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Sanhedrin 44: Brazen before God

Sanhedrin 44: Brazen before God

FromTalking Talmud

Sanhedrin 44: Brazen before God

FromTalking Talmud

19 minutes
Jan 30, 2025
Podcast episode


More on Achan and Joshua... which leads to a comparison between Moses and Joshua -- and Pinchas, in terms of negotiating or litigating before God. Joshua is rebuked for acting brazenly -- yet, he's not alone in challenging God, and usually to good effect. So where is Joshua brazen to the degree of being rebuked? It takes close reading of the verses, which the sages provide. Also, a textual interpretation, wherein a Babylonian sage asked an Israel sage how the schools in the Land of Israel interpret a verse in Proverbs. That interpretation is a story of the angel Gabriel rebuking God for being impatient with the Children of Israel, as compared to how he would have treated Abraham and Sarah. Plus, a comparable treatment of a verse in Job, presenting the "behind the scenes" decisions of God with regard to the Jewish people.
Jan 30, 2025
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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