Caribbean Airlines Flights (BW) for Airline Reservations & Deals

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Tips for booking Caribbean Airlines flights

Explore Caribbean Airlines flights and destinations

Caribbean Airlines serves numerous well-known travel destinations. Our “Trending Caribbean Airlines Flights” section lists popular destinations from the past 7 days. Alternatively, scroll down to the bottom of the page to see if the “Trending Expedia Caribbean Airlines Flights” tab is available, which provides more destination options for Caribbean Airlines flights booking.

Find a cheap last-minute Caribbean Airlines flight on Expedia

Expedia has partnered with Caribbean Airlines to offer excellent flight deals worldwide. To discover cheap Caribbean Airlines flights at the last minute, search for your destination and preferred dates and make sure to compare prices for nearby days. Being a little adaptable with your travel dates could often result in greater cost savings. It's also a good idea to be flexible with your departure and arrival airports, as flying into a nearby airport could save you money.

Cost of Caribbean Airlines flight tickets

The cost of Caribbean Airlines flight tickets can vary depending on how far your destination is and the time of the year. Caribbean Airlines ticket prices for popular destinations can be considerably cheaper outside of peak tourist season. A one-way flight ticket with Caribbean Airlines starts at on Expedia.

Discover the best deals on Caribbean Airlines flights

Some of the best deals for Caribbean Airlines flights booking can be found in the “Top Deals on Flights” section under the search bar. Click on the "All Deals" tab to check deals for Caribbean Airlines flights. Cheap Caribbean Airlines flights are often available for one-way and round trip . Whether you're booking your last-minute flights or planning ahead, Expedia can help you find the right Caribbean Airlines flight for you.

Caribbean Airlines's checked-in luggage allowance

Make sure to familiarize yourself with what items are allowed on the plane and what is covered in your Caribbean Airlines ticket, and ensure that your luggage meets weight and size requirements without incurring additional fees. Simply search for your destination and click on Expedia Caribbean Airlines flights that catch your eye. A pop-up window will open and show your luggage allowance as well as extra options you might be able to purchase, such as additional checked bags. After making a booking, the details can be found on your itinerary.

The benefit of booking Caribbean Airlines flights with Expedia

Expedia offers a wide selection of Caribbean Airlines (BW) flights and top deals on cheap Caribbean Airlines flights . When you book your Caribbean Airlines flights with Expedia, you can take advantage of Member Prices. This gives you access to some of the best deals on accommodations, car hires, and more. By booking your entire trip through Expedia, you can often save more.

Cancellation policy on booking Caribbean Airlines flights

To find out the cancellation policy for a particular Caribbean Airlines flight ticket, search for your destination and dates and click on a flight you'd like to book. A pop-up window will open and show the cancellation policy for your flight. Make sure to carefully read it before you book. The cancellation policy often varies among airlines. You can review the airline rules and restrictions in your itinerary to see what Caribbean Airlines will let you do and what fees they charge for flight cancellations.

*Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms apply.

Airline Information

Airline Name
Caribbean Airlines
Airline Code
Roundtrip price

Frequently asked questions

How do I find cheap Caribbean Airlines flights that have flexible change policies?
Many carriers will let you alter your upcoming flight without hitting you with a fee. All you pay is any fare difference between the original flight and the new flight you choose. When browsing for Caribbean Airlines flights on Expedia, you’ll find a No change fee filter for you to select.
Which destinations does Caribbean Airlines fly to?
Caribbean Airlines makes it easy to explore fascinating parts of the world by traveling to 88 locations throughout Caribbean, North America and South America. You can book a flight to amazing cities such as Piarco and Crown Point. Look for irresistible Caribbean Airlines flight deals on Expedia and spend your extra savings on sightseeing activities.
What can I expect from a Caribbean Airlines flight?
Fly with Caribbean Airlines and you can look forward to snacks or meals on most services. Of course, what’s on the menu will depend on your place of departure, destination and the duration of your journey. Browse our Caribbean Airlines flight deals and plan your next big adventure today.
How can I get a cheap last-minute Caribbean Airlines flight on Expedia?
It’s time to be impulsive and head off on a spontaneous travel adventure. You can find great deals on last-minute Caribbean Airlines flights if you’re flexible with your dates. Take a look at our great last minute flights deals for inspiration or enter your preferred dates and compare the deals on Caribbean Airlines flights.
How can Expedia help with my Caribbean Airlines booking?
It starts from the instant you search for cheap Caribbean Airlines flights with Expedia. Download the free Expedia App and find and book your flight with a few simple swipes. The app allows you to manage and access your vacation itineraries in one place. Review your flight status, check in and get trip alerts right when you need them, including flight delays, baggage carousel numbers and gate changes. Eager for more savings? Bundle your flights and hotels. You’ll also collect double Expedia Rewards points when you make bookings through the app.
Can I earn and redeem miles with my Caribbean Airlines flight?
Caribbean miles is the Caribbean Airlines popular rewards program. You can easily earn points flying with the airline, and of course, when you purchase flights. If you’re signed up as a member, key in your caribbean miles number when booking your airline tickets through Expedia to see what you could earn. Another awesome way to rack up some points and enjoy other flyer benefits is to join our free program, Expedia Rewards.
What rules does Caribbean Airlines have in terms of hand luggage allowance?
A Caribbean Airlines international fare usually includes 1 cabin bag plus one small personal item as your hand luggage allowance. If you’re in economy class, the general rule is that each carry-on bag should not be heavier than 22lbs or be larger than 9in x 13in x 22in. Size and weight limitations can differ across cabin classes, so check your Caribbean Airlines plane ticket before your journey.
What is Caribbean Airlines's checked-in luggage allowance?
A standard international Caribbean Airlines fare lets you take 1 cabin bag. Size and weight restrictions may vary based on a range of factors, including the class of cabin you’ve selected. As a guide, your luggage should have a maximum weight of 50lbs per bag and dimensions no larger than 61in total. For the best advice, check your Caribbean Airlines itinerary. You can also talk with Caribbean Airlines customer service if you require any help.
Does Caribbean Airlines fly internationally?
Fly away with Caribbean Airlines and tick Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and other thrilling countries off your travel wish list. Caribbean Airlines is based in Piarco and is a member of star alliance. This airline alliance allows Caribbean Airlines to link passengers to more global destinations through a wide network of handy flight connections. Whether your next travel destination is a bustling major city or a remote corner of nature, you can access the best Caribbean Airlines flight deals on Expedia.
How can I check in for Caribbean Airlines flights?
You can go to the Caribbean Airlines website to check in for your flight, reserve a seat and review your booking. For most international and domestic flights, check in opens from 1 day until 1 hour before your scheduled departure. If you’re traveling internationally, keep in mind that you may still need to check in personally at the airline counter to have your passport verified.
*Available to Expedia members.