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What If It Was Me? Episode 51

What If It Was Me? Episode 51

FromSo There I Was

What If It Was Me? Episode 51

FromSo There I Was

104 minutes
Apr 20, 2023
Podcast episode


Marine, Author, American Hero: LtCol. W.R. Spicer USMC (ret) joins Fig & RePete this week. We delve into the extraordinary life of this Marine who has written a memoir that is nothing short of amazing. In his five books, "Sea Stories of a US Marine," Spicer shares his incredible journey, from the unlikely event that changed the course of his life to his meeting and interactions with President Kennedy.

This is a slightly longer episode, but well worth the time as we hear everything from his enlistment to his days in flight school, to flying in Vietnam, being selected to fly Harriers and commanding a squadron.

Hear the firsthand account of how Spicer managed to muster the courage to face enemy fire and go into a hot LZ (Landing Zone) over and over again. The title of this week's episode "What If It Was Me?" perfectly captures the essence of Spicer's bravery and selflessness.

 His books Sea Stories of a US Marine (5 book series) are a must-read. They're well written, funny, poignant, compelling and offer a rare glimpse for anyone who wants to gain insight into the life of a US Marine who embodies the spirit of courage and sacrifice.

Stripes to Bars


On Her Majesty's Service


Apr 20, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Join hosts, Fig and Repete, as they bring in some great aviation raconteurs to relate the glamorous, hilarious, poignant, tragic, and incredible tales of aviation. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll laugh ’til you cry, but you’ll never be bored!