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Short History of Fire Fighting - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #2
Short History of Roads and Highways - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #4
Short History of Libraries, Printing and Language – Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #1
Ebook series8 titles

Indiana History Series

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About this series

Indiana's Role in the Civil War recounts the stories of the regiments that served in the War Between the States. Indiana had the second largest per capita number of men fighting for the Union Army in the four years of the war. From the first battle, the Battle of Philippi, to the Grand Review of the Armies Hoosiers played a prominent role in the defeat of the rebellion of the Confederacy. The book includes a county by county history of the regiments as well as the story of the longest raid of the Civil War, Morgan's Raid.

Short Description

Indiana's Role in the Civil War recounts the stories of the regiments that served in the War Between the States. Indiana had the second largest per capita number of men fighting for the Union Army in the four years of the war.

Release dateSep 18, 2019
Short History of Fire Fighting - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #2
Short History of Roads and Highways - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #4
Short History of Libraries, Printing and Language – Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #1

Titles in the series (8)

  • Short History of Libraries, Printing and Language – Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #1


    Short History of Libraries, Printing and Language – Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #1
    Short History of Libraries, Printing and Language – Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #1

    The Short History of Libraries, Printing and Language tells the story of printing, language, books, writing and libraries. Learn about the development of ink, papyrus, parchment, paper and the story of Johannes Gutenberg's printing press. This Indiana Edition relates the history of early Indiana libraries, the Indiana State Library and Indiana library laws.

  • Short History of Fire Fighting - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #2


    Short History of Fire Fighting - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #2
    Short History of Fire Fighting - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #2

    Learn the story of the firefighters, departments, museums and fire towers in Indiana. History of Fire Fighting The book begins with a history of firefighting from the earliest firefighting equipment and formation of the first fire departments. Early firefighting equipment and methods are also discussed. United States Firefighting History Readers will learn about the first fire companies formed in the United States as well as some of the earliest destructive fires that took place. Indiana Firefighting The book covers some of the early fire departments in Indiana as well as some of the state's most destructive fires. Fire Towers Fire towers once formed an important link in fire control in the dense forests that cover Indiana. Readers will learn about the history of fire towers as well as the locations of the remaining fire towers in Indiana. Fire Fighting Museums A comprehensive listing of firefighting museums in both the United States and Indiana.

  • Short History of Roads and Highways - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #4


    Short History of Roads and Highways - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #4
    Short History of Roads and Highways - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #4

    The Short History of Roads and Highways – Indiana Edition relates the history of roads from the first primitive ridgeways to the modern interstate highway. Ancient Highways The Silk Highway and the Roman roads formed an important part of the ancient world's transportation system. The Roman roads were so well engineered that many are still used today. The Silk Road played an indispensable role in the trade between Asia and Europe. Indian Trails In the New World the Incas of South America developed a system of excellent roads that allowed travel throughout their extensive empire. In North American extensive trail systems like the Great Warrior's Path, the Buffalo Trace and Nemacolin's Path connected the tribes in far flung regions, allowing them to trade goods with one another. Pioneer Trails The early pioneers used many of the Indian trails and wildlife trails and as time progressed, built their own. The Wilderness Road, Zane's Trace,  the Oregon Trail and the Santa Fe Trail wove their stories into American legend and history. Early Highways The rise of bicycles as a major transportation medium sparked the first calls for better roads. The Good Roads Movement began near the end of the Eighteenth Century. As automobiles began replacing bicycles, the cry for better roads increased, leading to the development of interstate roads like the Lincoln Highway, the National Road and many others. US Highways In the 1920's the Congress established the US Highway network, a numbered highway system that stretched from coast to coast, both north and south. Interstate Highways General Dwight D. Eisenhower's exposure to the autobahn system in Germany during his leadership in World War II advocated the development of a similar system in the United States. The United States Congress concurred, leading to the development of the modern interstate highway system we have today. Indiana Roads Development of a roadway system in Indiana followed the development of the state from Territory to Statehood. The Buffalo Trace was the first major highway in the state. Many pioneer traces followed the Indian trails, of which there was an extensive network, and wildlife trails. The Michigan Road was the state's first major highway, linking Madison with Michigan City far to the north.   From the first rude ridgeways to the modern interstate superhighway, the evolution of the road is a fascinating story. Readers will learn the progression of roads from the first ridgeways, roads in the ancient world, Roman roads and the development of the revolutionary McAdam Road. Native Americans developed an extensive system of trails for both trade and war. The Short History of Roads and Highways - Indiana Edition includes information on early Amerindian trails, pioneer traces and the beginnings of the modern Indiana highway system.

