Offering affordable flights to Trinidad, Cuba, and countless other tempting destinations, Caribbean Airlines (BW) is beloved by vacationers on a quest for sun. Its slogan—The Warmth of the Islands—is reflected across the airline, with cheerful staff and a bright, breezy colorway waiting to welcome you on board. Book your Caribbean Airlines flight with Expedia today for your next tropical escape.
The lowdown on Caribbean Airlines
What it's like to fly with Caribbean Airlines
With a fleet primarily consisting of modern Boeing 737s, Caribbean Airlines promises all the latest conveniences, like Caribbean Airlines Wi-Fi and in-flight entertainment on most routes. A complimentary snack is usually served on flights, with Caribbean Airlines's range of traditional food options and an extensive beverage offering generally available to purchase for a fee. Get all of this and more when you book your island getaway with Caribbean Airlines on Expedia.
Information about check-in times for Caribbean Airlines
Check-in for Caribbean Airlines online and in the airline's app normally opens 24 hours before your flight's scheduled departure time and closes 3 hours before takeoff. Most travelers will be able to use these options, but if you're traveling on a standby ticket, for instance, you'll need to check in at the airport. Bear in mind that Caribbean Airlines's counters usually close 1 hour before departure. All of your flight details are available in your Expedia account, so you've always got them on hand.
Finding cheap Caribbean Airlines flights
If you're lusting after a tropical getaway to Nassau or Bridgetown in 2025, Expedia's amazing Caribbean Airlines deals are here to make your vacation dreams a reality. And with Caribbean Airlines flights starting , your island jaunt might set you back less than you'd think. Browse the current selection of offers on this page for inspiration, or input your desired travel dates and destinations to access fantastic fares.
Caribbean Airlines's carry-on baggage allowance
Travelers can normally take 2 pieces of carry-on luggage on Caribbean Airlines flights: 1 personal item and 1 small suitcase. Caribbean Airlines's size limits for the carry-on suitcase are usually 22”x 14” x 9”. However, Caribbean Airlines's permitted carry-on dimensions may vary from flight to flight—so make sure to check the details of your booking, as anything in excess of this is subject to charge.
Caribbean Airlines's check-in baggage allowance
From Lite to Classic, Flex, Biz, and Biz Flex: There's a range of cabin options with various different baggage allowances to choose from when you fly with Caribbean Airlines. Generally, your Caribbean Airlines check-in baggage limit is 50 lbs. per bag, but the number of bags included in your fare depends on the specifics of your booking and fare class. Should you need extra space, additional luggage allowance is usually available for a fee.
Earning miles when booking Caribbean Airlines on Expedia
Caribbean Miles—Caribbean Airlines's in-house loyalty program—gives frequent travelers on the airline a chance to collect points on their trips, including flights booked on Expedia. Alongside Caribbean Airlines miles, you'll also earn One Key rewards on all Expedia bookings and the chance to unlock great perks like free price tracking, Member Prices, and so much more.
Cancellation terms
Caribbean Airlines reservations may be flexible or refundable in certain circumstances when booked through Expedia. Any deadlines and surcharges depend on the specifics of your booking—so be sure to read the terms and conditions thoroughly. If you do decide to cancel your Caribbean Airlines ticket, you can either do this yourself in your Expedia account or with the help of Expedia's friendly customer service team.
Airline Information
Airline Name
Caribbean Airlines
Airline Code
Roundtrip price
Frequently asked questions
How do I find cheap Caribbean Airlines flights that have flexible change policies?
Many carriers will let you alter your upcoming flight without hitting you with a fee. All you pay is any fare difference between the original flight and the new flight you choose. When browsing for Caribbean Airlines flights on Expedia, you’ll find a No change fee filter for you to select.
Which destinations does Caribbean Airlines fly to?
Caribbean Airlines makes it easy to explore fascinating parts of the world by traveling to 88 locations throughout Caribbean, North America and South America. You can book a flight to amazing cities such as Piarco and Crown Point. Look for irresistible Caribbean Airlines flight deals on Expedia and spend your extra savings on sightseeing activities.
What can I expect from a Caribbean Airlines flight?
Fly with Caribbean Airlines and you can look forward to snacks or meals on most services. Of course, what’s on the menu will depend on your place of departure, destination and the duration of your journey. Browse our Caribbean Airlines flight deals and plan your next big adventure today.
How can I get a cheap last-minute Caribbean Airlines flight on Expedia?
It’s time to be impulsive and head off on a spontaneous travel adventure. You can find great deals on last-minute Caribbean Airlines flights if you’re flexible with your dates. Take a look at our great last minute flights deals for inspiration or enter your preferred dates and compare the deals on Caribbean Airlines flights.
Can I fly from the US on Caribbean Airlines?
Fly with Caribbean Airlines from Jamaica, Miami and other prominent cities all over the USA to destinations like Timehri and Piarco. Whether you’re booking a plane ticket in caribbean plus or standard seat, Expedia has Caribbean Airlines flight deals too good to pass up. Caribbean Airlines is a star alliance member. This means you can redeem points with airline partners and explore more of the world using connecting routes from other cities.
How can Expedia help with my Caribbean Airlines booking?
It starts from the instant you search for cheap Caribbean Airlines flights with Expedia. Download the free Expedia App and find and book your flight with a few simple swipes. The app allows you to manage and access your vacation itineraries in one place. Review your flight status, check in and get trip alerts right when you need them, including flight delays, baggage carousel numbers and gate changes. Eager for more savings? Bundle your flights and hotels. You’ll also collect double Expedia Rewards points when you make bookings through the app.
Can I earn and redeem miles with my Caribbean Airlines flight?
Caribbean miles is the Caribbean Airlines popular rewards program. You can easily earn points flying with the airline, and of course, when you purchase flights. If you’re signed up as a member, key in your caribbean miles number when booking your airline tickets through Expedia to see what you could earn. Another awesome way to rack up some points and enjoy other flyer benefits is to join our free program, Expedia Rewards.
What rules does Caribbean Airlines have in terms of hand luggage allowance?
A Caribbean Airlines international fare usually includes 1 cabin bag plus one small personal item as your hand luggage allowance. If you’re in economy class, the general rule is that each carry-on bag should not be heavier than 22lbs or be larger than 9in x 13in x 22in. Size and weight limitations can differ across cabin classes, so check your Caribbean Airlines plane ticket before your journey.
What is Caribbean Airlines's checked-in luggage allowance?
A standard international Caribbean Airlines fare lets you take 1 cabin bag. Size and weight restrictions may vary based on a range of factors, including the class of cabin you’ve selected. As a guide, your luggage should have a maximum weight of 50lbs per bag and dimensions no larger than 61in total. For the best advice, check your Caribbean Airlines itinerary. You can also talk with Caribbean Airlines customer service if you require any help.
Does Caribbean Airlines fly internationally?
Fly away with Caribbean Airlines and tick Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and other thrilling countries off your travel wish list. Caribbean Airlines is based in Piarco and is a member of star alliance. This airline alliance allows Caribbean Airlines to link passengers to more global destinations through a wide network of handy flight connections. Whether your next travel destination is a bustling major city or a remote corner of nature, you can access the best Caribbean Airlines flight deals on Expedia.
How can I check in for Caribbean Airlines flights?
You can go to the Caribbean Airlines website to check in for your flight, reserve a seat and review your booking. For most international and domestic flights, check in opens from 1 day until 1 hour before your scheduled departure. If you’re traveling internationally, keep in mind that you may still need to check in personally at the airline counter to have your passport verified.