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Master the Art of Energy Flow: School of Magick, #2
The Law of Attraction Decoded and Simplified: School of Magick, #6
Make Money With Magick: School of Magick, #3
Ebook series16 titles

School of Magick Series

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About this series

School of Magick: How to Create the Wand of Terra is a manual on how you can make the legendary Wand of Terra. The Wand of Terra is the wand of the Earth. It possesses the elemental qualities and powers of the Earth. This will allow you to tap and harness the powers of the earth element more effectively. Magic wands are often used in the magical arts, but the Wand of Terra is not like a normal wand because it is especially fine-tuned to harmonize with the energies of the Earth. It is the wand that is carefully crafted purely from the earth element.


School of Magick: How to Create the Wand of Terra teaches the steps and techniques that you need to learn to craft the Wand of Terra. The good news is that this wand is actually not difficult to make as long as you know the right steps to take. It is also worth noting that by practicing to craft the Wand of Terra, you will also develop your overall psychic skills and abilities at the same time. This is because the only way to craft the real Wand of Terra is through magical means.


You also do not need to buy any tools to create the Wand of Terra. All that you need is already within yourself. You just have to learn how to unleash this power that lies inside of you. By creating the Wand of Terra, you are also awakening your inner magical powers. After all, this wand cannot be created if the mind of the magus is not ready for real magical work. It can be said that the wand is the product or reflection of the mind of the magus. This is why when you create the Wand of Terra, you must also develop your own mind.

School of Magick: How to Create the Wand of Terra is not just a book of magical information, but it is more of an invitation to a magical journey that might just change your life forever. Indeed, the Wand of Terra is a wand of magic. In the process of its creation, the magus also changes and awakens their inner power, which can lead to self-realization, magical empowerment, and even enlightenment.

PublisherWilliam Darcy
Release dateJan 11, 2024
Master the Art of Energy Flow: School of Magick, #2
The Law of Attraction Decoded and Simplified: School of Magick, #6
Make Money With Magick: School of Magick, #3

Titles in the series (16)

  • Make Money With Magick: School of Magick, #3


    Make Money With Magick: School of Magick, #3
    Make Money With Magick: School of Magick, #3

    School of Magick: Make Money With Magick is an occult course on how you can make money by using your magical powers. In our modern world, it cannot be denied that money has become very important. As long as we are exposed to this kind of world, we need money to live a good and comfortable life. This is simply the kind of environment that we now live in, and we need to face the facts of everyday life. Money is the energy of the physical world. It is the cost of doing anything. I have also seen many injustices committed on people who do not have money. Sad to say, but many of us now see and treat others based only on how much money they make.    School of Magick: Make Money With Magick gives the foundation that you need to start making money by using magick. It is time to attract the energies of prosperity and success into your life. One of the good things about the craft of magick is that it embraces all forms and parts of life. It is also the art of creating changes -- and this includes financial changes. Yes, you can use your magical skills and abilities to make money. After all, there is nothing wrong with earning money. In fact, it is the lack of money that compels many people to do evil.   Magick deals with the direct manipulation of energy, and energy is what all things are made of. This means that by using magick, you can influence and control all things, including money and wealth. However, this is easier said than done because you need to learn the right knowledge and practical approach. To do this, you need to use magick that is founded upon ancient and well-established teachings and principles. The good news is that making money with magick is doable, and that you are the right person to make it happen in your life. If you are willing to give it your time, energy, and effort, you can definitely create positive changes in your life.   School of Magick: Make Money With Magick is written in a simple and easy-to-understand format, making it a magical knowledge that is accessible to all and for all. Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to be successful and have all the money that one desires. This is true, especially when you are a magical practitioner. This practice is also an effective way to develop your overall magical skills and abilities. As you can see, there is much that you can gain from this magical journey.    Are you ready to take the next step and finally start creating changes in your life? If you want to use magick to attract wealth and prosperity, if you want to use your magical powers to attain financial freedom and finally have a happy life -- the life that you deserve -- then let us now begin your magical adventure…

  • Master the Art of Energy Flow: School of Magick, #2


    Master the Art of Energy Flow: School of Magick, #2
    Master the Art of Energy Flow: School of Magick, #2

