About Filmsite

About Filmsite
"The Best Movies in Cinematic History"

Part 2

Descriptions and Links to Major Sections of Site
Movie Dialogues and Quotes:
Listen to and check out some of the most popular and well-known lines of movie dialogue. Take the Film Quote and Dialogue Quizzes! How many classic film quotes do you actually know? Test your knowledge of hundreds of Greatest Film Quotes, memorable lines of dialogue, curtain-call lines, and catch phrases that have frequently been heard. Test yourself here and see how knowledgeable you are in the Top 10 Most Famous Movie Quotes, the Top 10 Best Movie Lines Ever, Brief Film Quotes, the Best Film Speeches and Monologues, the Greatest Film Misquotes, the Top 10 Worst Film Quotes, and the Most Popular Movie Lines.

Also, there are lots of other sections on Great Film Quotes by Decade (Intro), Great Film Quotes (1920s-1930s), Great Film Quotes (1940s), Great Film Quotes (1950s), Great Film Quotes (1960s), Great Film Quotes (1970s), Great Film Quotes (1980s), Great Film Quotes (1990s), and Great Film Quotes (2000s). Also, see Greatest Opening Film Lines and Quotes, Great Film Tag Lines, and Greatest Last Words and Film Lines.
Film Genres:
ilms are also organized and described by genre in this site's Film Genres section. A detailed overview and history is presented for each major film genre (e.g., war/anti-war, horror, crime/gangster, musical/dance, comedy, westerns, etc.) to define underlying themes or similarities for each genre. You will also find recommended viewing choices here in a final summary list by genre. In addition, there's a section on major Film Sub-Genres (or Sub-categories) of the major genres (e.g., biopics, 'chick flicks', detective/mystery films, disaster films, fantasy, film noir, guy films, melodramas, romance, sports films, supernatural, and thrillers/suspense).

In addition to the Film Genres section above, there are additional pages and histories on the various Other Film Categories (e.g., animated, British-UK films, childrens-family-kids, classic films, cult, documentary, miscellaneous categories, serials, sexual/erotic, and silents). There are also numerous examples of offshoots of major film genres, in a section on Minor Film Sub-Genres.
Greatest Stars, Roles, Filmographies:
A lengthy compilation of Star Filmographies contains an illustrated comprehensive sampling of the starring roles (including character name and film) of almost 500 actors/actresses, that best define the screen presence or persona of some of the greatest stars of the American cinema. The definitive screen role is often the one for which the actor or actress is best-remembered. In some cases, some actors/actresses - over a long, prolific career - have had several exemplary or essential examples of their acting portrayed in films. Also see Filmsite's Greatest Film Characters of All-Time. Then, Movieline Magazine's selections of 100 Best Female Character Roles and Premiere Magazine's selections of the 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time and 100 Greatest Movie Performances of All-Time.
Great Film Moments and Scenes:
Remember Marilyn Monroe standing above a subway grating with her white dress blowing up in The Seven Year Itch, or visualize Charlie Chaplin tramping along, or recognize the line: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" from Gone With the Wind, or recall the fog-shrouded airport scene at the conclusion of Casablanca,or the bloody beach landing in the opening half-hour of Saving Private Ryan, or the screeching of violins before Marion Crane was stabbed in the shower in Psycho, or Popeye Doyle in his car chasing a Manhattan subway in The French Connection, or the underwater attack in the opening of Jaws, or Humphrey Bogart taking leeches off his body after dragging The African Queen through the muck, or Judy Garland singing "Over the Rainbow" in The Wizard of Oz, or Charlton Heston's sighting of the Statue of Liberty at the conclusion of Planet of the Apes, or James Stewart's one-man filibuster on the floor of Congress in the finale of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. These are memorable moments and some of the all-time best scenes or images in motion pictures - a tribute to the stars and scenarios that have made an indelible imprint upon our memories - and can't be forgotten.

View an introduction to "What is a Great Film Scene or Great Film Moment?" Also take a Greatest Moments and Film Scenes Mini-Quiz or see an extensive textual and visual compilation of selected Greatest Moments and Scenes from Great Films located in the Tribute to the 100 Greatest Film Scenes, or hundreds of additional examples (all illustrated) found in the Greatest Moments and Scenes section.

There is also an illustrated collection of the Scariest Movie Moments and Scenes, the Funniest Movie Moments and Scenes in Film History, and the Greatest Movie Death Scenes. See also the Greatest Classic Chase Scenes, the Greatest Classic Disaster Scenes, the Greatest Classic Crowd Scenes, and the Greatest Visual/Special Effects and Computer-Generated Imagery - Milestones . View illustrations and descriptions of the Greatest Movie Entrances of All-Time, Greatest Tearjerker Films, Moments and Scenes, Greatest Musical Song/Dance Movie Moments and Scenes, Greatest Spoilers, Plot Twists and Surprise Endings, and Best Film Editing Sequences.

