and customers
(19:42) Announcements 

Where To Find April Dunford:
Podcast Website: 
Personal Website: 

Redgate Software:
Long Island Iced Tea Soars After Changing Its Name to Long Blockchain:

Production and marketing by
Nov 2, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (40)

Want to make your product stand out in a crowded market? It all starts with great positioning. I’m April Dunford, the expert high-growth tech companies go to when they have a positioning problem. With over two decades of experience as a startup executive and consultant, I have positioned and re-positioned hundreds of products and companies. Using my battle-tested methodology, I'll teach you the nitty-gritty of positioning so that you can unlock better marketing and sales performance. If you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or business leader who wants to stand out, this podcast is for you.