    School of Magick: Master the Art of Energy Flow is a magical manual that teaches how you can control magical energy effectively. The ability to manipulate energy is very important in magic. In fact, all spells and rituals depend on how well a magus is able to harness magical energy. There are people who attempt to do a certain magic or spell but wonder why they keep on failing even if they follow the instructions by the very letter. One of the most common reasons is because of their failure to control magical energy effectively. But, once you learn to make this energy flow effortlessly, you will see just how smoothly and naturally magic flows and unfolds in your life.    School of Magick: Master the Art of Energy Flow gives the foundation that you need to start harnessing the force of magic to create positive changes in your life. The art of energy flow will also immerse you in a magical world where you can finally experience living a true and authentic magical life.   The energy of magic is inside you and all around you. You just have to learn to see with the eyes of the mind -- with the eyes of magic -- and you can start experiencing a more wonderful universe. The good news is that this is a learnable skill, and you are the right person to learn and practice it. In this form of magic, your mind is your most powerful weapon. With it, you will be able to harness magical energy and make your will manifest on all planes of existence, visible and invisible.    School of Magick: Master the Art of Energy Flow is an excellent starting point for beginners, but even those with occult experience can also learn from it, especially if you are looking for a way to experience magic on a deep and personal level. It is an experiential kind of magic. After all, true magic is not just meant to be learned through intellect; but for magic to be real, it has to be lived.   There are various ways to manipulate energy, but the art of energy flow is the most potent and effective technique, allowing you to make magic work for you. This way, the power of magic shall flow more smoothly in your life and unfold spontaneously instead of always having to force your way just to have a magical experience. This approach is based on harmony, peace, and love. It is a proven technique to actually experience magic and finally immerse yourself in a magical life -- the life that you deserve.   The energies of magic flow inside you and all around you. Now is the time for you to harness this infinite power and create the changes that you have always wanted. Be happy because you are magic.

  • The Law of Attraction Decoded and Simplified: School of Magick, #6


    The Law of Attraction Decoded and Simplified: School of Magick, #6
    The Law of Attraction Decoded and Simplified: School of Magick, #6

    School of Magick: The Law of Attraction Decoded and Simplified is a manual that reveals the secrets behind the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the key to manifesting your desires. This law has become so popular that even those without occult magical training are familiar with it. Nevertheless, only a few really know how it works.   The law of attraction is one of the primary laws of the universe. Knowledge of this universal law will allow you to create changes in reality. Simply put, the universal law means that likes attract. However, this is not as simple as it seems. The mind has to be trained in a proper way — in a magical way. The law of attraction has to be understood with respect to the algorithm of the universe. It is also worth noting that all magic starts and ends in the mind of the magus. This means that to make the law of attraction work in your favor, you should train and prepare the mind. When the mind is not ready, no matter what you think or do will simply not matter. This explains why many lay people who try to apply the law of attraction are often met with failure. It is the lack of magical insight and skills that rightly prevent them from achieving and experiencing the wonders of magic.   School of Magick: The Law of Attraction Decoded and Simplified explains the law of attraction in a simple and easy to understand manner and format. It also includes practical techniques that you can use. After all, merely knowing about the law of attraction is not enough, but you must also learn how to take advantage of it by making it work in your favor. Knowledge and actual practice must always come together. This is because true magic is meant to be lived and experienced on a deep and personal level.    The law of attraction is not a complicated law, but there are things that you must know before you can use this universal law to your advantage. In the process, you will also develop your magical skills and abilities. You will know if you are able to learn to apply this law into your life because you ought to see and experience positive changes in yourself, as well as all around you.    Are you ready to immerse yourself in the world of magic? Are you ready to finally create the changes that you have always wanted? With the power of the law of attraction at your fingertips, you will be able to manifest your desires and create positive changes in your life.

