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This page is the place for all Galeacoma.
Galeacoma (GAY-LEE-UH-CO-MUH) are a genetically engineered species created by a human known as “The Curator”
The species was created by terraformer
Galeacoma Appearance
Galeacoma Society and World
List of Current Galeacoma
Current Galeacoma Artist:
I use the Gallery for the pretty stuff.
I use the scraps for all necessary information and references.
To Join our group, create and gain approval from Terraformer,
and put our icon : galeacoma icon : (without spaces) in your profile!
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Comments Earned: 74
Comments Made: 30
Journals: 3
Comments Made: 30
Journals: 3
Recent Journal
Jaink's testiment
13 years agoIt is not one's mask and wings that makes a Galeacoma who they are.
It is their creativity, ingenuity and courage to forge their own destiny. THAT is what make's a Galeacoma.