as Sable set up to be working on the Roboticizer I thought why not add Tex in so here the bio story of Sable, Tex and Sister.
Name: Sable
Race: Wolf
age: 24
likes: machines building things helping others upgrading machines and her friends. "use to like Eggman"
Dislikes: Eggman being stabbed in the back, people not listening to her warnings, people getting in her way.
tools: any tech she can get her hands on.
weapons: the original metal Virus or to its original name "L,M Roboticizer" "Liquid metal" her omitool robot gloves.
Name: Sister/Sable
Race: robian wolf
Age: looks 24 but is only months old, as she a clone of Sable
Likes: machines building things helping others upgrading machines and her friends.
Dislikes: Eggman being stabbed in the back, people not listening to her warnings, people getting in her way.
Tools: anything that Sable gets her hands on
Weapons: She is a weapon a robian robot that fast strong
name: Tex/Sable
Race: latex Robot clothes wolf
age: looks 24 but only months as she a robot made with a nanit metal latex, who has a brain copy of Sable.
likes: learning and being close to her friends.
dislikes: Eggman, anyone harming her friends
Tools: her nanits of her clothes body.
Weapons: herself if she need to make them she make them out of her body, blades claws sharp things only.
their Story:
many years ago, when Sable as young and Eggman starting out, with the Roboticizer, he captured Sable's home and roboticize almost everyone in the town.
Sable was not but she remain close to her mum and dad who was now robians, yet some how thought they was robots now they still take care of sable.
one day Gun attack the town and took out every robot and robian, the kids there cried and keep telling the soldiers the robots was their family.
the soldiers didn't listen until they saw some of the robians was kids, when they learn this they had just killed the familys of many mobians, they took all the kids and made a rule to capture the robians from now on.
at this point Sable meet 2 people who will become her good friends, Cipher and Starline, the 3 stuck together and work on many machines looking at the junk that use to be Eggman's robots, sable look at the parts that was robians noting how they work.
the 3 saw Doctor Eggman Ivo Robotnik as an ideal, some years later Sable was able to join Eggman's army and she started to work on The Roboticizer, as for some reason all robians was back to normal and no one could be change into a robot again.
after some months sable learn the power stones that was in Pinball MT' where Eggman got them for the Roboticizer power cores that Sonic and his friends did a overload causing a wave to go over the full world that DE-roboticize and made a protective field.
meaning no one could be roboticize anymore the normal way, Sable tried many ways to fix it but one thing hit her, what if the field doesn't effect a small part, so she made a Roboticizer with a cloner system, she took some of her own blood and she watch as the machine build a robot clone of her from her own blood.
the "Clone Roboticizer" worked a full grown robian copy of her, they was ideal the same even in mind, but they both was Sable so the original calls her clone Sister, as her name and cause she always wanted a real sister.
she show this to Eggman but he was not happy, for one she had free will and he couldn't control her also it take a lot of work to remove their free will.
with that project turn down she begin again, this time if she want control then why not it be a armor type, she then work on nanits little machines as the start, she then thought it should be best if they could move easy so she use Latex with the nanits to make a metal Latex type of cloth.
she work for months on this making the latex metal cloth then making a full body suit like using her own body shape to make it, then she set up a hive mind in all the nanits part of it, and thenwith 2 hands full of nanits she set up a copy of her brain patten into them to be the controller, to make it easier.
the suit came to life, thought hollow inside it was like a phantom inside of its own will, if anyone was to it, air could bypass but also the metal latex could adjust it from making claws blades, as well make openings for a month or other things.
the first test was infecting other clothes, which work changing other set of clothes into what it was, yet as no one was waring them the metal latex unit took them into herself.
when Sable shown this to Eggman saying she can control anyone waring the metal latex suits, he like it but he wanted control not some one other than himself, so it was back to the drawing bored.
Sable named the metal latex, "TEX" for it was kind of ideal for her.
next Sable begin to work on the nanits idea more, thinking that the best place to start with.