  • Short History of Public Parks - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #5


    Short History of Public Parks - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #5
    Short History of Public Parks - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #5

    Short History of Public Parks – Indiana Edition recounts the history of the public park from its early beginnings as hunting parks for European nobles to the extensive state and national parks of today. Cemetery History Cemeteries served as the first parks as landscape designers began designing cemeteries that proved a pleasant place for both the dead and the living. State Parks The book serves as a guide to the state parks of the United States, as it includes a listing of the Departments of Natural Resources of every state. National Park History Readers will learn the history of the United States National Park system as well as the National Wildlife Refuges and other national recreational and preservation organizations. Indiana State Park Guide The  Short History of Public Parks – Indiana Edition serves as a complete guide to the Indiana State Park system. If you have a bucket list of Indiana parks you want to visit, you can use this book as a checklist of the parks you have been to. The book includes a history, facilities and contact information for each of Indiana's 28 state parks.

  • The Story of the Indiana Constitution: Indiana History Series, #7


    The Story of the Indiana Constitution: Indiana History Series, #7
    The Story of the Indiana Constitution: Indiana History Series, #7

    Composed in the summer heat in the shade of a huge elm tree in Corydon, Indiana the 1816 Constitution served Indiana's needs until replaced by a new document in 1851. The Story of the Indiana Constitution serves as a handbook and guide to the foundation of Indiana law. It includes the text of the original 1816 Constitution as well as the original text and amendments of its 1851 replacement.

  • The Stories of Indiana's Counties: Indiana History Series, #6


    The Stories of Indiana's Counties: Indiana History Series, #6
    The Stories of Indiana's Counties: Indiana History Series, #6

    Indiana Counties The Stories of Indiana's Counties includes a thumbnail history of each of Indiana's 92 counties. The history includes a sketch of each county's namesake as well as the dates they were established by the Indiana legislature. Indiana History The establishment of counties was a key step in the history of Indiana as settlement in the state advanced from the regions near the Wabash and Ohio River and the areas near the border with Ohio. County Seat and Courthouse Histories of each of Indiana county courthouses are also included, as these structures are the cornerstone of many local governments. Indiana Tourism Most counties in Indiana have tourism organizations to help promote tourism in their county. The Stories of Indiana's Counties lists the tourism boards for each county that has one.

  • A Short History of Basketball - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #8


    A Short History of Basketball - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #8
    A Short History of Basketball - Indiana Edition: Indiana History Series, #8

    The Short History of Basketball leads readers through the fascinating history of the sport of basketball. The book includes a history of the game and Indiana basketball sports highlights.   Readers will discover a complete listing of Indiana high school championship winners and Mr. and Miss Basketball awards. The book also covers the Kentucky/Indiana High School All Star Series as well as some of the iconic high school gymnasiums in the state.

  • Indiana's Role in Civil War: Indiana History Series, #9


    Indiana's Role in Civil War: Indiana History Series, #9
    Indiana's Role in Civil War: Indiana History Series, #9

    Indiana's Role in the Civil War recounts the stories of the regiments that served in the War Between the States. Indiana had the second largest per capita number of men fighting for the Union Army in the four years of the war. From the first battle, the Battle of Philippi, to the Grand Review of the Armies Hoosiers played a prominent role in the defeat of the rebellion of the Confederacy. The book includes a county by county history of the regiments as well as the story of the longest raid of the Civil War, Morgan's Raid. Short Description Indiana's Role in the Civil War recounts the stories of the regiments that served in the War Between the States. Indiana had the second largest per capita number of men fighting for the Union Army in the four years of the war.


Paul R. Wonning

Publisher of history, gardening, travel and fiction books. Gardening, history and travel seem an odd soup in which to stew one's life, but Paul has done just that. A gardener since 1975, he has spent his spare time reading history and traveling with his wife. He gardens, plans his travels and writes his books out in the sticks near a small town in southeast Indiana. He enjoys sharing the things he has learned about gardening, history and travel with his readers. The many books Paul has written reflect that joy of sharing. He also writes fiction in his spare time. Read and enjoy his books, if you will. Or dare.

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