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The Relationship Between Art and Honesty

The Relationship Between Art and Honesty

FromThe Flynn Skidmore Podcast

The Relationship Between Art and Honesty

FromThe Flynn Skidmore Podcast

27 minutes
Aug 28, 2024
Podcast episode


In this episode, I follow up on last week’s topics of superiority and inferiority and share my growth since. I speak about into the concept of empowerment and the journey from perceiving relationships vertically to embracing horizontal connections. I explore the realization that safety and genuine connection come from allowing ourselves to be seen horizontally by others. This shift in perspective has transformed my creative process, enabling me to operate with a more nourishing worldview.I also discuss my decision to no longer identify as a therapist and what that opens up for me in terms of artistry. Inspired by a documentary on Rick Rubin, I reflect on the idea that true art creates change and examine the potency of value and impact in the world.Throughout the episode, I share my thoughts on honesty, transparency, and the transformative power of art. I touch on the role of alter egos in artistic expression and the importance of sharing one's psyche openly to foster change and evolution.Join me as I navigate these complex themes and express my appreciation for the supportive community that allows me to explore these ideas freely.Join my Free 7 Day Course "How to Identify and Heal Unconscious Wounds" HERE! Here are 3 ways I can help you:Online CommunitySmall Group Coaching1:1 Mentorship
Aug 28, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (71)

The podcast for learning to light your soul on fire and become exactly who you want to be.Join Therapist Flynn Skidmore as he dives into eye-opening conversations with some of the most interesting people in the world, offering you the tools and perspectives you need to live your best life.Get ready to generate the love you’ve always wanted, cultivate your vision for a next-level life, tap into abundance and wealth, and develop a deep understanding of yourself.