"Smoke Alarm" The gods of nature tire of subtle warning; it seems we only respond to scripture written in fire. By then, it's too late.
I made this in response to local forest fires here in Colorado, and happened to finish right around California's tragic fires. This spring has been very dry, too...
If you enjoy my work, I'm much more active twitter @vantidart, Instagram @vantidart, and I have a new Patreon for supporting my constant drawing habit: https://www.patreon.com/vantid
I made this in response to local forest fires here in Colorado, and happened to finish right around California's tragic fires. This spring has been very dry, too...
If you enjoy my work, I'm much more active twitter @vantidart, Instagram @vantidart, and I have a new Patreon for supporting my constant drawing habit: https://www.patreon.com/vantid
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1275 x 826px
File Size 210.5 kB
Seems like theres been a fire here once a week for the last two months. Of course, its almost always Fort Carson's fault with their live fire exercises.
Ft Carson is indeed a prime culprit. But that arsonist they caught setting brush fires along 115 and elsewhere in the last couple weeks certainly wasn't helping the situation here in COS!
It's been SOooo dry this winter, this wuff's afraid that we're going to be looking at another critical year for the area. Hopefully nothing like Waldo Canyon or the Black Forest disasters crop up this year!
It's been SOooo dry this winter, this wuff's afraid that we're going to be looking at another critical year for the area. Hopefully nothing like Waldo Canyon or the Black Forest disasters crop up this year!
You know it! This wuff has so many fingers and toes crossed that Vrghr is in danger of falling on his snoot when he tries to walk! *grin*
Wuff's best friend here in COS had her home 100% destroyed when Waldo Canyon fire crested the ridge and roared down onto the N.W. sections of the city. And those photos they released of the recent fire out toward Falcon are nothing if not scary!! Did you see how close some of that got to the homes out there!
Kudos to that guy with the grader and the emergency responders that literally set up individual perimeters around some of those homes!
Wuff's best friend here in COS had her home 100% destroyed when Waldo Canyon fire crested the ridge and roared down onto the N.W. sections of the city. And those photos they released of the recent fire out toward Falcon are nothing if not scary!! Did you see how close some of that got to the homes out there!
Kudos to that guy with the grader and the emergency responders that literally set up individual perimeters around some of those homes!
Walking around my brother's neighborhood, after the Santa Rosa fire was a bit eerie. He was lucky. Many of his neighbors less so.
This is so very fine... and yes - we do rather ignore nature until it's too late...
This may be your most emotionally-striking illustration yet. In my opinion, there's nothing closer to "hell on earth" than a full-scale forest fire. You did a great job recreating this infernal atmosphere with violent splashes of hot and cold colours.
I honestly almost felt sick looking at the flames; that's how much of an impact your illustration had on me.
I honestly almost felt sick looking at the flames; that's how much of an impact your illustration had on me.
Beautiful work!
You're welcome to have some of our rain.... (please take it, we're drowning) ;-;
You're welcome to have some of our rain.... (please take it, we're drowning) ;-;
you can borrow a little of the rain in seattle, it was POURING this afternoon!
*hugs* love your artwork. so much emotion, and story.
*hugs* love your artwork. so much emotion, and story.
Honestly the most incredible piece you've done, and my absolute favorite. Incredibly mind blowing work here.
A magnificent work. Great details and expression. Feels like is real.