Report a Privacy Concern

This form helps you find answers to common questions and concerns about privacy and user data related to Facebook's products.
If you need help because someone is threatening to share something you want to keep private, follow the steps outlined at the Help Center.
If you think your account was hacked, you can secure it by going to the Help Center.
To learn how to report an account for impersonation, please visit the Help Center.
To learn what you can do about bullying and harassment on Facebook, please visit the Help Center.
If you believe something on Facebook goes against our Community Standards, please visit the Help Center.
Our Community Standards prohibit posting or soliciting certain types of personally identifiable information. You can report abuse by using the Find Support or Report link that appears near the content itself. (Examples: personal contact information, National Identification number, certain financial information).
Please visit the Help Center to learn how to turn Location Services off for Facebook.
Please visit the Help Center for more information on how to remove contacts you uploaded to Facebook.
To learn how to delete messages, conversations or photos in Messenger, please visit the Help Center.
To learn how to use your activity log to delete something you posted, please visit the Help Center.
To learn how to remove a tag from a photo or post you're tagged in, please visit the Help Center.
To learn how to remove an email from your Facebook account, please visit the Help Center.
To learn the difference between deactivating and deleting your account, please visit the Help Center.
You can also learn how to delete your account.
You can remove information from your Facebook account via your Facebook Activity Log. To learn more about how to manage your Activity Log please visit the Help Center.
If you’d like more information about how to delete something else you uploaded or shared on Facebook, please follow our instructions in the Help Center.
For security reasons, we can’t accept requests to delete content on your behalf that you uploaded yourself. If you’d like to delete something you uploaded or shared, please follow our instructions in the Help Center.
You can also learn more about our Data Policy and what happens when you choose to delete something on Facebook.