  • How to Make a Fire Magic Wand: School of Magick, #1


    How to Make a Fire Magic Wand: School of Magick, #1
    How to Make a Fire Magic Wand: School of Magick, #1

    School of Magick: How to Make a Fire Magic Wand is a magical manual that teaches how you can create the legendary fire magic wand. The fire magic wand, or simply fire wand, is a powerful magical tool that has been used by various magical practitioners and witches. It is a magical wand that is charged with the element of fire.    There are many ways to create a fire wand, but many of these techniques are not strong enough to be worthy to be called a real and genuine fire magic wand. The magical technique that you are about to learn is a process of magic that has existed since ancient times. It is a technique that used to be shared only directly by an Adept to a trusted Initiate. Fortunately, after the time of witch wars, certain magical secrets have become more accessible, if only you know the right place to look.   School of Magick: How to Make a Fire Magic Wand teaches in direct and simple language how you can create a powerful fire wand. It will also develop your magical abilities in the process. This is because a true fire magic wand cannot just be made by anyone. It takes skill and practice, as well as dedication to the craft of magic. The good news is that making a fire magic wand is a learnable skill. As long as you know the right steps to take and if you are willing to engage in magical practice, then you will be able to make a powerful fire magical wand.   I have encountered some occult books that talk about creating magic wands, but I have noticed that their techniques are very limited to the mere physical creation of a wand. There is no real magic in it. As such, there is no wonder that their magic wands are useless and powerless even if you follow the instructions by the very letter. A true magic wand is crafted with the power of magic. Moreover, if you are going to make a fire magic wand, then it must be invoked with the living presence and spirit of the mighty element of fire.    May this book guide you to the path of true initiation. Whether you are a beginner or someone with magical experience who is looking for a way to finally immerse yourself in the magical universe and if you have an interest in making your very own magic wand, then this is the book for you. Come and behold the power of true magick…

  • Combat Magick Manual: School of Magick, #4


    Combat Magick Manual: School of Magick, #4
    Combat Magick Manual: School of Magick, #4

    School of Magick: Combat Magick Manual is a manual on combative magick. It is the kind of magick that is used for fighting and/or a magical war. When you engage in the magical arts, it is important that you also learn how to defend yourself against psychic attacks and negative energies. In fact, in many of the occult mystery schools of ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece, psychic self-defense is a required preliminary course to be taken by an Initiate.    School of Magick: Combat Magick Manual is not only for self-defense. It takes the step further by also going into full-offensive magick. After all, there are times when the best defense is also the best attack. Just as you can defend yourself, you must also learn how to inflict damage on another. This way, you will be a more flexible magus, being able to defend and attack as the situation requires.   This book is written for beginners, as well as for all practitioners of magick who want to learn the craft of psychic warfare and dominance. It is a well-established teaching that all things are energy, and that energy is within us and all around us. It is just a matter of knowing how to best manipulate this energy to your advantage.   Protection magick is at the heart of magical practice. It is one of the first preliminaries that a beginner must master as a part of the initiation into the magical arts. The good news is that it is actually easy to do as long as you know the right steps to take. With regular practice and dedication, you will surely be able to master it as you continue to immerse yourself in the magical life.    School of Magick: Combat Magick Manual is a training course for defensive and offensive magick. The techniques that you are going to learn are based only on authentic and genuine teachings of magick. You do not even have to simply believe without proof because the best way to realize the power of these teachings is through actual application and personal experience.    For many years, magical practitioners have been seeking a way to learn real magick. Now is the time for anyone to have a chance to finally experience the magical life and behold the wonders and secrets of the universe. If you are willing to learn and to train, then let me welcome into the world of pure magick. Without further ado, let us begin your magical training and adventure…

  • Strategies and Techniques to Beat the Mirror Shield: School of Magick, #7


    Strategies and Techniques to Beat the Mirror Shield: School of Magick, #7
    Strategies and Techniques to Beat the Mirror Shield: School of Magick, #7