She work and work until she made a vat of nanits that all share a program but waiting for orders, she then set up her DNA to some and was able to control it easy, the idea was to link this version to a person DNA and it become their armor a living organic robot.
yet when Eggman saw this, he was not happy as it would let each person still be having their free will, but as Eggman look at it he thought why not make it more virus like, the liquid metal to infect others by touch and override their brains to be controlled.
sable explain that type of programing is dangerous as the infection part would cause errors in the programing and a control system would not be ideal unless some was set upas the hive mind, meaning eggman would have to let it infect him first with a hive mind setting.
Eggman didn't like that but he thought he could fix any errors later, so he took the program files and set it aside for a later day.
When Eggman let the metal virus out Sable was angry, he took it and alt it to what she told him not to do, at this time she had made a new friend named Wrench who was a victom of one of Eggman's attacks on a town, Wrench lost her arm and using her Robotic know how of Robian's Sable made her a new arm.
as the Metal Virus going every where in the world, Sable took her own Liquid metal and use the full version on herself, she became like the ones in the Metal virus but she was not.
she became a pure machine nothing organic left behind, as it only had her dna program in it she took the full vat into herself.
Sable, Sister and Tex protected Wrench from the Metal Virus, and when some touch her, sable was able to remove it completely thank to her new from.
sometime later Sonic and friends stop the metal virus, at this time Sable said she quit working for Eggman, but they need a place to work, she hack into the Eggnet to see if she can steal one of his base's when she noted one base missing, as Sable has a good mind she remember every file and name.
Eggman base Sigma was missing from the files.
Sable was setting up to go there when she meet a old friend, "Cipher the owl" the 2 talked and then Sable ask would Cipher mind checking out the eggman Sigma base for her, she agreed and headed off.
sable then set off once she got word from Cipher "WHO" was in control of it.
on the way Sister detected a hidden base, and they check it out to find people who was being turn into weapons, they check the files finding out this project was known as the CyRogues.
sable freed them and took them with her, as they head to Eggman Sigma base, they meet up with Cipher close by and set up a plan, Sable let some of her new friends attack the base as she would walk in with Sister to Meet an old friend Starline.
"Rest of this story play out in the mini comic "A Sable Future"
Cipher the owl belong to Skullxcake
I hope everyone like the image and story of Sable, Sister and Tex ^^ guess you could call them the Roboticize sisters
Name: Sable
Race: Wolf
age: 24
likes: machines building things helping others upgrading machines and her friends. "use to like Eggman"
Dislikes: Eggman being stabbed in the back, people not listening to her warnings, people getting in her way.
tools: any tech she can get her hands on.
weapons: the original metal Virus or to its original name "L,M Roboticizer" "Liquid metal" her omitool robot gloves.
Name: Sister/Sable
Race: robian wolf
Age: looks 24 but is only months old, as she a clone of Sable
Likes: machines building things helping others upgrading machines and her friends.
Dislikes: Eggman being stabbed in the back, people not listening to her warnings, people getting in her way.
Tools: anything that Sable gets her hands on
Weapons: She is a weapon a robian robot that fast strong
name: Tex/Sable
Race: latex Robot clothes wolf
age: looks 24 but only months as she a robot made with a nanit metal latex, who has a brain copy of Sable.
likes: learning and being close to her friends.
dislikes: Eggman, anyone harming her friends
Tools: her nanits of her clothes body.
Weapons: herself if she need to make them she make them out of her body, blades claws sharp things only.
their Story:
many years ago, when Sable as young and Eggman starting out, with the Roboticizer, he captured Sable's home and roboticize almost everyone in the town.
Sable was not but she remain close to her mum and dad who was now robians, yet some how thought they was robots now they still take care of sable.
one day Gun attack the town and took out every robot and robian, the kids there cried and keep telling the soldiers the robots was their family.
the soldiers didn't listen until they saw some of the robians was kids, when they learn this they had just killed the familys of many mobians, they took all the kids and made a rule to capture the robians from now on.
at this point Sable meet 2 people who will become her good friends, Cipher and Starline, the 3 stuck together and work on many machines looking at the junk that use to be Eggman's robots, sable look at the parts that was robians noting how they work.
the 3 saw Doctor Eggman Ivo Robotnik as an ideal, some years later Sable was able to join Eggman's army and she started to work on The Roboticizer, as for some reason all robians was back to normal and no one could be change into a robot again.
