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Wildlife Tourism Futures: Encounters with Wild, Captive and Artificial Animals
Inclusive Tourism Futures
The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’: The Collaborative Consumption of our Cities
Ebook series7 titles

The Future of Tourism Series

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About this series

This book provides multi-layered and nuanced perspectives on how drivers of change may influence cultural tourism on a global, national and local level. As such, it contributes to a greater understanding of how cultural tourism will be governed, performed and experienced within a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous future environment. The volume examines how the cultural tourism sector can address the needs of cultural tourists through product and service development, offers insights into alternative, post-anthropocentric values underpinning cultural tourism governance and consumption, and engages with immersive, collaborative, slow and technology-driven cultural heritage-based tourism experiences. The book includes both empirical and conceptual chapters, with the contributors suggesting various alternatives that are underpinned by utopian and/or dystopian outlooks on the likely future(s) of cultural tourism.

Chapter 8 is free to download as an open access publication under a CC BY NC ND licence. You can download it here:

Release dateApr 15, 2019
Wildlife Tourism Futures: Encounters with Wild, Captive and Artificial Animals
Inclusive Tourism Futures
The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’: The Collaborative Consumption of our Cities

Titles in the series (7)

  • The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’: The Collaborative Consumption of our Cities


    The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’: The Collaborative Consumption of our Cities
    The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’: The Collaborative Consumption of our Cities

    This book deconstructs the ‘sharing’ marketing narratives surrounding Airbnb and similar platforms. It provides a conceptual analysis of the ‘sharing economy’ and accommodation sector and furthers the ongoing discussion surrounding Airbnb and the social sustainability of city tourism. The volume analyses the touristification of neighbourhoods in the context of broader economic and ideological shifts, thus bridging the gap between academic and social debate. It presents four different city scenarios of potential future developments and evaluates the effects of different regulatory responses, giving readers an understanding of the forces and factors at work and envisioning the ultimate consequences of current developments. The book will appeal to students and researchers in tourism and hospitality studies, futures studies and urban planning, as well as to policymakers and strategists in the hospitality and tourism sectors.

  • Wildlife Tourism Futures: Encounters with Wild, Captive and Artificial Animals


    Wildlife Tourism Futures: Encounters with Wild, Captive and Artificial Animals
    Wildlife Tourism Futures: Encounters with Wild, Captive and Artificial Animals

    This book presents a series of possible future scenarios in wildlife and animal tourism by combining critical thinking and imagination to stimulate reflection and ways forward. The future of wildlife tourism faces uncertainties that revolve around many factors, including climate change, mass wildlife extinction, human population growth, deforestation, sustainability and ethical assumptions. For wildlife tourism to meet these challenges, new ways of thinking are necessary. The chapters in this volume focus on future wildlife tourism development and management; the experiential value, educational components and ethical relevance of tourism–animal encounters; and the technology applied to wildlife tourism. They offer critically-imagined futures in order to encourage readers to reflect on the possibility of shaping a better future. The book will appeal to researchers, students and practitioners in wildlife tourism, environmental studies, sustainability and conservation.

  • Inclusive Tourism Futures


    Inclusive Tourism Futures
    Inclusive Tourism Futures

    This book combines studies of inclusivity in tourism with a future lens and provides timely insights into current research and discussions on social inclusion. The chapters examine a range of inclusivity issues and the different ways that inclusive tourism development can be enacted. The volume presents an opportunity to critically consider the different actors and voices in the field of tourism and how to channel these voices and who has the right to do so. It allows us to use our imaginations to consider a future that can be welcoming of different ways of being, doing and knowing to empower all participants in the planning and development of tourism and hospitality.

  • Science Fiction, Disruption and Tourism


    Science Fiction, Disruption and Tourism
    Science Fiction, Disruption and Tourism

    This book examines science fiction’s theoretical and ontological backgrounds and how science fiction applies to the future of tourism. It recreates and invents the future of tourism in a creative and disruptive manner, reconceptualising tourism through alternative and quantum leap thinking that go beyond the normative or accepted view of tourism. The chapters, focusing on areas such as disruption, sustainability and technology, draw readers into the unknown future of tourism – a future that may be disruptive, dystopian or utopian. The book brings a new theoretical paradigm to the study of tourism in a post COVID-19 world and can be used to explore, frame and even form the future of tourism. It will capture the imagination and inspire readers to address tourism’s challenges of tomorrow.

  • Millennials, Generation Z and the Future of Tourism


    Millennials, Generation Z and the Future of Tourism
    Millennials, Generation Z and the Future of Tourism

    This book examines the lifestyles, expectations and plans of Millennials and Generation Z and how they are redefining tourism. It demonstrates that if the tourism industry is to enjoy future growth, it must understand and meet the particular needs of these two generations. The volume explores the present and future challenges faced by the tourism industry as a result of the generational turnover, and seeks to answer the following questions: What contribution can the new generations make to the future of tourism? How are technological advancements and social networks shaping future travel trends? Can a generational perspective be useful to help the tourism industry recover from the COVID-19 crisis? The book will be of interest to researchers and students of sociology and tourism studies, as well as tourism professionals.

  • The Future of Dark Tourism: Enlightening New Horizons


    The Future of Dark Tourism: Enlightening New Horizons
    The Future of Dark Tourism: Enlightening New Horizons

    This book offers critical scenarios of dark tourism futures and examines how our significant dead will be remembered in future visitor economies. It aims to inspire critical thinking by probing the past, disrupting the present and provoking the future. The volume outlines key features of difficult heritage and future cultural trauma and highlights the role of technology, immersive visitor experiences and the thanatological condition of future dark tourism. The book provides a collection of informed observations of how future societies might recall their memorable dead, and how the noteworthy dead might be (re)created and retained through dark tourism. The book forecasts a dark tourism future that is not only perilous but also full of possibilities. It is a helpful resource for students and researchers in tourism, heritage, futurology, sociology, human geography and cultural studies.

  • The Future of Cultural Tourism


    The Future of Cultural Tourism
    The Future of Cultural Tourism

    This book provides multi-layered and nuanced perspectives on how drivers of change may influence cultural tourism on a global, national and local level. As such, it contributes to a greater understanding of how cultural tourism will be governed, performed and experienced within a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous future environment. The volume examines how the cultural tourism sector can address the needs of cultural tourists through product and service development, offers insights into alternative, post-anthropocentric values underpinning cultural tourism governance and consumption, and engages with immersive, collaborative, slow and technology-driven cultural heritage-based tourism experiences. The book includes both empirical and conceptual chapters, with the contributors suggesting various alternatives that are underpinned by utopian and/or dystopian outlooks on the likely future(s) of cultural tourism. Chapter 8 is free to download as an open access publication under a CC BY NC ND licence. You can download it here:


Albert Postma

Albert Postma is Professor of Strategic Foresight at the European Tourism Futures Institute, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. His research interests include foresight, scenario planning, tourism community relations and overtourism.

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