    School of Magick: Strategies and Techniques to Beat the Mirror Shield is an occult manual that teaches how you can beat the mirror shield. As you may already know, the mirror shield is a classic of magic. It was used during ancient witch wars and psychic battles. Even today, many practitioners of magic use the mirror shield. I have encountered many practitioners of the occult who do not know what to do when they have to deal with a mirror shield. This book has been written to teach you how you can best deal with a mirror shield, especially if you find yourself in a psychic battle where the opponent is also using the classic and legendary mirror shield. First, you will learn how to properly cast the mirror shield, and then we will discuss various ways to counter it.   What is a mirror shield? A mirror shield is a psychic protection in the form of a psychic shield. However, unlike an ordinary basic shield, the mirror shield has an offensive feature. This is because a mirror shield is programmed to reflect all psychic attacks and negative energies that come in contact with it back to the sender. So, how do you penetrate into this kind of shield?   School of Magick: Strategies and Techniques to Beat the Mirror Shield gives the foundation that you need to overcome the mirror shield. The techniques and principles that you will learn shall also apply to other defensive shields and in other forms of magic, so there is definitely so much that you can learn and gain. This is one of the things that I love about magick: When you study a certain area, you also open your understanding to other areas of the craft of magic. This is in line with the oneness of spirituality.   This book is not just about overcoming the mirror shield, but you will also learn essential principles of combative magic and psychic shielding that you can apply in other areas of magic. It is important to keep your mind open as you learn the secrets. You can then verify the teachings by applying them in actual practice.    As a magical practitioner, you should learn how to deal with protective shields; otherwise, your spells can easily be neutralized. This is important, especially if you find yourself involved in a magical battle. It is always best that you are ready and know what to do.   Are you ready to learn the secrets behind overcoming the mirror shield? If yes, then without further ado, let us begin your magical training and adventure…

  • Overcome Fear and Worry with Christian Magick: School of Magick, #9


    Overcome Fear and Worry with Christian Magick: School of Magick, #9
    Overcome Fear and Worry with Christian Magick: School of Magick, #9

    Library of Magick: Overcome Fear and Worry with Christian Magick is an occult manual that teaches how you can overcome all of your fears and worries through the application of Christian esoteric teachings and practices. It is not a secret that many people these days are bombarded with so much stress because of certain fears and worries. The good news is that with the use of Christian magick, you can finally free yourself from these negative and perverse energies that significantly have a negative impact on your quality of life.    Library of Magick: Overcome Fear and Worry with Christian Magick provides the foundation that you need to start learning the secrets of Christian magick, as well as how you can use it to your advantage, especially when it comes to dealing with fear and worry. It is interesting to note that according to recent data, there is a very high number of people who search online on how they can overcome their fear and worry. In our modern world, so many are trapped within their fears and their worries. I have been there before, and I can tell you just how excruciating and difficult it can be.   The good news is that you do not have to be in that zone and state of mind anymore. With the use of Christian magick, you can free yourself from such an oppressive state and finally enjoy a happy and peaceful life -- a life where you can enjoy real peace of mind, serenity, love, divine joy, and true happiness -- the life that you deserve.   There are many people who wonder if they could practice magick as a Christian. Indeed, the well-established religions and Christian denominations in the world expressly and clearly forbid the practice of magick or witchcraft. However, it is worth emphasizing that many of the early Christians were Pagans who converted to Christianity. There were a good number of them who retained their magical practices since they grew up with those practices. Not only that, but shortly after Jesus was born, He was visited by the so-called three magi. It is worth noting that the word magi as written in the original text is the term where the word magic came from. Do you see now where this is going? This means that shortly after Jesus was born, He was visited by three magical practitioners.    In our world today, so many people are living in fear, worry, and anxiety. The good news is that there is a way out of that negative state of mind and being. Not only can you free yourself from such a negative state, but you can transcend it by immersing yourself in a world of pure magick and serenity.    Are you ready to conquer all of your fears and worries through the use of Christian magick? If yes, then let me now welcome you into this wonderful adventure -- behold the power of Christian magick!

  • Fire Element Mastery Manual: School of Magick, #5


    Fire Element Mastery Manual: School of Magick, #5
    Fire Element Mastery Manual: School of Magick, #5

