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How to Craft a “Speak Up” Culture

How to Craft a “Speak Up” Culture


How to Craft a “Speak Up” Culture


36 minutes
Dec 5, 2023
Podcast episode


Why do we stay silent when we know things aren’t right? How can leaders spark truth-telling in turbulent times? 
And how can we foster environments that make it feel safer and worthwhile for people to voice opinions or issues?
Together we tackle why people don’t speak up more, the often devastating impact of staying quiet, both on ourselves and on others, and what we can do to change that. 
Shed explains why psychological safety alone isn’t enough. We also need courage, and to know our voice matters. He offers insights on changing culture, and reducing fear just enough, while raising the stakes, so people take the risk to contribute. 
In today’s episode we’re digging into:

We dig into questions like, how do leaders reward truth-telling, even when it’s hard to hear?

Why must inclusion of diverse views be centered?

We discuss the behaviors that encourage participation at all levels. And how to have constructive dialogue, not just top-down criticism.

Imagine work cultures where speaking up is welcomed, not just tolerated. Where complex issues are explored from all sides, with open-minded curiosity, not closed-minded certainty. 

And we’re in conversation with:
SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Stephen ‘Shed’ Shedletzky | Website | Book
Speaker and author of “Speak-Up Culture: When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up”, Stephen Shedletzky. Stephen, or Shed, as most folks call him, is a leadership coach and advisor who helps leaders make it safe and worth it for people to speak up. Over the years, he’s taken on roles like Chief of Staff, Lead Igniter & Head of Brand Experience, Training & Development. He’s led a global team of speakers and facilitators, as well as hundreds of his own keynotes, workshops and team and leadership development programs. 
YOUR HOST: Jonathan Fields
Jonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.
How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissions
More on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The Website
Find a Certified Sparketype Advisor: CSA Directory
Presented by LinkedIn.
Dec 5, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

We’re all in a moment. And, we’re asking the big questions. Especially about work. Should I join The Great Resignation? Should I stay and just keep on, keeping on. Or, reimagine, reinvent, maybe even start my own thing? Can I really expect more than just a paycheck and stability from work? How do I navigate the overwhelm, burnout, and work-life-bleed that’s turned work-from-home into never-stop-working? What about purpose, joy, excitement, time to breathe, and live? What about that nagging tension between money and meaning, the desire to feel secure and the quest to do something that makes you come alive - that sparks you? These are the questions we’ll be diving into on the SPARKED podcast. Every week, we invite a listener to share what’s going on in their work & life, then pose a specific question. Then, our host, award-winning author, advisor, and founder, Jonathan Fields, and a rotating lineup of wise mentors from the SPARKED Braintrust will share insights, ideas, strategies, resources and tips to help us all better align what we do with who we are, so we can find and do more of what makes us come alive.