after some months sable learn the power stones that was in Pinball MT' where Eggman got them for the Roboticizer power cores that Sonic and his friends did a overload causing a wave to go over the full world that DE-roboticize and made a protective field.
meaning no one could be roboticize anymore the normal way, Sable tried many ways to fix it but one thing hit her, what if the field doesn't effect a small part, so she made a Roboticizer with a cloner system, she took some of her own blood and she watch as the machine build a robot clone of her from her own blood.
the "Clone Roboticizer" worked a full grown robian copy of her, they was ideal the same even in mind, but they both was Sable so the original calls her clone Sister, as her name and cause she always wanted a real sister.
she show this to Eggman but he was not happy, for one she had free will and he couldn't control her also it take a lot of work to remove their free will.
with that project turn down she begin again, this time if she want control then why not it be a armor type, she then work on nanits little machines as the start, she then thought it should be best if they could move easy so she use Latex with the nanits to make a metal Latex type of cloth.
she work for months on this making the latex metal cloth then making a full body suit like using her own body shape to make it, then she set up a hive mind in all the nanits part of it, and thenwith 2 hands full of nanits she set up a copy of her brain patten into them to be the controller, to make it easier.
the suit came to life, thought hollow inside it was like a phantom inside of its own will, if anyone was to it, air could bypass but also the metal latex could adjust it from making claws blades, as well make openings for a month or other things.
the first test was infecting other clothes, which work changing other set of clothes into what it was, yet as no one was waring them the metal latex unit took them into herself.
when Sable shown this to Eggman saying she can control anyone waring the metal latex suits, he like it but he wanted control not some one other than himself, so it was back to the drawing bored.
Sable named the metal latex, "TEX" for it was kind of ideal for her.
next Sable begin to work on the nanits idea more, thinking that the best place to start with.
She work and work until she made a vat of nanits that all share a program but waiting for orders, she then set up her DNA to some and was able to control it easy, the idea was to link this version to a person DNA and it become their armor a living organic robot.
yet when Eggman saw this, he was not happy as it would let each person still be having their free will, but as Eggman look at it he thought why not make it more virus like, the liquid metal to infect others by touch and override their brains to be controlled.
sable explain that type of programing is dangerous as the infection part would cause errors in the programing and a control system would not be ideal unless some was set upas the hive mind, meaning eggman would have to let it infect him first with a hive mind setting.
Eggman didn't like that but he thought he could fix any errors later, so he took the program files and set it aside for a later day.
When Eggman let the metal virus out Sable was angry, he took it and alt it to what she told him not to do, at this time she had made a new friend named Wrench who was a victom of one of Eggman's attacks on a town, Wrench lost her arm and using her Robotic know how of Robian's Sable made her a new arm.
as the Metal Virus going every where in the world, Sable took her own Liquid metal and use the full version on herself, she became like the ones in the Metal virus but she was not.
she became a pure machine nothing organic left behind, as it only had her dna program in it she took the full vat into herself.
Sable, Sister and Tex protected Wrench from the Metal Virus, and when some touch her, sable was able to remove it completely thank to her new from.
sometime later Sonic and friends stop the metal virus, at this time Sable said she quit working for Eggman, but they need a place to work, she hack into the Eggnet to see if she can steal one of his base's when she noted one base missing, as Sable has a good mind she remember every file and name.
Eggman base Sigma was missing from the files.
Sable was setting up to go there when she meet a old friend, "Cipher the owl" the 2 talked and then Sable ask would Cipher mind checking out the eggman Sigma base for her, she agreed and headed off.
sable then set off once she got word from Cipher "WHO" was in control of it.
on the way Sister detected a hidden base, and they check it out to find people who was being turn into weapons, they check the files finding out this project was known as the CyRogues.
sable freed them and took them with her, as they head to Eggman Sigma base, they meet up with Cipher close by and set up a plan, Sable let some of her new friends attack the base as she would walk in with Sister to Meet an old friend Starline.
"Rest of this story play out in the mini comic "A Sable Future"
Cipher the owl belong to Skullxcake
I hope everyone like the image and story of Sable, Sister and Tex ^^ guess you could call them the Roboticize sisters
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
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Size 1280 x 1188px
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