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Poetic Justice (Maya Angelou)

Poetic Justice (Maya Angelou)

FromFamous and Gravy

Poetic Justice (Maya Angelou)

FromFamous and Gravy

65 minutes
May 1, 2024
Podcast episode


This person died in 2014 at age 86. She was a Tony-nominated stage actress, and a calypso dancer for a period of time.. In 2011 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She was a college professor and a ubiquitous presence on the lecture circuit, and also made several appearances on Sesame Street. Throughout her writing, she explored the concepts of personal identity and resilience through the multifaceted lens of race, sex, family, community and the collective past. In 1969 she published her landmark book, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. Today’s dead celebrity is Maya Angelou. 

This episode originally published February 8, 2023.

Listen to the Sound Judgment podcast in which Michael and Amit discuss this Maya Angelou episode 

Famous & Gravy is created and co-hosted by Amit Kapoor and Michael Osborne. This episode was produced by Jacob Weiss. For updates on the show, please sign up for our newsletter at Also, enjoy our mobile quiz game at

If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like Episode 71 “Defiant One” (Sidney Poitier) and Episode 61 “Dame Detective” (Angela Lansburyi).

Transcript of this episode
New York Times Obituary for Maya Angelou
‘Sound Judgment’ podcast discussing this episode
Maya Angelou’s poem at the 1993 inauguration
Tracy Morgan’s impersonation of Angelou’s Hallmark Cards on SNL
Maya Angelou for Froot Loops on SNL performed by David Alan Grier
Maya Angelou’s Life in Photos in the New Yorker
“And I Still Rise” Documentary on Maya Angelou
Famous & Gravy official website
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Dead or Alive Quiz Game
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May 1, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (82)

On every episode we choose a celebrity who died between 1 and 10 years ago. We then go through a series of structured categories. We start by rating the first line of their NYT obituary on a scale of 1–10. We then look at their life stats, we speculate on their inner lives, and we ultimately answer the question "Would I want that life?" Each category helps weigh the desirability of a given life. Our approach is that of an empathetic biography. Our dead celebrities cross many categories of fame, including film, TV, sports, music, politics, literature, and more. Our goal is to make serious topics fun.