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ONE PHRASE Will Help You Master The Simulation!

ONE PHRASE Will Help You Master The Simulation!

FromSupernatural Challenge Podcast with Cub Kuker

ONE PHRASE Will Help You Master The Simulation!

FromSupernatural Challenge Podcast with Cub Kuker

98 minutes
Feb 17, 2024
Podcast episode


Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP391

I've encountered trouble repeatedly for saying "I Am God." Many people misinterpret my meaning when I say this. Throughout different times, many individuals have made similar claims. However, rather than asserting themselves as the only incarnation of God, they often simply realized a profound truth about themselves and others. Personally, I even believe that this is what Jesus himself was claiming, rather than asserting singular divinity or identifying as the Messiah.

Drawing from the wisdom of Eastern mystic scriptures, the teachings of spiritual luminaries like Yogananda and even Jesus himself, and even contemporary concepts like the Matrix theory, we embark on a journey to understand and embrace non-dualism—the realization that we are not separate from the divine, but rather an integral part of it.

The following are some beautiful quotes from eastern mystic philosophers, and gurus to help guide us each towards a more non-dualistic lifestyle.

Bhagavad Gita: In Chapter 10, Verse 20, Lord Krishna says, "I am the Self, O Gudakesha, seated in the hearts of all creatures. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings."

Upanishads: From the Chandogya Upanishad (6.8.7), "Tat Tvam Asi," which translates to "Thou art That." This implies the identity of the individual self (Atman) with the Ultimate Reality (Brahman), indicating that the individual is God.

Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi": Yogananda often emphasized the concept of the divine essence within oneself, stating, "God is within you," suggesting the recognition of the divine presence within each individual.

Jesus Christ in the New Testament: In John 10:30, Jesus says, "I and the Father are one." This verse is often interpreted to imply the unity of Jesus with God, suggesting the divinity within oneself.

Simulation Theory: Drawing from modern concepts, the idea of being "Player One" in the simulation can be likened to the Eastern concept of realizing one's true nature as God or the divine. Just as in a simulation, where the player realizes their inherent power and control within the game, realizing oneself as God suggests recognizing one's inherent divinity and connection to the Ultimate Reality. 

Understanding non-dualism (Advaita Vedanta) deeply involves transcending the illusion of separation between oneself and the divine.

By integrating these practices and perspectives, one can deepen their understanding of non-dualism and realize the inherent divinity within oneself, transcending the illusion of separation and recognizing the unity of all existence.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024


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Feb 17, 2024
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