Take a look at an extensive writeup of History of Sex in Cinema: Greatest and Most Influential Erotic / Sexual Films and Scenes, and another related section of the Best and Most Memorable Film Kisses of All Time in Cinematic History - both illustrated.

There's additional "Greatest Scenes" material: TV Guide compiled their own ranked list of the 50 Greatest Movie Moments of All Time, and also see film critic Roger Ebert's selections of 100 Great Movie Moments (illustrated) and the compiled list of clips included in Chuck Workman's 100 Years at the Movies.

The Most Famous Film Director Cameos, Notable Appearances of Directors in Films of Other Directors, and "Master of Suspense" Alfred Hitchcock's Memorable Cameo Appearances are also found at this site.
History of the Academy Awards:
This site contains a Complete History of the Academy Awards from the very beginning (year by year), including the film poster from each Best Picture winner, and Oscar records, facts, and trivia. Summaries of the Nominated and Oscar®-winning Films that have been honored by the AMPAS (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) have been one important standard by which to evaluate excellence in the film medium.

However, the Academy Awards® have often overlooked, for a variety of reasons, truly deserving performances, contributions, or pictures. To view a compiled listing of the astonishing number of Great Films that were Nominated but Lost, or were Not Nominated at all, see Deserving Great Films Without Academy Awards® or Without Nominations. There are many great 'Best Pictures' Not Nominated for Best Picture. There's also an incredible list of Oscar-caliber performances that weren't nominated at Great Acting Performances That Weren't Nominated. Many Actors, Actresses, and Directors have also been denied Oscar nominations and wins.
History of Film and Film Milestones:
Other Great Films may also be found organized by their respective decades and years in the Greatest Films by Year/Decade section. The Cinematic History of Films for each decade is an informative, illustrated section providing a summary of general highlights, historical trends, and major films in each time period. Also included is an extensive Timeline of Influential Milestones and Turning Points in Film History. When combined with the section on Film Genres (see above) and the History of the Academy Awards, it is easily one of the most comprehensive histories of film located on the Web. See also the Greatest Visual and Special Effects Milestones in Film History, The Most Controversial Films of All-Time, Robots in Film (a comprehensive illustrated history), and Greatest Box-Office Bombs, Disasters, and Flops.
Film Terms Glossary:
In order to be knowledgeable about film-making, the vocabulary of film studies and the techniques of cinema, some of the most basic and common terms are defined in a Film-related and Film-making Glossary of Terms. Illustrations are provided with many of the terms, to help describe them more fully.
Film Searching:
Searching for film information (Who starred in ...?, Which film included...?, I'm looking for a film...?, etc.) can often be tedious or difficult. A section of this Web site is specifically designed to collect together in one place the Best Film Search Engines and sites for locating film information of all kinds. Further hints and tips can be located on the Frequently-Asked Questions page.
Other Film References:
Reference sources that have been used to supplement the material found at this site are suggested for other film buffs or researchers, and are found at Film References and Sources.
Reviews of Filmsite:
Filmsite has been given many favorable reviews and high praise from professional Web magazines, site directories, other Web site recommendations, film books, and Web search engines. And the site's author has been interviewed numerous times on various radio-talk shows, and has been quoted in newspaper articles (i.e., "War and film: Hollywood's view of war shifts with the times," Las Vegas Sun newspaper, March 24, 2003) Roger Ebert - Film Critic/Reviewer

For instance, Roger Ebert, former well-known film critic of the Chicago Sun Times, has referenced and linked to the site's reviews for Hitchcock's film Notorious and Hawks' Red River and many other films in his The Great Movies website and in some of the books of his four-part series: The Great Movies books. (See all of Roger Ebert's Greatest Films Honors and References here.)
Box-Office Greats:
Films have also been ranked by Box-office Grosses (domestic and worldwide). The All-Time 100 Box-Office Champs, even when adjusted for inflation, are not necessarily the greatest of films. Films must not be rated or judged solely by their Academy Awards® or Nominations, their ticket sales, rental receipts or the size and impact of their publicity campaigns. There is also a listing of the All-Time Top Films (by Decade and Year), Top 100 Films of All-Time (inflation-adjusted), and another related section on the Greatest Box-Office Bombs, Disasters, and Flops.
Film Reviews:
Choose from a complete All Film Reviews Index (A - Z) that includes every film review link - organized alphabetically. Also see reviews organized by Top Films by Decade, and Most Popular Films.
Use of Site and FAQs:
This site's Terms of Usage Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Frequently-Asked Questions are located in other sections, and contain information not available elsewhere throughout the site.

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