    School of Magick: Fire Element Mastery Manual is an occult course on gaining mastery over the fire element. The fire element is one of the four elements of nature. The four elements are: fire, water, air, and earth. By gaining mastery over the fire element, you will be able to exercise its powers, qualities, and attributes. The fire element is said to be the very first element in the whole of creation.    This book is written for beginners, as well as for those who are looking for a way to harness the element of fire. When it comes to magical power, having an indestructible will, sex and passion, as well as having an unwavering courage, the fire element is the power that you need. This book gives the foundation that you need with practical magical exercises to allow you to immerse yourself in the power of fire and use it for whatever purpose that you desire.    School of Magick: Fire Element Mastery Manual will help you awaken the power that lies within you. It will also teach you how you can use the mind in a magical way. When it comes to the practice of magick, you must never forget that your mind is your most powerful weapon. Regardless of the kind of magic that you do, the way to harness real magic is with the mind. According to an ancient occult teaching: Every true and most genuine magic starts and ends in the mind. When you work with the fire element, you must also learn to use your mind magically. You do not need any physical tools to work with the fire element because everything that you need is already within the horizon of your mind. Learning to use the power of the fire element is also learning to use the magical power of the mind.   The fire element is quite tricky to master, but you should be able to harness its powers as long as you know the right steps to take. One of the things that I love working with this element is that it will really immerse you in a magical life. The fire element has a very powerful and wild nature. In fact, the art of fire magick is the kind of magick that creates so many changes in the one who is wielding it. With the right knowledge and practice, you can use this power to create positive changes both within yourself and all around you; however, if you are not careful enough, the fire element can also destroy you.   For many long years, various practitioners of occult magick from different traditions have sought for a way to finally tame and exercise mastery over the fire element, but much of their efforts have been in vain for lack of a trusted guidance. Now is the time for the great unveiling and awakening of magical power. The teachings and techniques in this book are based only on ancient and authentic teachings of magick, which you can put into practice and see for yourself the true powers that you can wield with the use of the fire element. If you are ready for real magical power, then without further ado, let us begin your magical training and adventure…

  • Catholic Occultism Magick: School of Magick, #14


    Catholic Occultism Magick: School of Magick, #14
    Catholic Occultism Magick: School of Magick, #14

    School of Magick: Catholic Occultism Magick is a magical manual that reveals and teaches the magick behind Catholicism. Those with understanding know very well that the practices and rites in the Roman Catholic Church are deeply rooted in the magical arts. In fact, Catholic Christian practices have a strong and solid connection to occultism and magick.   This course book teaches how you can apply the magical side of Catholic Christian practices into your life so as to create positive changes within you and all around you. Change is in the very nature of the magical arts. If you seek changes in your life, then the powers of magick can help you bring those changes into reality.    School of Magick: Catholic Occultism Magick is written in an easy to understand manner and format, so that you can focus completely on learning and actually applying the teachings and techniques in your daily life. Occult magick is actually in the very fiber of all spiritual practices. There is nothing wrong with occult magick, but it is the people who attempt to practice it that causes corruption. After all, occult magick is a natural part of the universe.   In the Catholic Church, there are many very interesting occult practices that will allow you to be immersed in pure magical and even mystical experiences. In fact, it is in the Catholic rites where you will encounter the very ancient secrets of the alchemists -- a form of high magick that happens when you attend Holy Mass. Indeed, there is so much to learn about Catholicism from an occult and magical viewpoint. There is a fascinating aspect that is to be seen.   There are still people who wonder if it is safe and okay to practice magick when one is a follower of Jesus Christ. This has been a very old issue, and it can only be answered by the one who seeks the answer. To each his own. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that it is already a well-established fact that after Jesus was born, He was visited by the three magi, which translates to three magical practitioners. As based on the original text, the term magi is used. As you may already know, the word magi is the singular form of the word magus -- the word where the term magic came from. School of Magick: Catholic Occultism Magick gives the foundation that you need to start recognizing and practicing the magick behind Catholicism. You do not even have to be baptized into the Catholic religion to practice this. After all, the word Catholic means universal. It means that it is for all. This is right and proper simply because magick -- real magic -- indeed, is for all. Having said that, let me now welcome you into the world of Catholic Occultism Magick.

  • Mystic Christian Magic: School of Magick, #8


    Mystic Christian Magic: School of Magick, #8
    Mystic Christian Magic: School of Magick, #8

