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Juana "la Loca"

Juana "la Loca"

FromSimple Stories in Spanish

Juana "la Loca"

FromSimple Stories in Spanish

17 minutes
Apr 15, 2024
Podcast episode


Many kings and queens are given nicknames along with their titles. Juana was the third child of Isabel and Fernando “the Catholics”. Her nickname, “la loca”, or “the crazy one” came from her dramatic outbursts, often related to her husband, Felipe “the Handsome”. The question remains, was Juana really loca? Or was she the victim of circumstances and manipulations well out of her control?This story is told in the third person and the past tense. Important vocabulary in the story includes: “heredero” (heir), “nacimiento” (birth), “rey” (king), “reina” (queen) and “poder” (power).No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. You can find a transcript of the story and read along at Support the show
Apr 15, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Simple Stories in Spanish is a weekly production of the Small Town Spanish Teacher. Listen along as she tells easy to understand stories to help you learn or practice the Spanish language. Wherever you are in your language journey, Simple Stories will help propel you forward. You can find transcripts of the stories at You can support the creation of these stories by buying me a coffee (or taco!)