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Excalibur's Quest: Swordships Odyssey, #2
Scimitar's Glory: Swordships Odyssey, #1
Ebook series2 titles

Swordships Odyssey Series

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



About this series

In Scimitar's Glory, the alien Tong won the Battle for Earth and took control of the orbital space around the planet. Humanity is now at their mercy, but not all Space Force warships have been defeated. Wolfe Koenig's light cruiser, Excalibur, is on a mission to acquire technology that just might enable the ragged remnants of the Fleet to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat—if he can find an alien race with that technology, if he can convince them to trade for it and if the technology can be exploited fast enough. Excalibur's Quest is the story of that mission and the challenges, both alien and human, that Koenig faces.

Release dateJul 29, 2018
Excalibur's Quest: Swordships Odyssey, #2
Scimitar's Glory: Swordships Odyssey, #1

Titles in the series (2)

  • Scimitar's Glory: Swordships Odyssey, #1


    Scimitar's Glory: Swordships Odyssey, #1
    Scimitar's Glory: Swordships Odyssey, #1

    With alien races both overtly and covertly hostile pressing into human space on all sides. war finally comes to the Space Force that defends our frontiers. But when a panicked flag officer orders a riskly long-range jump that goes horribly wrong, a fleet finds itself a LONG way from home with not enough food for everyone to make it back. Hard decisions have to be made with both challenges and opportunities along the way. Can the fleet make it back in time to help win the war or will they get home only to find human worlds overrun and conquered?

  • Excalibur's Quest: Swordships Odyssey, #2


    Excalibur's Quest: Swordships Odyssey, #2
    Excalibur's Quest: Swordships Odyssey, #2

    In Scimitar's Glory, the alien Tong won the Battle for Earth and took control of the orbital space around the planet. Humanity is now at their mercy, but not all Space Force warships have been defeated. Wolfe Koenig's light cruiser, Excalibur, is on a mission to acquire technology that just might enable the ragged remnants of the Fleet to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat—if he can find an alien race with that technology, if he can convince them to trade for it and if the technology can be exploited fast enough. Excalibur's Quest is the story of that mission and the challenges, both alien and human, that Koenig faces.


Dietmar Arthur Wehr

Dietmar started writing SF novels when he was 58 after a career in corporate financial analysis. He got tired of waiting for David Weber to write another Honor Harrington series book so he decided to write some military SF of his own. He lives near Niagara Falls, Canada. In his spare time, he dabbles in steampunk cosplay, pursues his interests in science, history and free energy. He can be contacted via his website.

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