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DMP #36 - Criminal Cult Leaders

DMP #36 - Criminal Cult Leaders

FromThe Damo Mitchell Podcast

DMP #36 - Criminal Cult Leaders

FromThe Damo Mitchell Podcast

50 minutes
May 3, 2024
Podcast episode


In a slightly more serious (sometimes) podcast episode, Adam Mizner and Damo Mitchell discuss some of the hate that comes their way. Damo reads out an online article which paints himself and Adam as s3xually deviant, criminal cult leaders and the two of them respond.Being in the public brings a lot of hatred these days and the two shine a light on the kind of attacks which are an almost daily part of their teaching lives.Trigger warning: If sensitive, you should know that some dark topics are discussed.
May 3, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (47)

Damo Mitchell and friends discussing various aspects of the martial, medical and spiritual arts of the East as well as life in general. Sometimes serious, sometimes not so much, always rambling; the Damo Mitchell Podcast is for those interested in discussion of the inner arts of all kinds. Damo’s main website: Online training with Damo: