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Discovery: Into Egypt, #2
Settlement: Into Egypt, #3
Before Egypt: Into Egypt, #1
Ebook series5 titles

Into Egypt Series

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About this series

Into Egypt:

Complete series of four books:
Before Egypt

Egyptus and Afra discover their friendship is more. But will their parents allow them to marry?

To avoid the raging that would soon overwhelm those in her ancestral home, Egyptus takes her family and friends to escape over the mountain and discovers a dangerous trail filled with turbulence that threatens to take their lives.

Egyptus dreamed and prayed they were only dreams. Each could cause unforeseen challenges. But the dreams caused greatest concern. What if they were visions?

Enemies attack, floods threaten, and one betrays from within. Egyptus and her community struggle to overcome the challenges of life in their new land.

Get the complete fictional story of the discovery and early years in Egypt.

Release dateOct 4, 2023
Discovery: Into Egypt, #2
Settlement: Into Egypt, #3
Before Egypt: Into Egypt, #1

Titles in the series (5)

  • Before Egypt: Into Egypt, #1


    Before Egypt: Into Egypt, #1
    Before Egypt: Into Egypt, #1

    Neighbors … Friends … Lovers? Egyptus's parent no longer allowed her to spend time alone with her best friend and neighbor. It was unseemly to be alone with a man. But he is her best friend … When forced apart, Afra realized he wanted her as his wife. But his papa had lost important privileges for himself and his sons. Would Egyptus marry him? Would her papa agree? All he could do was ask and pray. Before Egypt is the prequel to the Into Egypt series in a 'friends to lovers' romance in ancient historical fiction. If you love ancient historical romance, you will love reading this book. Get it now.

  • Discovery: Into Egypt, #2


    Discovery: Into Egypt, #2
    Discovery: Into Egypt, #2

    A storm is coming … Egyptus can sense it …   It started when she lost her husband. Then women attacked her, believing she wanted their men. Turmoil is deepening and swirling across her homeland.   Despite the dangers of the wilderness, she must lead her family and friends across the mountains to find a new home.   Can Egyptus lead her sons and daughters to a safe home away from the destruction?   If you love ancient women courageously fighting for family, you will love this book because we all fight for our family.

  • Settlement: Into Egypt, #3


    Settlement: Into Egypt, #3
    Settlement: Into Egypt, #3

    Egyptus dreamed … And prayed they were only dreams. Settling in a new land, Egyptus and her family face unexpected challenges — Unexpected weather… Different plants… Unusual animals… Each causing unforeseen challenges. But the dreams caused the greatest concern. What if they were visions? How would her family respond? Would they continue to accept her leadership? If you love historical novels, you will love the third book in this series. Download Into Egypt: Settlement and read the fictionalized account of life in earliest Egypt. Get it now.

  • Enemies: Into Egypt, #4


    Enemies: Into Egypt, #4
    Enemies: Into Egypt, #4

    Enemies attack … Floods threaten … … and one betrays from within. Egyptus and her community struggle to overcome the challenges of life in their new land. Like their ancestors, Egyptus and the women of Egypt must join with their men in defense of their community. But one of the enemy knows them… How did he learn their language? None of the others could. Who is he? And what does he want? Get it now.

  • Into Egypt: Into Egypt

    Into Egypt: Into Egypt
    Into Egypt: Into Egypt

    Into Egypt: Omnibus Complete series of four books: Before Egypt Discovery Settlement Enemies Egyptus and Afra discover their friendship is more. But will their parents allow them to marry? To avoid the raging that would soon overwhelm those in her ancestral home, Egyptus takes her family and friends to escape over the mountain and discovers a dangerous trail filled with turbulence that threatens to take their lives. Egyptus dreamed and prayed they were only dreams. Each could cause unforeseen challenges. But the dreams caused greatest concern. What if they were visions? Enemies attack, floods threaten, and one betrays from within. Egyptus and her community struggle to overcome the challenges of life in their new land. Get the complete fictional story of the discovery and early years in Egypt.


Angelique Conger

Angelique Conger worked as a teacher in the years her children were growing. Writing about the earliest days of our earth, those days between the Garden of Eden and Noah’s flood, helps in her efforts to change the world. Many would consider her books Christian focused, and they are because they focus on events in the Bible. She writes of a people’s beliefs in Jehovah. However, though she’s read in much of the Bible and searched for more about these stories, there isn’t much there. Her imagination fills in the missing information, which is most of it. Angelique lives in Southern Nevada with her husband, turtles, and Lovebird. Her favorite times are visiting children and grandchildren. She loves mail and is happy to respond to your questions. Happy reading.

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