    School of Magick: Mystic Christian Magic is an occult manual that teaches the secrets of Christian magic as practiced by the mystics. If you are looking for true spirituality that has magical roots, then this book is for you. It is not a secret that many of the early Christians were Pagans, and a good number of them were practitioners of the occult. In fact, it is interesting to note that shortly after Jesus Christ was born, He was visited by the so-called three magi. The word magi is where the term magic came from. Simply put, after Jesus was born, He was visited by three magical practitioners.    Although the modern world is trying to hide this spiritual truth by simply calling the three magi as the three wise men or even as the three kings, they could not change the meaning of the original texts. There is no denying that, indeed, Jesus was visited by three magical practitioners shortly after He was born.    Many Christians have this belief that the practice of magic is wrong and sinful, even without even knowing what magic really is. Nevertheless, various occult masters would tell you that magic is neither black nor white, but that it all depends on the mind and intention of the magus.    School of Magick: Mystic Christian Magic gives the foundation that you need to learn the essential teachings and techniques of Christian magic. This book is written for beginners, as well as for those who are looking for a way to learn the mystical secrets of Christian magic and spirituality.    One of the things I love about the mystical approach to Christian spirituality is that it is very intimate and personal. It is something that you experience on a deep and personal level. It is not something that you just believe in blindly. It is very experiential in nature. This is also the reason why many practitioners of magic and the occult these days are turning to Christ for a genuine experience of spirituality.    The way of the mystic Christian is not difficult, but it is rich in experience, wonders, and wisdom. There is also nothing that you should worry about because you know that Christ is with you every step of the way. This is the path where once you begin it, you can rest assured that you will never be alone again.    So, what are you waiting for? Let us begin your magical adventure, so that you can finally taste the true bliss of true magic and spirituality. Welcome into the world of Christian mysticism magic!

  • How to Cast a Vampiric Servitor: School of Magick, #13


    How to Cast a Vampiric Servitor: School of Magick, #13
    How to Cast a Vampiric Servitor: School of Magick, #13

    School of Magick: How to Cast a Vampiric Servitor is an occult manual that teaches the secret art of casting a vampiric servitor. A vampiric servitor is a pure magical creation. This servitor serves the magus. It is a form of offensive and defensive magic at the same time. The practice of casting a vampiric servitor is also an excellent way to develop your overall psychic skills and abilities.    A vampiric servitor is a servitor with vampiric qualities. As such, it is often classified as a form of black magic. It serves you by draining your victim of energy, which is common among vampiric creations. It can also function as a defensive magic by protecting you from all psychic attacks and negative energies.    As you may already know, a servitor serves the magus, its creator. You are the god of your servitor. However, just like other forms of magick, a servitor is only as strong as the mind of the magus who has created it. This is why when you engage in the creation of a servitor, especially of the infamous vampiric servitor, you ought to engage in magical training.    School of Magick: How to Cast a Vampiric Servitor lays down the foundation that you need to start engaging in the fine magical craft of casting a vampiric servitor. Take note that you are not just casting a normal servitor, but you shall learn to add the powerful element of vampirism. Vampiric magick is one of the most-feared magical powers in the magical community. It is a powerful force that you should use wisely and carefully.    The vampiric servitor was used mostly by advanced magical practitioners and adepts during the famous witch wars in history. Even today, the craft of using vampiric servitors is still employed by cunning and powerful mages and wizards. The good news is that it is a learnable art form. It is a skill that you can acquire through right knowledge and practice. School of Magick: How to Cast a Vampiric Servitor is the key to the mystery. However, know that this book is not a mere book to satisfy the intellect, but it is an actual course, an invitation to a magical journey. After all, the best and only way to understand what a vampiric servitor is about is by actually casting and using it. Indeed, true magick is meant to be lived. So, are you ready to immerse yourself in a magical world and discover the secrets of casting a vampiric servitor? If yes, then let us now begin your magical adventure…

  • Christian Mystic Imagination: School of Magick, #11


    Christian Mystic Imagination: School of Magick, #11
    Christian Mystic Imagination: School of Magick, #11

