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Shi was quite the odd creature, standing 9 feet and 4 inches tall with a precision machined invar armature replacing hir left arm and with a brace of 9 fully prehensile tails above hir rear. Hir body was softer now than what people would previously have seen, hir hips now wider and softer with a larger rear and a belly thickened lightly with a layer of fat, the cause of which was hir being a mother now. Normally hir form was obscured by the dense segmented plates of hir sloped glacis armor and the soft black canvas that went under it for modesty. Plainly visible on hir neck was a wide thick collar of leather with cold hammered brass rivets holding studding it in a singular row that would circle the collar all the way around but for the polished and unreflective steel nameplate etched with hir own name.
Shi was quite the odd creature, standing 9 feet and 4 inches tall with a precision machined invar armature replacing hir left arm and with a brace of 9 fully prehensile tails above hir rear. Hir body was softer now than what people would previously have seen, hir hips now wider and softer with a larger rear and a belly thickened lightly with a layer of fat, the cause of which was hir being a mother now. Normally hir form was obscured by the dense segmented plates of hir sloped glacis armor and the soft black canvas that went under it for modesty. Plainly visible on hir neck was a wide thick collar of leather with cold hammered brass rivets holding studding it in a singular row that would circle the collar all the way around but for the polished and unreflective steel nameplate etched with hir own name.
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Vulpes Chthonae
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