    School of Magick: Christian Mystic Imagination is a manual on the active use of the imagination in Christian magick. It is not a secret that the imagination is very important in Christian magick and mysticism. The imagination knows no bounds, and it can be used to help us commune with the Divine. Even in the practice of magick and witchcraft, the imagination also plays a very important role.   This book teaches how you can have a deep and profound spirituality with the active use of the imagination. Now is the time to immerse yourself in a magical and divine world. Since you will be following Jesus Christ, then you can also rest assured that you are always in good hands, so there is nothing that you should worry about.    School of Magick: Christian Mystic Imagination teaches how you can fill in the gaps of everyday life with your imagination. It also teaches how you can harness the power of the imagination to have deep and mystical experiences. After all, the life of a true Christian mystic should be based on personal experience. You ought to experience your oneness with the Divine. This is not something that you can simply believe in blindly, but you must actually live and experience it.    This humble work focuses on the actual application of the imagination to give you a powerful mystical experience. God is the God of everything, including being the God of the imagination. There are many people  who misunderstand the practices of Christian mysticism. There are even those who do not believe that the imagination can have a role in Christian mysticism since it somehow aligns with occult practices.    However, it should be noted that there is really nothing completely wrong with the practice of magick. In fact, after Jesus was born, He was visited by three magical practitioners -- the so-called three magi. It is worth noting that the word magi is in plural form, taken from the word magus. Magus is the word where the term magic came from. As you can see, after Jesus Christ was born, He was visited by three magical practitioners. School of Magick: Christian Mystic Imagination teaches a way of spirituality that goes beyond the four walls of any religion. Instead, it allows you to reach out with the arms of the imagination and exercise utmost freedom in your spiritual practices. This way, you can immerse yourself more in the magical life and have more powerful and personal mystical experiences.

  • Awaken the Power of Clairvoyance: School of Magick, #12


    Awaken the Power of Clairvoyance: School of Magick, #12
    Awaken the Power of Clairvoyance: School of Magick, #12

    School of Magick: Awaken the Power of Clairvoyance is an occult course that teaches how you can open your third eye and develop the power of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance refers to the psychic ability of clear-seeing. It is the ability to see through time and space, as well as be able to have a glimpse of other dimensions and the beings and spirits therein. The power of clairvoyance is also the center of the power of intuition. By developing the power of clairvoyance, your vision will be full of light, and nothing shall be hidden from you.    The truth is that everyone has a third eye. It is actually an energy center that is located between the eyebrows. However, most people have an underdeveloped third eye. To awaken the power of clairvoyance, you need to work on your third eye. The good news is that this is actually very easy to do if you know the right steps to take.    School of Magick: Awaken the Power of Clairvoyance gives the foundation that you need to develop the power of clairvoyance. Now is the time to awaken your third eye and enjoy real magical power. The third eye is so popular that even those without occult training are familiar with it. Still, only a few have a well-developed third eye.   There are people who mistakenly think that the third eye is only for those who are gifted with such a power, but this is actually wrong. The truth is that all people have a third eye. It is just that most people have an underdeveloped third eye. Nevertheless, with the right knowledge and through regular practice, you can activate and develop your third eye. Indeed, the power of the third eye is for all, as long as you are willing to undergo magical training for the best results.   School of Magick: Awaken the Power of Clairvoyance is written in a direct, simple, and easy to understand format so that you can focus completely on learning and applying the techniques in actual practice. Just like with learning any other psychic ability, you need to spend time and practice to fully develop your third eye. You do not need to fully develop the third eye just for you to start benefiting from it. Within a week of training, you will most likely notice some improvements already. The key is to just keep on practicing, and you will surely enjoy the benefits of your training in time.    Are you ready to open your third eye and see through time and space? Are you ready to see the truth? If yes, then without further ado, let us begin your magical adventure…

  • Psionic Techniques Every Beginner Should Know: School of Magick, #10


    Psionic Techniques Every Beginner Should Know: School of Magick, #10
    Psionic Techniques Every Beginner Should Know: School of Magick, #10

    School of Magick: Psionic Techniques Every Beginner Should Know is a magical manual that teaches psionic techniques that every true psychic or magical practitioner must know. These techniques are essential to your magical growth and maturity. Regular practice of these techniques will also develop your overall psychic and magical faculties.    The whole universe is made of one substance -- and this substance is psi. Psi is also known as magical energy. It is the energy that pervades everything. All things are made of psi. By gaining control and mastery over this psi, one also gains control and mastery over all things, visible and invisible. Through psionic and magical practices, you can tap this energy and use it for whatever purpose that you desire. The key lies in the mind. When you learn to harness the mind in the right way -- in a magical way -- then you can manipulate psi and use it for various purposes, thereby making you a true master of the universe.   School of Magick: Psionic Techniques Every Beginner Should Know teaches the techniques of psionics in a simple and clear manner, so that you can completely focus on actually learning and applying the techniques. Everyone has the power to control psi. You just need to learn how to use the mind magically and engage in actual and continuous training. This book is not just a collection of magical information, but it is an invitation to a wonderful and magical adventure, where you can immerse yourself in a world of psi, magick, and mysteries.   It can be said that psi covers all forms of magick. This is because psi is energy, and all things are made of energy. By learning to manipulate psi, you will be able to create many significant and lasting changes in the world, as well as in your own life. After all, the practice of magick is an art of change and manifestation. Magick is not meant only to be learned, but it is meant to be experienced on a deep and personal level -- and the only way to attain this is through actual immersion and practice.  School of Magick: Psionic Techniques Every Beginner Should Know reveals the secret techniques of psi manipulation and magick. May this manual lead you to the true initiation and help you discover your true inner power. Now is the time to awaken the powers of your mind -- now is the time for real and absolute magick.

  • How to Create the Wand of Terra: School of Magick, #16


    How to Create the Wand of Terra: School of Magick, #16
    How to Create the Wand of Terra: School of Magick, #16

    School of Magick: How to Create the Wand of Terra is a manual on how you can make the legendary Wand of Terra. The Wand of Terra is the wand of the Earth. It possesses the elemental qualities and powers of the Earth. This will allow you to tap and harness the powers of the earth element more effectively. Magic wands are often used in the magical arts, but the Wand of Terra is not like a normal wand because it is especially fine-tuned to harmonize with the energies of the Earth. It is the wand that is carefully crafted purely from the earth element.   School of Magick: How to Create the Wand of Terra teaches the steps and techniques that you need to learn to craft the Wand of Terra. The good news is that this wand is actually not difficult to make as long as you know the right steps to take. It is also worth noting that by practicing to craft the Wand of Terra, you will also develop your overall psychic skills and abilities at the same time. This is because the only way to craft the real Wand of Terra is through magical means.   You also do not need to buy any tools to create the Wand of Terra. All that you need is already within yourself. You just have to learn how to unleash this power that lies inside of you. By creating the Wand of Terra, you are also awakening your inner magical powers. After all, this wand cannot be created if the mind of the magus is not ready for real magical work. It can be said that the wand is the product or reflection of the mind of the magus. This is why when you create the Wand of Terra, you must also develop your own mind. School of Magick: How to Create the Wand of Terra is not just a book of magical information, but it is more of an invitation to a magical journey that might just change your life forever. Indeed, the Wand of Terra is a wand of magic. In the process of its creation, the magus also changes and awakens their inner power, which can lead to self-realization, magical empowerment, and even enlightenment.

  • The True Psychic Mindset: School of Magick, #15


    The True Psychic Mindset: School of Magick, #15
    The True Psychic Mindset: School of Magick, #15

    Psychic Classes: The True Psychic Mindset is a manual that will teach you how to prepare the mind for psychic work. The mind is your most powerful weapon. It is with your mind that you tap and harness the power of psi, as well as make use of all of your psychic skills and abilities. As a true psychic, you must learn to work on your mind. You must engage the mind in a psychic way because only by doing so will you be able to fully immerse yourself in a world where psychic powers turn into reality. It should be noted that psychic powers are real, but you need to be ready for them before they can manifest in your life.   Psychic Classes: The True Psychic Mindset provides the essential teachings and practical exercises that you need to fully engage the mind and prepare it for psychic work. In the writings of the ancient alchemists, it is said that all things in the universe are of the mind. It follows that by learning to control the mind, you also get to control all things, visible and invisible.   However, it should be noted that it is not easy to train the mind, especially if you do not have the right knowledge and understanding. Indeed, people always use their mind, but only a few know how to do it in a way that will engage the mind psychically. Real psychic training is training of the mind. Nevertheless, technically speaking, it should be clarified that your mind is already powerful and pure, and you just have to remove the walls and limitations that you have built against it.   Psychic Classes: The True Psychic Mindset is the blueprint that reveals how you can free the mind from all illusions and limitations, and it also teaches how you can harness the power of the imagination effectively and psychically.   A good thing about this training course is that you will clearly see and experience significant changes as you undergo training. In just a few days, provided that you dedicate yourself to it and always do your best, you will see positive results. Now is the time to awaken and free the soul. Your soul is a natural psychic; you just have to set it free by freeing the mind.    When the mind is free, all illusions disappear. Indeed, now is the time for true awakening. Now is the time to awaken your psychic power and live a more meaningful life. Train the mind; be a psychic, and be free.

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